
Llinking ITK (Insight Toolkit) to C++ VS2008 solution without using CMake?

Deadly 提交于 2019-11-29 05:22:46
Question Is there an easy, straight forward way of including the ITK libraries into my project (VS2008 solution) without using CMake? Background I have just started looking into ITK this week. So far I successfully compiled ITK & VTK and got the WikiExamples to compile (and run) as well. My next goal is to include any ITK functionality into my own project. I have no experiences with CMake except the use of it during the documented installation process. My own project codebase is in itself a rather complicated, SDK environment in rather large, complex VS2008 solution to which I only want to add

Llinking ITK (Insight Toolkit) to C++ VS2008 solution without using CMake?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-11-27 23:09:54
问题 Question Is there an easy, straight forward way of including the ITK libraries into my project (VS2008 solution) without using CMake? Background I have just started looking into ITK this week. So far I successfully compiled ITK & VTK and got the WikiExamples to compile (and run) as well. My next goal is to include any ITK functionality into my own project. I have no experiences with CMake except the use of it during the documented installation process. My own project codebase is in itself a

itk 入门笔记

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-11-27 15:01:36
1、 编译安装ITK以及运行自带例子 用CMake编译指定ITK源码位置与输出路径,并在example前面打上对勾即可。 如果要使用编译的ITK工程,需要编写一个cpp文件、一个CMakeLists.txt、以及指定编译ITK后ITKConfig.cmake所在的完整路径。 2、ITK的数据处理管道:表示数据的类(数据对象)经过滤波器操作被组织进入数据流管道。这些管道 保持静态 并只在必要时才会运行。它们同样支持 多线程 和 流动 功能。 3、同数据处理管道相关联的是sources与mappers,soureces是初始化管道的滤波器,mappers是终止管道的滤波器。soureces与mappers的标准化样例分别是readers与writters,readers输入数据(通常从一个文件),writters从管线中输出数据。 4、在ITK中类定义在两个文件中:.h的头文件与执行文件(非模板类为cxx文件,模板类为txx文件)。头文件包括类的声明与格式化注释,格式化注释用于在Doxygen 文献系统下自动生成HTML 网页。 5、ITK中内存管理通过引用计数来实现,itk::SmartPointer 智能指针通过Register与UnRegister来智能化管理实例。 来源: CSDN 作者: COSummer 链接:


风格不统一 提交于 2019-11-27 02:18:27
均值滤波和和中值滤波都可以起到平滑图像,虑去噪声的功能。 均值滤波采用线性的方法,平均整个窗口范围内的像素值,均值滤波本身存在着固有的缺陷,即它不能很好地保护图像细节,在图像去噪的同时也破坏了图像的细节部分,从而使图像变得模糊,不能很好地去除噪声点。均值滤波对高斯噪声表现较好,对椒盐噪声表现较差。 中值滤波采用非线性的方法,它在平滑脉冲噪声方面非常有效,同时它可以保护图像尖锐的边缘,选择适当的点来替代污染点的值,所以处理效果好,对椒盐噪声表现较好,对高斯噪声表现较差。 中值滤波: #include "itkImage.h" #include "itkImageFileReader.h" #include "itkMedianImageFilter.h" #include "itkSubtractImageFilter.h" #include "itksys/SystemTools.hxx" #include <sstream> #include "QuickView.h" int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { std::string inputFilename = "C:/input/Lenna.jpeg"; typedef itk::Image<float, 2 > ImageType; typedef itk::ImageFileReader


大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-11-26 12:14:59
之前一直很奇怪,ITK的图像类型可以自定义,从uchar到double都可以,那这么做到底有什么意义,难道直接用uchar不好么。 今天用canny edge detection和binary morphological closing的时候发现,canny filter的输出像素必须是float类型的,而binary morphological filter输入输出必须是uchar类型的,所以itk里面的图像自定义类型估计是为了兼容这么多来自不同种族的算法函数吧… // binary morphological filter using StructuringElementType = itk :: BinaryBallStructuringElement < ImageTypeUchar :: PixelType , ImageTypeUchar :: ImageDimension > ; StructuringElementType structuringElement ; structuringElement . SetRadius ( 5 ) ; structuringElement . CreateStructuringElement ( ) ; using BinaryMorphologicalClosingImageFilterType = itk ::