
basedir must be absolute: ?/.ivy2/local

为君一笑 提交于 2020-06-10 04:31:49
问题 I'm writing here in a full desperation state... I have 2 users: 1 local user, created in Linux. Works 100% fine, word count works perfectly. Kerberized Cluster. Valid ticket. 1 Active Directory user, can login, but pyspark instruction (same word count) fails. Same kdc ticket as the one above. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: basedir must be absolute: ?/.ivy2/local at org.apache.ivy.util.Checks.checkAbsolute(Checks.java:48) at org.apache.ivy.plugins.repository

ivyDE Eclipse插件使用 tomcat部署工程

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-04-10 11:31:56
1、配置 ant 和 ivy $ brew ant $ brew ivy 然后把 /usr/local/Cellar/ivy/2.3.0/libexec/ivy-2.3.0.jar 复制放到 /usr/local/Cellar/ant/1.9.3/libexec/lib 路径下 2、测试 $ svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ant/ivy/core/trunk/src/example/hello-ivy $ cd hello-ivy $ ant 一切正常 3、安装ivyDE 打开Eclipse Marketplace 搜索ivyDE,然后点击安装,和其他插件安装没有区别这里就不多说了。 在工程根目录中新建ivy.xml,添加所需要的依赖 <ivy-module version="2.0"> <info organisation="org.apache" module="JFinal_CW" /> <dependencies> <dependency org="com.jfinal" name="jfinal" rev="1.6" conf="*->*,!sources,!javadoc" > <exclude module="sizeof-agent" /> <exclude module="ojdbc6" /> <


百般思念 提交于 2020-04-10 10:39:17
新公司技术部门已经有半年了,目前项目管理还是使用svn管理所有的源码和依赖,jar包直接丢到svn的lib目录下,每次公共jar包更新时,由于目前使用的jackson使用默认的配置,必须更新每个项目的jar包,公共依赖越来越有必要,于是趁周末研究了相关的工具使用,笔记整理如下: nexus搭建 在nexus官网下载最新版的nexus:nexus-2.11.4-01-bundle.zip 直接解压,然后通过cmd切换目前到nexus的bin目录,执行 nexus install 即可将nexus安装为windows服务,然后再用 nexus start 即可启动服务,正常安装和启动如下: 如果出现如下异常信息: 请用管理员权限运行CMD即可。 启动后使用: http://localhost:8081/nexus 打开主页,默认管理员:密码是admin:admin123 ###ivy-setting.xml 此文件主要配置nexus的认证信息,用于公共jar包的发布;以及ivy依赖的仓库地址。 <ivysettings> <properties file="${basedir}/ivy-settings.properties"/> <settings defaultResolver="local"/> <credentials host="" username="$

用Apache Ivy实现项目里的依赖管理

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-04-10 10:38:50
用Apache Ivy实现项目里的依赖管理 Apache Ivy是一个管理项目依赖的工具。 它与Maven Apache Maven 构建管理和项目管理工具已经吸引了 Java 开发人员的注意。Maven 引入了 JAR 文件公共存储库的概念,可通过公开的 Web 服务器访问(称为 ibiblio)。Maven 的方法减少了 JAR 文件膨胀的情况,不会占用大多数版本控制存储库。但使用 Maven 时,它会鼓励您采用其 “惯例优于配置” 的方法来构建软件,这会制约您定制构建脚本的灵活性。 但问题是Maven过于Heavy,而大部分已有的项目都用Ant做build,所以Ivy是更加合适的选择。 Ivy 提供了最一致、可重复、易于维护的方法,来管理项目的所有构建依赖项。 用Ivy进行项目管理 开始使用 Ivy 非常简单,只需创建两个 Ivy 特有的文件,添加一些 Ant 目标即可。Ivy 特有的文件是 ivy.xml 和一个 Ivy 设置文件。ivy.xml 文件中列举了项目的所有依赖项。ivysettings.xml 文件(可以随意为此文件命名)用于配置从中下载有依赖关系的 JAR 文件的存储库。 Ivy的安装 Ivy依赖于Ant,所以需要先安装Ant,然后下载Ivy,将他的jar文件考到Ant的lib下面,就可以在Ant里使用Ivy进行依赖管理了。 下载ivy 2.0 http:/

Can I use ivy dependency info in my ant build file

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-25 05:27:45
问题 In my ivy.xml file I have dependency statements like: <dependency conf="*->*" org="gnu" name="gcc" rev="4.2.1" changing="false"> <artifact name="gcc" ext="tbz2" e:classifier="src"/> </dependency> 'rev=' can be a fixed value or 'latest' or whatever. In my build file I would like to get hold of the value of 'rev' to be uses in further work flow after resolve is run. Is there any way to do that or read a property for this? 回答1: Use the artifactproperty task <ivy:artifactproperty name="version.

Ivy: how do I remove transitive dependencies?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-19 20:29:22
问题 I'm using Ivy to manage the dependencies on my project. So far, I've specified a dependency on Hibernate and servlet-api. However, the hibernate jar itself has a lot of dependencies that aren't really needed, such as jaas and jacc. This becomes a show-stopper because jaas and jaac are Sun libraries and therefore their licenses forbid to place them in the Maven repos, so Ivy can't find them there. How do I make Ivy download Hibernate but not these two ? As a bonus, if I actually needed those

Ivy: how do I remove transitive dependencies?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-01-19 20:28:58
问题 I'm using Ivy to manage the dependencies on my project. So far, I've specified a dependency on Hibernate and servlet-api. However, the hibernate jar itself has a lot of dependencies that aren't really needed, such as jaas and jacc. This becomes a show-stopper because jaas and jaac are Sun libraries and therefore their licenses forbid to place them in the Maven repos, so Ivy can't find them there. How do I make Ivy download Hibernate but not these two ? As a bonus, if I actually needed those

ivy module.xml doesn't contain all artifacts when gradle publish is used

谁都会走 提交于 2020-01-17 11:32:46
问题 I believe this may be related to publish artifact overwrite other artifact in Gradle if I have a set of publications such as publishing { publications { serverpub(IvyPublication) { artifact(ejbJar) { name 'ejb' } } clientpub(IvyPublication) { artifact(clientEjbJar) { name 'client-ejb' } } modulepub(IvyPublication) { artifact(moduleJar) { name 'cname-core' } } persistpub(IvyPublication) { artifact(persistenceJar) { name 'core-entities' } } } } After doing a 'publish' the <Project Name>/ivy/

Trigger change detection in Angular IVY application

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-16 12:01:27
问题 Before IVY, we could trigger change detection like this, based on this awesome SO answer: ng.probe(getAllAngularRootElements()[0]).injector.get(ng.coreTokens.ApplicationRef).tick() The question now is, how do we achieve this in Ivy? When running in dev mode, and typing ng in the console reveals this: But I am unsure how to use this to detect changes in the root element? workaround By injecting the ChangeDetectorRef in a given component, i can do the following (where $0 is the previously

ivy - why is trying to download yyyy.bundle and can I avoid that?

主宰稳场 提交于 2020-01-15 12:35:07
问题 We recently transformed a maven pom to ivy but are getting this error for many things(not all things): [NOT FOUND ] org.apache.geronimo.specs#geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec;1.7.1!geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec.bundle (11649ms) The only difference between the pom files that work and don't is there a package element with the value "bundle". Maven is working fine. How can we get ivy working as it gets the pom and just really needed to download the jar artifact. More info, I changed my ivysettings so it