
Phonegap - the best way to discover the country iso code from a user

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-05 06:28:27
问题 what is the best and fastest way to get the country iso code by starting an App build with phonegap? There is a function to get the geo coordinates, but not the Iso code. For getting the iso code maybe it is necessary to call an external webservice and get the iso by given coordinates. Is there a simplest way? Thanks Nik 回答1: Are you looking for where the user is at the moment or for something more like the users language/nationallity? For the latter you could always look at what's in

Compatibility of C89/C90, C99 and C11

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-05 03:41:54
I just read: C Wikipedia entry . As far as I know there are 3 different versions of C that are widely used: C89, C99 and C11. My question concerns the compatibility of source code of different versions. Suppose I am going to write a program (in C11 since it is the latest version) and import a library written in C89. Are these two versions going to work together properly when compiling all files according to the C11 specification? Question 1 : Are the newer versions of C i.e. C99, C11 supersets of older C versions? By superset I mean, that old code will compile without errors and the same

Standards for smartcard communication

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-05 00:22:42
问题 What is the difference between ISO 14443-3 and ISO 7816-4 APDUs? I'm asking this because seems some cards use former to communicate with reader, some latter. I'm confused with this, would like to get a good understanding about this. For example, I think Mifare Classic uses ISO 14443-3. But what confused me here is that when I wrote application to communicate with Mifare classic, I was sending APDUs to it. 回答1: The ISO 14443 standard defines the physical RF transport protocol for communication

Django queryset filtering by ISO week number

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-04 18:42:04
问题 I have a model that contains datefield . I'm trying to get query set of that model that contains current week (starts on Monday). So since Django datefield contains simple model I assumed to filter by using .isocalendar() . Logically it's exactly what I want without no extra comparisons and calculations by current week day. So what I want to do essentially is force .filter statement to behave in this logic: if[2] ==[2]

Which ISO format should I use to store a user's language code?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-04 15:35:44
问题 Should I use ISO 639-1 (2-letter abbreviation) or ISO 639-2 (3 letter abbrv) to store a user's language code? Both are official standards, but which is the de facto standard in the development community? I think ISO 639-1 would be easier to remember, and is probably more popular for that reason, but thats just a guess. The site I'm building will have a separate site for the US, Brazil, Russia, China, & the UK. 回答1: You should use IETF language tags because

Which PDF of the C++ ISO standard should I read? [duplicate]

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-04 07:52:49
This question already has answers here : Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents? (12 answers) Closed 6 years ago . Sometimes, I want to search answers from the C++ standard by myself. Reading standards might help me get an overview of the language principle proposed. By searching the internet, I was confused by flooding C++ forums and helper websites. They provide all kinds of PDF files for reading. I don't know which PDF file and/or which version should I adopt. I found several websites: JTC1/SC22/WG21 Standing Documents I wonder whether there is a single site where the


╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-04 04:49:30
方法一、Linux下用mount挂载命令 在网上下载的软件盘是iso格式的,不刻成光盘就可以读取里面的文件。不用解压。 在终端用mount -o loop /mnt/*/1.iso /mnt/cdrom 命令,(其中*是你工具盘放置的路径)。 输入命令后,打开我的电脑——〉打开CD-ROM就能看到里面的文件了。运行install或者 autorun。 当提示charudi二张光盘时,键入命令umount /mnt/cdrom 。 然后再键入mount -o loop /mnt/*/2.iso/mnt/cdrom(把第一条命令的文件名的1改成2,就是第二张光盘的名字了)。这样再回车。等待就可以了。 [ @more @] 取消挂载用umount /mnt/cdrom 例: 挂载第一张盘 #mount -o loop /mnt/*/1.iso /mnt/cdrom 取消挂载 #umount /mnt/cdrom 挂载第二张盘 #mount -o loop /mnt/*/2.iso/mnt/cdrom 取消挂载 #umount /mnt/cdrom 注意:umount和/之间有空格 /*是iso文件放置的路径 方法一已用成功,法二就用不到了,也就没有亲自实践。 方法二、在Linux下使用虚拟光驱 其实根本不需要什么虚拟光驱软件,用mount命令就可以完成。 1. 把光盘制作成iso文件

Why is there no ISO or ECMA standardization for C# later than 2.0?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-04 04:06:15
I have started learning C# and was looking for a standard specification, but found that C# versions greater than 2.0 were not standardized by ISO or ECMA (or so I gathered from Wikipedia). Is there any reason for this? Because writing, reviewing, validating, publishing, processing feedback, revising, re-publishing etc complex specification documents takes significant time and effort, which is a finite resource - and the demand for an ISO / ECMA version of the specification hasn't been sufficient to prompt Microsoft into investing that time. The non-Microsoft compiler authors (Mono etc) seem to

Phonegap - the best way to discover the country iso code from a user

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-03 17:33:47
what is the best and fastest way to get the country iso code by starting an App build with phonegap? There is a function to get the geo coordinates, but not the Iso code. For getting the iso code maybe it is necessary to call an external webservice and get the iso by given coordinates. Is there a simplest way? Thanks Nik Are you looking for where the user is at the moment or for something more like the users language/nationallity? For the latter you could always look at what's in navigator.language . Depending on target platform it'll give you either just language code ('en' on my Android test

How to parse ISO 8601 into date and time format using Moment js in Javascript?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-03 15:39:15
问题 I am currently using Moment js to parse an ISO 8601 string into date and time, but it is not working properly. What am I doing wrong? And I would take any other easier solutions as well. The ISO 8601 I would like to parse: "2011-04-11T10:20:30Z" into date in string: "2011-04-11" and time in string: "10:20:30" And tried console.log(moment("2011-04-11T10:20:30Z" ,moment.ISO_8601)) and console.log(moment("2011-04-11T10:20:30Z" , ["YYYY",moment.ISO_8601]) as a test, but it just returns an object