
Filters + Search with Isotopes Breaks Search?

大憨熊 提交于 2020-02-03 03:58:06
问题 I am using Isotopes (v1) and have created a search field following an example in a Pen. Initially it works, however, if I filter the Isotope gallery then the search field stops working. I believe the search function still runs just doesn't filter the gallery and I am unsure how to fix the problem. In fact I am unsure what the exact problem is as no errors are thrown. Here is a Fiddle with a working example. Here is the search, filter and isotope JavaScript: var $container = $('.isotope'),

How can I implement a 'category filter' in Angular2

不问归期 提交于 2020-01-23 02:38:06
问题 Scenario In an Angular2 app, I have some code in a component's view parent.component.html looping through an array of items and outputting each item as a new component: <div class="list-items"> <!-- In the attached image, this is displayed as a coloured card --> <app-item *ngFor="let item of items" [item]="item"></app-list-slide> </div> Each item has a category key which is an array of ids (corresponding to the id of each category in a separate list). // Item JSON [ { "id": 1, "imageUrl":

Use Jquery Isotope to filter Fancybox gallery

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-01-17 06:00:23
问题 I'm trying to use Isotope to filter my gallery down to categories and then open up FancyBox and only have the filtered categories be presented in Fancybox. Here is my code: HTML <div class="filters"> <div class="ui-group"> <div class="button-group js-radio-button-group" data-filter-group="color"> <button class="button" data-filter="*">ALL</button>| <button class="button" data-filter=".wedding">WEDDINGS</button>| <button class="button" data-filter=".concert">CONCERT/SHOWS</button>| <button

Isotope Filtering - Issues when reset to start position

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-16 09:27:08
问题 I have built a Isotope grid layout to display projects, which also uses the Isotope filtering to sort through the projects quicker. The filtering works fine until you try to put the dropdowns back to their default position "All Services" & "All Sectors". Then all the projects are hidden, when they should all be displayed. http://www.ellyon.co.uk/wp/projects/ EDIT: Is it possibly a Jquery conflict? I've added my functions.php as im not 100% sure ive added scripts correctly. functions.php

Isotope grid breaks on browser resize

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-01-16 03:17:27
问题 I am trying to create a 3 column grid using Twitter Bootstrap and Isotope. However, when I resize the browser to be narrow enough to force the layout into a single column mode, isotope fails leaving large vertical and horizontal spaces. Normal when not one column Broken when one column As you can see in the above image, there are large vertical spaces and also the first cell doesn't expand to 100% width. Here's my Codepen. HTML: <html lang="en" class=""> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title

Click events from two scripts on same element?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-06 05:43:07
问题 Edit: I think I got the solution! I want to try and fix this myself before I ask for further help = ) First script inhibits the second one from functioning as the click event from the first one overides the second one. Because the second one does not function it is impossible to open the drop down menu to select a list item to trigger the first scripts click. What I tried was replacing all return false statements with event.stopPropagation(). Didnt work however. Tried re-ordering my scripts

Isotope combination filter display, I want to split the text array into divs

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-01-06 00:00:31
问题 I have a page using isotope filter plugin. The filter is triggered by checkbox. The filtering works, and the filter count works. I want to print what filter is applied and also be able to "uncheck" the filter checkbox if I click the printed filter value. The $filterdisplay is working, but its a string seperated by commas. I want to split the string into clickable divs that would unfilter the filter selected. I tried splitting the array into divs but it caused the printed value to fire more

Isotope combination filter display, I want to split the text array into divs

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-01-05 23:59:11
问题 I have a page using isotope filter plugin. The filter is triggered by checkbox. The filtering works, and the filter count works. I want to print what filter is applied and also be able to "uncheck" the filter checkbox if I click the printed filter value. The $filterdisplay is working, but its a string seperated by commas. I want to split the string into clickable divs that would unfilter the filter selected. I tried splitting the array into divs but it caused the printed value to fire more

jQuery Object expected in Internet Explorer (IE8 and -)

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-01-05 07:47:13
问题 I get the following error message on IE8 and under: Object expected. It works OK with all other browsers. The site is http://www.gablabelle.com/ But I can't find what's wrong. var layoutI = 0; var $container = $("#stream"); var $window = $(window); function reLayout(){ var mediaQueryId = getComputedStyle( document.body, ':after' ).getPropertyValue('content'); var mediaQueryId = mediaQueryId.replace( /"/g, '' ); var windowSize = $window.width(); var masonryOpts; switch ( mediaQueryId ) { case

jQuery Object expected in Internet Explorer (IE8 and -)

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-01-05 07:47:13
问题 I get the following error message on IE8 and under: Object expected. It works OK with all other browsers. The site is http://www.gablabelle.com/ But I can't find what's wrong. var layoutI = 0; var $container = $("#stream"); var $window = $(window); function reLayout(){ var mediaQueryId = getComputedStyle( document.body, ':after' ).getPropertyValue('content'); var mediaQueryId = mediaQueryId.replace( /"/g, '' ); var windowSize = $window.width(); var masonryOpts; switch ( mediaQueryId ) { case