
How is the tongbu tui app able to be installed directly from the browser on non-jailbroken iOS devices?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-04 03:17:44
All a person need to do is take a regular iOS device and visit http://tui.tongbu.com/m/iphone.html and click the big grey button with the apple logo, and then click install. Then the tui app will be installed. How are they able to distribute this app on non-jailbroken devices without the app store? And how can this be replicated? 1) They may signed it with enterprise distribution key and in such case they are violating Apple agreement. Otherwise, they have an app on AppStore and they downloaded IPA through iTunes and put on their website. As result, they have signed IPA (enterprise or appstore

How to deploy test app on iPhone?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-03 23:06:02
I want to know how to deploy test app on iPhone 4.3.2. with XCode 4.3 but without buying a licence. I have jailbreak on it and installed AppSync4.0+ The reason why I ask this is because I am porting an app from Qt and I want to see it how it behaves under iOS. I have been using Qt4iOS and got everything build when using simulator. Now I want to see it on my device. When I try it I got some key chain error. Provide me with some links or ideas. ... everything is possible. It's about the effort needed. And the effort for this can be very low. Especially because your device is are already

Failed to build Saurik's ldid utility

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-03 20:47:37
I am facing these errors when i execute this command "./make.sh" To build ldid utility for jailbreak tweaks development Bilals-Mac:ldid billy$ ./make.sh + g++ -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch armv6 -o ldid ldid.cpp -I. -x c lookup2.c sha1.c Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "SHA1Result(SHA1Context*, unsigned char*)", referenced from: sha1(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned long) in ldid-6MHU04.o "SHA1Input(SHA1Context*, unsigned char const*, unsigned int)", referenced from: sha1(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned long) in ldid-6MHU04.o "SHA1Reset(SHA1Context*)",

iOS 5 - CTCallCenter not working for me

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-03 18:00:46
问题 My phone: iOS 5.1.1 Jailbroken using Absynth2 What I'm trying to do: detect an incoming call or when a call is being dialed... Okay here is my code that i placed inside the AppDelegate under didEnterBackground , also tried in didResignActive - i don't get any errors but i also don't get any results.. callCenter = [[CTCallCenter alloc] init]; [callCenter setCallEventHandler:^(CTCall *call) { NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:call.callState forKey:@"callState"]; [

Running BASH script from iPhone app?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-03 16:45:25
Basically I am wondering if it is possible to run a console script (.sh) from an iPhone App. The script is written to download a program from a repository that I set up, respring, then after a set time delete the program and respring again, so it needs root privileges, and is interactive in that the user can set how long the program will be kept. I have the bash script written, and it works fine when called from mobile terminal, but is there any way to do this from within a (jailbroken) app (without using mobile terminal / SSH / Bossprefs)? Or is there an overall better way to achieve this?

Side loading iPhone apps to device without certificate

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-03 16:24:23
Is there any way to push apps to an iphone through an iPhone explorer or something else, where you can bundle up the ipa and copy it onto an unlocked device (or non unlocked even)? How can I push an app to my device without putting it on a cydia repo? Are there instructions on how cydia does this, or would this be out of my depth (considering I dont know the intricacies of the iphone). This is a customized app I have developed, I just need a way to push it to the device without worrying about the approval process, and I want to keep it on the device past the 3 month provisioning profile period

how to show iphone apps sniffing HTTP Requests?

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-03 14:44:27
问题 i have iphone 3 with OS4 (not jailbreaked) and i want to inspect some apps http request urls , i tried fiddler but its not worked , anyone has idea? is the device must be jail breaked? i got ubuntu / windows so i can use one of them , if anyone knows how to do it please answer 回答1: If the device is using WiFi and you have a Wireless Network card that can enter promiscuous mode then you can use WireShark to sniff the raw packets. Use Follow TCP Stream to reconstruct the HTTP requests. More

Simulating system-wide touches in iOS 7

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-03 10:17:54
问题 GSSendEvent does not work anymore for me. Even subscribing a callback function using GSEventRegisterEventCallBack does not fire with touch events, [UIEvent _gsEvent] returns NULL. What happened? 回答1: Now iOS uses IOHIDEvent (in IOKit.framework) for touch events. backboardd create touch events and sent to SpringBoard, and SpringBoard receives it by UIApplicationHandleEventQueue Anyway, if you have jailbroken device and want to simulate touch, just use SimulateTouch library. You can download it

Using SBSettings Toggles to Turn Things On or Off

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-03 10:14:58
I've been trying to use SBSettings toggles to turn things on or off--like Airplane Mode, WiFi, SSH, etc--but I just can't figure out why my code works for some of these toggles and not all. Granted, I'm only talking about "simple" toggles; not toggles that bring up their own window with their own controls like for volume or brightness. I've been able to successfully turn on/off 3G, data, my ringer, the mywi toggle... things like that, but I can't figure why some of the toggles--Airplane Mode, Bluetooth, WiFi--on my phone won't respond to the same code that works with the other things mentioned

MobileSubstrate: MSHookFunction example

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-03 09:15:13
I am trying to write a MobileSubstrate plugin which hooks into a C-method. I tried to edit the famous "ExampleHook", by just writing a demo MSHook and hook it in the Initialize method. This is probably too optimistic and it doesn't work. But I cannot find anywhere a simple example of a MSHookFunction(). There is barely information about this on the Internet. It might be possible I misunderstood the whole concept of MSHookFunction. Please, can anybody help me out with a little example code? I would deeply appreciate any help. Best regards, Marc Backes I realize you have found this, but I am