
How do I work with the AST in Irony now?

北城余情 提交于 2021-02-07 02:41:33
问题 I have a grammar that works and parses in the Irony console just fine, but I don't get anything in the AST treeview. I was following along with the BASIC->Javascript article found here:, but it seems that the Ast stuff has all been moved/removed. I found the Irony.Interpreter .dll, which has some Ast stuff in it, but it seems all tied up in the Expression sample implementation. What am I missing here? I want to

How to Generate and display ParseTree for an expression in C# using Irony?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-25 04:13:57
问题 I want to generate and display context free grammar using irony and so far I am able to write the context free grammar by following code public ExpressionGrammar() { //// 1. Terminals Terminal number = new NumberLiteral("number"); Terminal identifier = new IdentifierTerminal("identifier"); //// 2. Non-terminals NonTerminal Stmt = new NonTerminal("Stmt"); NonTerminal Dec = new NonTerminal("Dec"); NonTerminal Datattype = new NonTerminal("Datatype"); NonTerminal Def = new NonTerminal("Def");

Implementing a prefix notation expression parser using Irony

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-21 21:40:04
问题 I'm trying to parse user-inputted prefix notation logical expressions using a context-free-grammar with the Irony library. This is for a class assignment so if anybody happens to be an expert on this, I would love to know more. I need to accept a user-inputted logical expression of the following format: and P Q -- (meaning P ^ Q) or P Q -- (meaning P v Q) not P -- (meaning ~P) imp P Q -- (meaning P -> Q) I'm attempting to parse these into expression trees using a context free grammar I'm

Parsing SQL Statement With Irony

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-06 19:37:46
问题 I am trying to create a method that converts a regular sql statement to c# objects, So i decided to use Irony to parse the sql statement then i return the statement as an Action that contains the type of the statement and the values of it depending on the type Here is my non completed code [ Because i got frustrated as i don't know what to do then ] private List<Action> ParseStatement(string statement) { var parser = new Parser(new SqlGrammar()); var parsed = parser.Parse(statement); var

Parsing SQL Statement With Irony

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-05 01:22:09
I am trying to create a method that converts a regular sql statement to c# objects, So i decided to use Irony to parse the sql statement then i return the statement as an Action that contains the type of the statement and the values of it depending on the type Here is my non completed code [ Because i got frustrated as i don't know what to do then ] private List<Action> ParseStatement(string statement) { var parser = new Parser(new SqlGrammar()); var parsed = parser.Parse(statement); var status = parsed.Status; while (parsed.Status == ParseTreeStatus.Parsing) { Task.Yield(); } if (status ==

Installing a Custom Visual Studio Language Service

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-04 14:32:58
问题 I've written a new Visual Studio language service for my software studio's internal scripting language following the directions from a very useful article Writing Your First Visual Studio Language Service. I've got my grammar working great, some simple goto cases up and running, and text coloring. I've done my testing both in the Irony GrammarExplorer and the Visual Studio Experimental Hive, and I feel I'm ready to use it normally in visual studio and deploy it out to a few other programmers

Is there an existing ANTLR or IRONY grammar for R?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-04 02:24:14
Does anyone know if there is an existing existing ANTLR or IRONY grammar for R? Many thanks. I've built an R grammar for the early access "Honey Badger" ANTLR v4 release, if you'd like to give it a look. See the ANTLR v4 Examples page . Source for v4 is . binary jar here: For R you want I'd guess a good place to look would be R to C Compiler (RCC) that was developed by John Garvin at Rice 来源:

Installing a Custom Visual Studio Language Service

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-03 10:00:39
I've written a new Visual Studio language service for my software studio's internal scripting language following the directions from a very useful article Writing Your First Visual Studio Language Service . I've got my grammar working great, some simple goto cases up and running, and text coloring. I've done my testing both in the Irony GrammarExplorer and the Visual Studio Experimental Hive, and I feel I'm ready to use it normally in visual studio and deploy it out to a few other programmers for some early testing and feedback. The problem is I don't know how to install the language service.