
Running shell script using Xcode with arguments on ios

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-06 15:32:29
I have an bash script which I wan't to start with arguments by an app. Currently I can generate the command, but how can I execute it? This app is for jailbroken phones only. Any solutions for this? searched alot, but didn't found anything. Nate If this is a jailbreak app, you can run the command by passing it to the system() function that's part of the OS , or one of the exec functions. So, if you decide to install your script at /Applications/MyApp.app/myscript.sh , then in your app, you could use: int result = system("/Applications/MyApp.app/myscript.sh argument1 argument2"); You can

How to communicate between applications in iOS?

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-06 15:05:58
问题 Before we can use CFMessagePort , but now it's invalid for iOS7 and above, is there any replaced methods? I tried CFMessagePort when hooking the constructor of UIApplication in the jailbreak environment, but in most of the apps, it can't CFMessagePortCreateLocal successfully, it just return NULL.Am I wrong somewhere? static void setupUIApplicationMessagePort() { NSString *identifier = @"com.foo.foo.UIApplication"; CFMessagePortRef local = CFMessagePortCreateLocal(NULL, (__bridge CFStringRef

How to display package / app icon when browsing Cydia repo

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-06 13:04:33
I have successfully created a Cydia repo, and am hosting an app that I am developing, and it installs fine, but for some reason I can't get the app icon to display when clicking the package in Cydia. As of right now the app icon in Cydia looks like the following, The app icon shows when the app is installed on the device, and I was told the app needs to be installed before the icon will show up in Cydia, so I installed the app on my device, but the icon is still not showing up. I also added the Icon: file:/// line to the control file. I can't seem to figure out why the icon isn't showing, as

How to hook methods of MPIncomingPhoneCallController?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-06 12:25:07
问题 I want to hook methods of class MPIncomingPhoneCallController in iOS 5 to do something when a call comes. I use Class _$MPIncomingPhoneCallController = objc_getClass("MPIncomingPhoneCallController"); MSHookMessage(_$MPIncomingPhoneCallController, @selector(updateLCDWithName:label:breakPoint:), (IMP) &Hook_LCD, "pre_"); to hook updateLCDWithName:label:breakPoint: , but it failed. How can I do this? 回答1: Class you are trying to hook is located in IncomingCall.serviceBundle which gets loaded in

iOS : Why our app sometimes doesn't show in the Notification Center?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-06 11:07:09
There are 3 kinds of situations about this problem. During the development, I can restart the iPhone and reinstall the app to solve this problem. At first, this problem often occurs in the jailbreak iPhone, so we think that there may be something wrong with the Provisioning Profiles. But now, more and more users complain about this (could not receive push), who use the normal iPhone (not jailbreak) and download our app from the App Store. So, I'm confused, and a little worried, about why our app doesn't show in the notification center, and how we can help the users to solve the problem. Many

Is there a private API available to access the SIM Toolkit?

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-06 10:24:27
I'm investigating what APIs are available for accessing the SIM toolkit, does anything exist? (Yes I know any use of such an API wouldn't permit the app to be submitted to the app store) 1) You can take a look at CoreTelephony framework (disassemble it). It has bunch of functions around SimToolkit like: CTServerConnectionCopySimToolkitMenu CTServerConnectionSelectSimToolkitMenuItem and so on. 2)You can take a look (disassemble) at /System/Library/SpringBoardPlugins/SimToolkitUI.servicebundle/SimToolkitUI You will be able to see what functions are used there (you will see a lot of functions

Which method is called when device is about to be unlocked?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-06 09:15:32
I would like to know where the -(void)unlock (or whatever is called) used when we "slide to unlock" on the LockScreen is. Has anyone an idea ? Try these iOS 4 - 5 SBAwayController -(void)_finishedUnlockAttemptWithStatus:(char) Argument will be non zero (I don't quite sure it will always be 1 when device is unlocked) when device is about to be unlocked. iOS 6 SBAwayController -(void)_finishUnlockWithSound:(char) unlockSource:(int) isAutoUnlock:(char) iOS 7 SBLockScreenViewController -(void)finishUIUnlockFromSource:(int) Divya Bhalodiya You can use by calling the method GSEventLockDevice ();

How to create kiosk-mode iPhone app?

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-06 08:55:19
问题 I'd like to run an app in the KIOSK mode, so that it auto-starts after starting the device re-starts after app crash/power loss/etc. Any ideas how to do this on a [probably jailbroken?] iPhone? 回答1: The easiest method would be to create a mobilesubstrate extension that runs inside SpringBoard and throws up its own UIWindow . Create a static __attribute__((constructor)) function and inside register for UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification . After receiving the notification, 99% of the

How to protect the iOS application in case of any OS attack(On jail broken devices)

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-06 08:46:07
问题 I would like to protect my application data in case of any OS attack or unauthorized access on jail broken iOS devices. Is there any way to detect such threats and protect app data in such cases. 回答1: Although I agree with what jrturton has said, if you have critical data that you want to protect from rogue apps(not the user), you may try the following: 1) Detect if your app has launced on a jailbroken device. Close the app, delete sensitive data. Refer this this thread. 2)Use third party

How to launch an APP in background in iOS 6.x silently

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-06 07:56:51
问题 We want to launch an APP silently in iPhone without bring this APP to the Foreground. In iOS 5.x we achieve this goal by this code: [(SBApplication*)app setDisplaySetting:0x4 flag:NO]; [(SBDisplayStack*)displayStack pushDisplay:app]; [(SBDisplayStack*)displayStack popDisplay:app]; But, in iOS 6.x there is not SBDisplayStack any more. I did some search but not found any answers. Someone says that SBWorkSpace replaces the SBDisplayStack in iOS 6.x. We use SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction to