
ITunes' podcast image isn't shown

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-13 04:38:15
问题 I created podcast rss feed - And I set up "<image>" and "<itunes:image>" tags. But when I put this feed to iTunes, the picture of podcast wasn't shown in iTunes in artwork section. What have I done wrong? 回答1: iTunes doesn't use those images: only the iTunes Store. The images shown by iTunes are taken from the newest podcast episode. If you want iTunes to display artwork, you need to embed it in the actual media files. 回答2: Easier than

Xcode: an error occurred uploading to the itunes store

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-13 04:05:17
问题 Hey in trying to submit my app to iTunes. It passes the validation, but when i submit it's showing an error: an error occurred uploading to the iTunes store What can i do? 回答1: There are a few things you can try: First, take a look at this answer: Second, try using the Application Loader instead of XCode to submit the app 来源:

iTunes Scripting Bridge reveal does not work

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-13 03:24:56
问题 The following code should show a certain track in iTunes: NSString* iTunesPath = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier:@""]; iTunesApplication *iTunes = nil; if ( iTunesPath ) { iTunes = [[SBApplication alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:iTunesPath]]; [iTunes setDelegate:self]; } iTunesSource *librarySource = nil; NSArray *sources = [iTunes sources]; for (iTunesSource *source in sources) { if ([source kind] == iTunesESrcLibrary) {

Swift iTunes ScriptingBridge linker error

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-13 02:34:34
问题 I have searched extensively for an answer to this, but have found none, so I'm asking here. I am trying to read the current track in iTunes using Swift, but whenever I try to reference any of the iTunes classes (iTunesApplication, iTunesTrack, etc) I get the following error: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_iTunesApplication", referenced from: __TFC8WAILT_v213iTunesWrapper17getSongWithFormatfS0_FTSS3sepSS10timeOnLeftSb_SS in iTunesWrapper.o __TMaCSo17iTunesApplication

Remove a build from itunes connect

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-13 02:04:43
问题 I wanted to submit my app in itunes connect and I uploaded a build. I haven't submitted the app for review and I found a bug on the app and wanted to upload a new build but I get the error of redundancy. From what I searched it is not possible to remove the build but I wanted to ask what if I delete the whole application and start over the process since I haven't submitted the app for review yet. Thanks very much 回答1: You can't remove the build in itunes...If you want to apply a new build to

play a stream in iTunes without adding it to the library / playlist

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-13 01:00:38
问题 I am controlling iTunes via AppleScript and I am playing streams from an HTTP server. The code I'm using looks like this: tell application "iTunes" open location "your_url_here" play end tell It works fine, but I would like to avoid those URLs to show up in the iTunes library or any playlist afterwards. Is there a trick to achieve that? 回答1: Have you considered using QuickTimePlayer to play the stream instead? tell application "QuickTime Player" open URL ""

iOS: Saving audio file visible in iTunes Library

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-12 19:16:02
问题 I am trying to save a mp3 file into a folder where the file could be visible in iTunes Library. I read somewhere that if I save it on NSDocumentDirectory, it would work, but I had no luck on trying that. I also tried NSMusicDirectory and NSLibraryDirectory. this is how I'm saving it: NSArray *documentPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *docDirectory = [documentPath objectAtIndex:0]; NSString *savePath = [docDirectory

Adding song to itunes with C# sdk/api

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-12 15:01:34
问题 I'm looking for an SDK or API (c#) that would allow me to add songs to my itunes library. If anybody knows of one, that would be a big help. 回答1: iTunes COM library. It requires COM interop though. However, there should be some documentation in there. 来源:

Not able to upload application because of .sh file of Crittercism

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-12 11:03:42
问题 We are using Crittercism SDK since last 2 years and we are successfully able to upload application. Since last 2 days, we are not able to upload application with Crittercism because of file. Anyone getting same issue...!!! 回答1: This issue is resolved in CrittercismSDK 5.2.0 CocoaPods spec: If you don't want to upgrade to 5.2.0, then just delete the file and remove these lines

Unable to authenticate the package: 721772200.itmsp

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-12 10:43:31
问题 I am writing because I have a serious problem - I have bought the Commander Cool game on the cartoonsmart site. However, a serious problem occured. The application cannot be accepted by the iTune Connect validation. I tried to publish it from two different developer accounts and the error still occurs. The error suggests some problems with the certificate but I am sure it is 100% right because I have published more than 20 apps in the App Store as for now. I ask you for help because you are