
Device orientation handling in iOS 6 during view load?

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-02-21 05:39:09
问题 I have a Tab bar application. I was using XCode 4.3.3. I have upgraded to 4.5.2 with iOS6 stuffs. My code in the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation for each view will check the current device orientation and place all the UI components properly. But after upgrading to iOS 6, this code is not executing. I have tried for almost one day to fix this, but had no luck. I have also tried UIDeviceOrientation interfaceOrientation = [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]; in viewLoad , viewDidLoad

Is there a way to test if a browser supports flash/silverlight?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-02-20 11:37:26
问题 I'm making an application with SL/flash charts and am wondering if there is a way to test if the browser it's being pushed to supports silverlight or not (ipad/iphone). And if it doesn't, then I can use some kind of AJAX chart in its place. If this is possible to interchange platforms by testing against the host, how would I do this? 回答1: For flash, you can either use this: http://ppk.home.xs4all.nl/js/flash.html or this: http://www.adobe.com/support/flash/how/shock/javaplugs/javaplugs04.html

Is there a way to test if a browser supports flash/silverlight?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-02-20 11:36:31
问题 I'm making an application with SL/flash charts and am wondering if there is a way to test if the browser it's being pushed to supports silverlight or not (ipad/iphone). And if it doesn't, then I can use some kind of AJAX chart in its place. If this is possible to interchange platforms by testing against the host, how would I do this? 回答1: For flash, you can either use this: http://ppk.home.xs4all.nl/js/flash.html or this: http://www.adobe.com/support/flash/how/shock/javaplugs/javaplugs04.html

How to change placeholder text color in xib?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-02-17 07:25:56
问题 How to change placeholder text color in xib ? I have tried key path thing but it is giving me NSException. Can anyone please help. 回答1: The easiest method to modify the placeholder text color is through the Xcode storyboard interface builder. Select the UITextField of interest and open the identity inspector on the right. Click on the plus symbol in the User Defined Runtime Attributes and add a new row with Key Path as _placeholderLabel.textColor , Type as Color and Value to your desired

How to change placeholder text color in xib?

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-02-17 07:23:42
问题 How to change placeholder text color in xib ? I have tried key path thing but it is giving me NSException. Can anyone please help. 回答1: The easiest method to modify the placeholder text color is through the Xcode storyboard interface builder. Select the UITextField of interest and open the identity inspector on the right. Click on the plus symbol in the User Defined Runtime Attributes and add a new row with Key Path as _placeholderLabel.textColor , Type as Color and Value to your desired

How to change placeholder text color in xib?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-02-17 07:23:12
问题 How to change placeholder text color in xib ? I have tried key path thing but it is giving me NSException. Can anyone please help. 回答1: The easiest method to modify the placeholder text color is through the Xcode storyboard interface builder. Select the UITextField of interest and open the identity inspector on the right. Click on the plus symbol in the User Defined Runtime Attributes and add a new row with Key Path as _placeholderLabel.textColor , Type as Color and Value to your desired


你。 提交于 2020-02-16 23:19:17
iPad开发的局限性 在iPad上使用Safari浏览普通网站网页的时候,网页因为太大而导致需要手动放大缩小或者滑动,虽然这种滑动行为在iPad上市之初的各种宣传中被津津乐道,但时间久了我们还是会发现这样做并不方便,给用户带来的感受并不十分好。 不支持Flash 在没有越狱的iPad Safari中,网站的Flash都是无法显示的,但可以通过第三方软件或插件或者浏览器来解决,不过,即使不能显示Flash,你一样能够用HTML5和CSS3实现同样的效果。 没有鼠标光标 这意味着鼠标属性,例如鼠标悬停属性是不可能有的。 你或许可以为这个找到一些变通的办法,但是到你的用户那里这些该如何工作将会是困难的事。 滚动条不能按照预期那样起作用 滚动条不能显示包含了充满过多分区的内容。框架也存在高度和宽度的问题。另外,滚动过程中需要两个手指的手势。(我们将在下文中进行充分的讨论) 不支持CSS固定布局 HTML 元素 position:fixed CSS属性不能正确显示,常常会使得页面停留在第一屏,无法向下翻页、放大缩小。 iPad用户侦测:User Agent(用户代理) 随着移动设备上网的普及,很多网站都会进行客户端浏览器类型侦测,主要是靠User Agent来进行识别,如果侦测到是手机浏览则可能重定向,让用户浏览移动设备专用版本。以往我们所指的移动设备,主要是手机等终端,现在

Google API - How to redirect URL to my localhost

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-02-13 03:02:07
问题 I am working on integrating google login in my Phonegap app using Google OAuth. What happens is that while creating a client ID for my app, I have to choose "Installed Application" and then the application type as "Others" since I am creating my app using Phonegap. This gives me two redirect URIs such as " urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob " and " http://localhost ". I am not opting to go with " urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob " as it requires the user to copy the code and put it back to the app. The other


折月煮酒 提交于 2020-02-12 20:27:25
我自己是从来不使用苹果的东西的,封闭,自我,这是我对苹果一贯的印象,但是这次过年回家,打算给父母选款电脑的时候,却发现居然只有iPad最适合他们使用,所以最后还是选择了iPad,并且对苹果有了个新的认识。 过年回家前,退休在家的父母要我帮他们买台电脑,让他们在家里上网玩游戏打发下时间,我挑了半天的PC,突然想到,是不是还可以考虑下平板呢?现在的平板电脑,不管是强大的硬件配置还是丰富的软件应用,已经足够担当起主力电脑了。 首先是明确需求,父亲还用过电脑,会上网会看电影,摸索着还能打打字,可是母亲就基本上都不会了,惭愧的很,前几年有时间在家里的时候,几次要教母亲用电脑,都没有教会,而现在不在父母身边,更没时间教他们了。所以在windows PC、Andriod平板和iPad里面得要选一个简单易上手的,站在父母的角度挑选半天后,发现居然只有我从来没考虑过的iPad足够合适。没考虑过它,是因为自己从来对封闭似的东西有点抵触,苹果意味着什么?封闭,自我。但是换个角度看,这些居然全是它之所以简洁但是强大的原因,第一次正视苹果,才诧异的发现乔布斯开发的是一款多么自然、简洁,对父母多么适合的产品。 和windows PC以及Andriod平板相比较,以下几个是我为父母选择iPad的原因: 一 触摸 父母用鼠标的时候双击老是双击不好,所以还是自然直观的触摸更适合他们一些,当然这个优势安卓也有。 二

iPhone iPad 各种控件默认高度

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-02-08 19:54:06
1.状态栏 状态栏一般高度为20像素,在打手机或者显示消息时会放大到40像素高,注意,两倍高度的状态栏在好像只能在纵向的模式下使用。如下图 用户可以隐藏状态栏,也可以将状态栏设置为灰色,黑色或者半透明的黑色。 如果需要隐藏状态栏可以使用调用: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES animated:NO]; 或者在应用程序文件Info.plist中将UIStatusBarHidden键设为ture。 2.导航栏 在纵向模式下导航栏为44像素高,在横向模式下为32像素高,导航栏提供了一个很少用的提示模式,该模式将高度扩展了30像素,在纵向模式下为320*74像素,在横向模式下为480*74像素。 要向导航栏添加提示,则设置self.navigationItem.prompt = @"................"。 3.选项卡 工具栏 选项卡为48像素高,工具栏为44像素高。此两个UI元素通长不用于横向模式。 典型的带有导航栏和状态栏的应用程序为纵向显示保留了320*416的区域,为横向保留了480*268的区域。如果使用选项卡栏或者工具栏则会使高度再次减少48或者44像素。 4.键盘和pickerView 此一般都为横向320*216像素,纵向为480*162像素。 另外,UISwitch默认为94