Artifactory AQL download artifact
Is there a way to download an artifact using AQL? I have a query sent with: curl -u user:pass \ -X POST https://artifactoryURL/artifactory/api/search/aql \ -H 'content-type: text/plain' \ -T query.aql And my query.aql : items.find( { "repo":{"$eq":"repo"}, "$and": [ { "path": { "$match": "path/*"}, "name": { "$match": "*.rpm"} } ] } ) .sort({ "$desc": ["modified"] }) .limit(1) Now that I know it returns what I want, Is there a way to change the request from api/search/aql to something like api/download/aql and get those items? EDIT: I had also tried doing this with the jfrog cli but they don't