
Start search after 2 character typed in Chosen drop down

烂漫一生 提交于 2021-02-07 20:02:40
问题 In Chosen drop down plugin, a search is started after 2 characters are typed in chosen drop down. I need the search to not start until after inputing at least two characters in the search box. Can any one suggest how to do this? 回答1: I did a small change to start to search after the third character, is not the best option but works, in the chosen JS in the AbstractChosen.prototype.winnow_results function after the line searchText = this.get_search_text(); add the following code: if

Width of Chosen dropdowns near zero when starting in collapsed Bootstrap accordion

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-06-25 07:31:36
问题 When a Chosen dropdown is inside a Bootstrap 3 accordion that's initially hidden , then the width of the dropdown is near zero . After expanding it looks like this: Whereas I expect it to look like this: The problem occurs when the panel-collapse collapse div does not have an in class,effectively indicating it's initially collapsed. Here's the code to reproduce this issue: $(document).ready(function() { $('select').chosen(); }); .panel-heading { cursor: pointer; } body { padding: 10px; }

jQuery Chosen plugin update issue after AJAX call

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-05-16 07:48:25
问题 I'm having an issue with the jquery-chosenplugin not applying to a control that is rebuilt by an ajaxcall. I've looked around at other suggestions but don't seemed to have found a working answer. I'm using jquery3.2.1 and jquery-chosen1.8.2 My htmlpage is built in phpand upon first output everything is fine e.g: <div id="leveldiv"> <p> <label for="fk_level">Level</label> <select name="fk_level" class="chosen-select" id="fk_level" title="Level"><option value="0" selected = "selected">None<

Chosen-select displaying multiple values from an array with one value

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-01-25 08:55:07
问题 I'm currently using the Jquery Chosen plugin: https://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/ It's great, but I'm having an unusual problem that I'm struggling to track down! My scenario is as follows: Create a form entry Store form entry in a database Edit form entry Retrieve stored information from database and display it. I can do steps 1-3 without any issues. The problem is introduced on step 4. When I return the values from the database and bind the data to the field, if there is only 1 value in the

How do I select all options in a jQuery Chosen multi-select AFTER search filtering?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-23 18:50:54
问题 Title pretty much says it all. I have several select boxes on a page, all dynamically generated in an ASP.NET webform, some with hundreds of options. I'd like to be able to type in a search string and then select all entries that match. It's easy to select all and deselect all using javascript on the base select control and then calling $('#control-id').trigger('chosen:update'); but I am having issues when trying to only select the options matching the search filter. I'm not picky as to how

How do I select all options in a jQuery Chosen multi-select AFTER search filtering?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-23 18:50:33
问题 Title pretty much says it all. I have several select boxes on a page, all dynamically generated in an ASP.NET webform, some with hundreds of options. I'd like to be able to type in a search string and then select all entries that match. It's easy to select all and deselect all using javascript on the base select control and then calling $('#control-id').trigger('chosen:update'); but I am having issues when trying to only select the options matching the search filter. I'm not picky as to how

How do I select all options in a jQuery Chosen multi-select AFTER search filtering?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-01-23 18:49:47
问题 Title pretty much says it all. I have several select boxes on a page, all dynamically generated in an ASP.NET webform, some with hundreds of options. I'd like to be able to type in a search string and then select all entries that match. It's easy to select all and deselect all using javascript on the base select control and then calling $('#control-id').trigger('chosen:update'); but I am having issues when trying to only select the options matching the search filter. I'm not picky as to how

Tooltips for each option of Chosen jQuery plugin

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-23 16:23:06
问题 I use Chosen jQuery plugin. How can I show a tooltip when the mouse pointer is on some option? UPDATED: Please notice, that my main question is about a tooltip for an OPTION. Not for whole "combobox". 回答1: Easiest solution I could come up with was to make chosen respect the title attribute on original <option> tags because there doesn't seem to be a good way to alter the format of the DOM. Edit chosen.jquery.js (version 1.0.0): Around line 55: add the title to the this.parsed array: html:

Tooltips for each option of Chosen jQuery plugin

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-01-23 16:22:44
问题 I use Chosen jQuery plugin. How can I show a tooltip when the mouse pointer is on some option? UPDATED: Please notice, that my main question is about a tooltip for an OPTION. Not for whole "combobox". 回答1: Easiest solution I could come up with was to make chosen respect the title attribute on original <option> tags because there doesn't seem to be a good way to alter the format of the DOM. Edit chosen.jquery.js (version 1.0.0): Around line 55: add the title to the this.parsed array: html:

Select tag with 1000 options - performance hit

你。 提交于 2020-01-14 14:16:28
问题 I am using a plugin called Chosen which basically adds searching to a select html object. I load the results from an ajax page. However I have a lot of options appended to the select tag - around a thousand. Maybe it is the chosen plugin, but having a 1000 options does seem a bit laggy. How is this gonna affect performance and what are the workarounds? 回答1: Instead of <select> you could use <input> + <datalist> , that handles 1000+ options pretty well. jsfiddle <input type="text" list="your