
Automatically open filtered collapsible set items - Jquery mobile

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-11 02:34:15
问题 I've created a a simple page which has a jquery data-filter applied to collapsible set items (please see jsfiddle and code below). The collapsible set items are closed initially. I want to be able to enter a word into the filter box and have the matching collapsible set items automatically opened when they are returned? I can't find anything in the docs that will help me. Any ideas? http://jsfiddle.net/mikewilsonuk/xpaGE/ <head> <title>JQM latest</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name=

jQuery mobile cannot refresh the collapsibleset

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-10 16:55:35
问题 I am creating an application using jQuery mobile and loading its menu and pages form wordpress throw jsonp. I am loding its menu in the form of collapsibleset and listview but i keep on getting errors. when I try to refresh the collapsibleset by this code $(".childnev").html(list); $.mobile.loading( 'hide'); $('.popupmenu').slideToggle('slow'); $(".childnev").collapsibleset('refresh'); $(".childsublist").listview().listview('refresh'); It gives me this error Error: cannot call methods on

Page background image moves and stretch with collapsible set in jQuery mobile 1.4.0

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-08 01:59:10
问题 I have a Collapsible set in my jQuery mobile app , the problem is that when I added a background image for the Page as I expand , close the collapsible the background image is stretch and moves with collapsibles , When i removed these lines from my css : background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; this prolem has solved but this has caused another big problem which is that when I expand a collapsible and then close it the background will shrink " move to up with the collapsibe

Comparing objects between 2 nested arrays in Angularjs and display respective matching data

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-07 05:32:18
问题 I'm having two arrays : first one is empdata holding empid and events attended by that employee, then second array is holding event details. I need to compare empid from array with user input and display particular event details attended by respective employee using collapsible jQuery . Find total price also. $scope.empdata=[]; $scope.data = []; //first array data $scope.empdata.push({ empid:'empid_1', events:[{ event:'First Event' }, { event:'Second Event' } ]}) $scope.empdata.push({ empid:

JQuery Mobile Collapsable Slide Transition

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-06 15:44:23
问题 Has anyone been able to add a slide transition to the JQuery Collapsible property? I am trying to make a list that is collapsable with data-inset="false" , and when the user taps the menu item, the collapsed section slides out. Here is an example of what I am trying to do (but with JQuery Mobile instead), however, in this example, the transition is not as smooth as I would like it: http://www.designgala.com/demos/collapse-expand-jquery.html Ideas? Note: I have seen other posts with a similar

Page background image moves and stretch with collapsible set in jQuery mobile 1.4.0

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-06 08:15:49
I have a Collapsible set in my jQuery mobile app , the problem is that when I added a background image for the Page as I expand , close the collapsible the background image is stretch and moves with collapsibles , When i removed these lines from my css : background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; this prolem has solved but this has caused another big problem which is that when I expand a collapsible and then close it the background will shrink " move to up with the collapsibe "and the page part beneath this collapsible becomes without a background "transparent " this happens on

Comparing objects between 2 nested arrays in Angularjs and display respective matching data

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-05 12:05:06
I'm having two arrays : first one is empdata holding empid and events attended by that employee, then second array is holding event details. I need to compare empid from array with user input and display particular event details attended by respective employee using collapsible jQuery . Find total price also. $scope.empdata=[]; $scope.data = []; //first array data $scope.empdata.push({ empid:'empid_1', events:[{ event:'First Event' }, { event:'Second Event' } ]}) $scope.empdata.push({ empid:'empid_2', events:[{ event:'First Event' }, { event:'Second Event' }, { event:'Third Event' }] }) /

JQuery Mobile Collapsable Slide Transition

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-04 21:06:45
Has anyone been able to add a slide transition to the JQuery Collapsible property? I am trying to make a list that is collapsable with data-inset="false" , and when the user taps the menu item, the collapsed section slides out. Here is an example of what I am trying to do (but with JQuery Mobile instead), however, in this example, the transition is not as smooth as I would like it: http://www.designgala.com/demos/collapse-expand-jquery.html Ideas? Note: I have seen other posts with a similar objective, however, none of the posts used the transition I described, they used a fade. Here's a very

Custom animation for collapsible set not working in jQuerymobile 1.4.0

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-04 18:57:49
I have the following collapsible set in my jQuery mobile 1.4.0 App, I need to add an animation to this collapsible set when its expanded and closed , I have tried this code and its working ok in jsfiddle ,this is my jsfiddle ,but The problem is that the animation didn't work on my app with jquery mobile 1.4.0 . How can i make this animation works on jQuery mobile 1.4.0? please help me .. the javascript code for animation <script> $('document').on('pageinit',function(){ animateCollapsibleSet($("[data-role='collapsible-set'] > [data-role='collapsible']")); }); // animation speed; var

How do I restrict a collapsible item to stay expanded unless i click the other collapsible items to expand but not the collapsible item itself

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-01 11:28:36
I am working on a mobile website and using jquerymobile. I have 4 collapsible items in an accordion. I want to have one of the items to stay expanded. If i click the expanded item, it is collapsed (i do not want to collapse this item). If i click any other collapsed item, the last expanded item is collapsed (thats ok). I will appreciate your help. The dynamic javascript code for accordion categories is given bellow: function create-accordion(categories) { category_array = categories; jQuery.each(categories, function( index, value ) { var div = '<div data-role="collapsible" class="custom