
how to store PostgreSQL jsonb using SpringBoot + JPA?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-03 04:00:40
I'm working on a migration software that will consume unknown data from REST services. I already think about use MongoDB but I decide to not use it and use PostgreSQL. After read this I'm trying to implement it in my SpringBoot app using Spring JPA but I don't know to map jsonb in my entity. Tried this but understood nothing! Here is where I am: @Repository @Transactional public interface DnitRepository extends JpaRepository<Dnit, Long> { @Query(value = "insert into dnit(id,data) VALUES (:id,:data)", nativeQuery = true) void insertdata( @Param("id")Integer id,@Param("data") String data ); }

add index on jsonb field

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-03 03:32:46
I need to search over the values of an array key of jsonb field in Postgres. field: {'array_key' : [1, 2, 3, 4]} Is it possible to add index on array_key or is there any optimized method to search over the values ? search query will be something like select * where field['array_key'].include?(2) You can create index on jsonb keys as, add_index :table_name, :field, :using => :gin, :expression => "(field->'array_key')", :name => 'index_table_name_on_field_array_keys' Then, you can search over indexed keys as, where("table_name.field->'array_keys' @> ?", Array(2)) given that you have a 'pictures'

Postgresql json like query

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-03 02:06:50
I have the following table called module_data. Currently it has three rows of entries: id data 0ab5203b-9157-4934-8aba-1512afb0abd0 {"title":"Board of Supervisors Meeting","id":"1i3Ytw1mw98"} 7ee33a18-63da-4432-8967-bde5a44347a0 {"title":"Board of Supervisors Meeting","id":"4-dNAg2mn6o"} 8d71ca35-74eb-4751-b635-114bf04843f1 {"title":"COPD 101", "id":"l9O0jCR-sxg"} Column data's datatype is jsonb . I'm trying to query it using like operator. Something like the following: SELECT * FROM module_data WHERE title LIKE '%Board%'; I've been looking at the jsonb support and there doesn't seem to be a

Postgresql JSONB is coming. What to use now? Hstore? JSON? EAV?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-02 17:12:08
After going through the relational DB/NoSQL research debate, I've come to the conclusion that I will be moving forward with PG as my data store. A big part of that decision was the announcement of JSONB coming to 9.4. My question is what should I do now, building an application from the ground up knowing that I want to migrate to (I mean use right now!) jsonb? The DaaS options for me are going to be running 9.3 for a while. From what I can tell, and correct me if I'm wrong, hstore would run quite a bit faster since I'll be doing a lot of queries of many keys in the hstore column and if I were

阿里云推PostgreSQL 10 高可用版

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-02 17:01:07
摘要: 近日,阿里云重磅发布PostgreSQL 10 高可用本地SSD盘版,相比原 9.4 版本又新增了JSONB、BRIN索引、GROUPING SETS/CUBE/ROLLUP、UPSERT等多项功能。 2015年,阿里云宣布正式推出RDS for PostgreSQL服务,届时,阿里云成为国内首家同时支持MySQL、SQL Server 和PostgreSQL关系型数据库的云计算服务商。 用户在云上就能享受PostgreSQL引擎带来的对SQL标准和NoSQL的高度兼容、强大的处理复杂查询能力、以及丰富的插件支持等特性,同时还能大幅节省运维成本和硬件投入。 转眼到现在,已经是阿里云支持 PostgreSQL的第四年。 阿里云云数据库RDS for PostgreSQL成为了一款兼具轻松处理空间信息、强大NoSQL兼容、支持全文搜索、支持OSS云存储扩展、支持数据仓库数据共享等诸多功能于一身的实用数据库,无论是在OSS存储空间扩展以节省存储成本,还是整合JSON、GIS、IP网络类型处理的IoT业务上都有不俗的表现。 近日,阿里云重磅发布PostgreSQL 10 高可用本地SSD盘版,相比原 9.4 版本又新增了JSONB、BRIN索引、GROUPING SETS/CUBE/ROLLUP、UPSERT等多项功能。 PostgreSQL 10 高可用版支持并行顺序扫描

重磅发布!阿里云推PostgreSQL 10 高可用版

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-02 17:00:55
2015年,阿里云宣布正式推出RDS for PostgreSQL服务,届时,阿里云成为国内首家同时支持MySQL、SQL Server 和PostgreSQL关系型数据库的云计算服务商。 用户在云上就能享受PostgreSQL引擎带来的对SQL标准和NoSQL的高度兼容、强大的处理复杂查询能力、以及丰富的插件支持等特性,同时还能大幅节省运维成本和硬件投入。 转眼到现在,已经是阿里云支持 PostgreSQL的第四年。 阿里云云数据库RDS for PostgreSQL成为了一款兼具轻松处理空间信息、强大NoSQL兼容、支持全文搜索、支持OSS云存储扩展、支持数据仓库数据共享等诸多功能于一身的实用数据库,无论是在OSS存储空间扩展以节省存储成本,还是整合JSON、GIS、IP网络类型处理的IoT业务上都有不俗的表现。 近日,阿里云重磅发布PostgreSQL 10 高可用本地SSD盘版,相比原 9.4 版本又新增了JSONB、BRIN索引、GROUPING SETS/CUBE/ROLLUP、UPSERT等多项功能。 PostgreSQL 10 高可用版支持并行顺序扫描、联合和聚合,新版本同时支持词组的全文检索提高处理性能。避免“二次冻结”过期数据实现减少对大表的自动清理数据的影响。 PostgreSQL在拥有一系列优势的同时,对用户来说也存在痛点,比如在管理上存在一定的复杂度

Composite JSONB array query in Postgres?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-02 13:48:18
问题 Table: test , JSONB column: content : create table test (id bigserial primary key, content jsonb); content contains a list of fixed-length lists: insert into test values (1, '[["first 1", "second 3"]]'); insert into test values (2, '[["first 1", "second 2"], ["first 2", "second 3"]]'); insert into test values (3, '[["first 1", "second 2"], ["first 1", "second 3"]]'); insert into test values (4, '[["first 2", "second 3"], ["first 1", "second 2"], ["first 1", "second 2"]]'); What's the correct

Status 400 and Error deserializing List of Objects. No default constructor found

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-02 10:55:56
I have this Spring Repository: public interface MessageRepository extends CrudRepository<MessageObject, String>{ public List<MessageObject> findByEmisorOrDestinatario(String emisor, String destinatario); } My DAO is: @Entity @Table(name = "messages") public class MessageObject implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id private String id; private String emisor; private String destinatario; private String mensaje; private String tipo; @JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd") private LocalDate fecha; private String id_housing; public MessageObject() { } Now in my

PostgreSQL jsonb value in WHERE BETWEEN clause

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-02 09:42:46
问题 I've got jsonb field in my database table (a_table) with int value within, say: { "abc":{ "def":{ "ghk":500 } } } I'm about to create SELECT with filter by this field ("ghk") using WHERE clause: SELECT * FROM a_table WHERE ghk BETWEEN 0 AND 1000; How should i create such a query? Couldn't find good tutorial for jsonb usage so far. Thanks in advance! EDIT I found this solution: SELECT * FROM a_table WHERE a_field #> '{abc,def,ghk}' BETWEEN '0' AND '10000' ; Is it correct? 回答1: The #> returns a

How to reorder array in JSONB type column

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-02 07:33:37
问题 In PostgreSQL table, a JSONB type column, and the value stored inside is an array [3,6,78,1] . What should I do to reorder it like [1,3,6,78] ? 回答1: Unnest the array with jsonb_array_elements() and aggregate its sorted elements using jsonb_agg() : with the_data(val) as (values ('[3,6,78,1]'::jsonb)) select jsonb_agg(elem order by elem) as val from the_data cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(val) as arr(elem); val --------------- [1, 3, 6, 78] (1 row) You can use the query in a custom