
Disconnect or connect an iPhone call programmatically

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-11-30 18:04:31
问题 I'm working on a personal tweak for iOS. I want to disconnect/connect a phone call before the phone would show anything. I'm hooking into the initWithAlertController: method of class SBUIFullscreenAlertAdapter . Everything is okay when I just show a message that shows the incoming phone number and its name, but when i try to answer the phone call or disconnect it programmatically, it will crash and go to safe mode. Here is my code: @interface SBUIFullscreenAlertAdapter - (id

Hook in CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol

北城以北 提交于 2019-11-30 16:45:29
I have a problem from 3 days :( I want to hook in CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol this method: - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations I tried everything but without success. I know how to hook into class or framework but I can't find a solution to hook a Delegate. Please help me! Thanks Hooking requires you to provide objective-C class you would like to hook. This is what Class type is for. One way to get obj-c class is by name via objc_getClass function. But in your case as I understand it correctly you don't have the name. You want to

Get path to iOS application based on name or bundle identifier

孤人 提交于 2019-11-30 15:26:41
问题 Is there an easier way to get the path to an iOS application, than searching /var/mobile/Applications ? I know both the name and the bundle identifier, however the path is not consistent on different iOS devices. This is for use in a jailbreak tweak, so I can use PrivateFrameworks and other code not allowed by Apple. 回答1: If you're running code that executes in Springboard, this should be fairly simple. Get SBApplicationController 's sharedInstance , then get the SBApplication you're looking

How To check Windows device is rooted/jailbrake or not programatically?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-11-30 15:20:13
Since I am new to Windows Phone Technology, I want to programatically find in my application that windows device is rooted/jailbrake or not. I found many links but it seems like no way for finding rooted windows device programatically. So is there any way to find rooted/jailbreak windows device programatically any API available for this ? Can anyone help me ? Thanks Rooting and/or jailbreaking is not officially supported by Microsoft and therefore there is no official way for you to check if your application is running on such device. In principle, you could check that, but that check would

Get path to iOS application based on name or bundle identifier

孤人 提交于 2019-11-30 14:10:06
Is there an easier way to get the path to an iOS application, than searching /var/mobile/Applications ? I know both the name and the bundle identifier, however the path is not consistent on different iOS devices. This is for use in a jailbreak tweak, so I can use PrivateFrameworks and other code not allowed by Apple. If you're running code that executes in Springboard, this should be fairly simple. Get SBApplicationController 's sharedInstance , then get the SBApplication you're looking for with the applicationWithDisplayIdentifier: method (or using whatever method you choose). The

Theos for armv7 and arm64

蓝咒 提交于 2019-11-30 13:34:33
问题 I'm trying to get theos working on OSX Mavericks. I recently purchased an iPhone 5s and have since then jailbroken it. Now I am trying to get Theos working so I can start working on some tweaks again. I had it working on OSX Lion and for IOS 5 and 6. I have a very simple program which should display a UIAlert when an application launches. The problem is, when i run the make command in an attempt to compile my code i get this error: Making all for tweak test... Preprocessing Tweak.xm...

How to get serial number of a device using IOKit in iOS8 as IOPlatformSerialNumber giving nil value

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-11-30 10:54:15
I was wondered to know how to get serial number of a device using IOKit in iOS8? I used UIDevice+serialNumber and I am able to get serial number in iOS6 and7. In iOS8 value of platformSerialNumber is coming nil in the following line: CFTypeRef platformSerialNumber = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(platformExpertDevice,CFSTR("IOPlatformSerialNumber"), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); I am using : https://gist.github.com/0xced/566994 Note:My app will not go to app store, its for inhouse. So I am looking for something more concrete that will never change, either String or integer Starting in iOS 8,

How to list open ports in iOS?

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-11-30 10:37:24
I am using a *jailbroken device and I want to write an application to list the open ports (e.g. TCP ports). I have two ideas: Use some native API to get list of opened ports execute shell command to get a list of opened ports and parse the result of this shell command. Which API or shell command should I use and how can I trigger it programmatically? The way I would do this is to have your app invoke the UNIX lsof command programmatically. lsof lists open "files", which on a BSD system includes sockets, which includes TCP sockets. It used to be that Saurik published a version of lsof that was

How to import a private framework in Xcode 8.3 without getting “Undefined symbols for architecture arm64”

我们两清 提交于 2019-11-30 10:36:12
I am trying to use _CDBatterySaver to turn on low power mode simply using [[_CDBatterySaver batterySaver] setMode:1]; I know there isn't the same type of directory as previous Xcode so those methods don't work. I have also tried just importing the ".h" file but that doesn't work. It is part of the CoreDuet framework (downloaded from GitHub) Thanks You will need a .tbd file to link against. Apple stopped shipping these for private frameworks starting with the iOS 9.3 SDK, but you can generate them yourself with a bit of effort: Get an IPSW for some recent iOS version ( ipsw.me or the iPhone

Simulate all physical buttons like the pressure on the home button on iOS 7 (Jailbreak)

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-11-30 09:39:59
I'm trying to simulate the "home button pressed" on iOS 7 but the previous method used on iOS 6 doesn't work. I speak of course of a jailbroken device. #include "GSEvent.h" - (void)simulateHomeButton { struct GSEventRecord record; memset(&record, 0, sizeof(record)); record.type = kGSEventMenuButtonDown; record.timestamp = GSCurrentEventTimestamp(); GSSendSystemEvent(&record); record.type = kGSEventMenuButtonUp; GSSendSystemEvent(&record); } *UPDATE What I really need is a generic method like the old one that let me to simulate the pressure of all physical buttons Try this. [[%c(SBUIController)