
How to stop SIGINT being passed to subprocess in python?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-03 09:10:35
问题 My python script intercepts the SIGINT signal with the signal process module to prevent premature exit, but this signal is passed to a subprocess that I open with Popen. is there some way to prevent passing this signal to the subprocess so that it also is not exited prematurely when the user presses ctrl-c? 回答1: You are able to re-assign the role of ctrl-c using the tty module, which allows you to manipulate the assignment of signals. Be warned, however, that unless you put them back the way

android ClickableSpan intercepts the click event

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-03 06:44:39
问题 I have a TextView in a Layout. It's so simple. I put a OnClickListener in the layout and some part of the TextView is set to be ClickableSpan. I want the ClickableSpan to do something in the onClick function when it's clicked and when the other part of the TextView is clicked, it has to do something in the onClick functions of the OnClickListener of the layout. Here's my code. RelativeLayout l = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(; l.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){

Fit a no-intercept model in caret

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-03 05:28:12
In R, I specify a model with no intercept as follows: data(iris) lmFit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ 0 + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data=iris) > round(coef(lmFit),2) Petal.Length Petal.Width 2.86 -4.48 However, if I fit the same model with caret, the resulting model includes an intercept: library(caret) caret_lmFit <- train(Sepal.Length~0+Petal.Length+Petal.Width, data=iris, "lm") > round(coef(caret_lmFit$finalModel),2) (Intercept) Petal.Length Petal.Width 4.19 0.54 -0.32 How do I tell caret::train to exclude the intercept term? As discussed in a linked SO question

Difference between shouldoverrideurlloading and shouldinterceptrequest?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-03 03:38:26
问题 Anyone please tell me the difference between methods public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest (WebView view, WebResourceRequest request) and public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) . I'm creating an android application in which a string is got as the response of a click event in my WebView .I want to store this string and display it.I saw both of these methods.I tried using shouldOverrideUrlLoading which returns the redirect url when i checked with creating

android ClickableSpan intercepts the click event

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-02 23:54:26
I have a TextView in a Layout. It's so simple. I put a OnClickListener in the layout and some part of the TextView is set to be ClickableSpan. I want the ClickableSpan to do something in the onClick function when it's clicked and when the other part of the TextView is clicked, it has to do something in the onClick functions of the OnClickListener of the layout. Here's my code. RelativeLayout l = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(; l.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){ @Override public void onClick(View v) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "whole layout", Toast.LENGTH

Java 静态代理和动态代理的使用及原理解析

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-01 19:53:46
代理模式是软件开发中常见的设计模式,它的目的是让调用者不用持有具体操作者的引用,而是通过代理者去对具体操作者执行具体的操作。 静态代理的实现 操作接口: public interface Operate { void doSomething(); } 复制代码 操作者: public class Operator implements Operate { @Override public void doSomething() { System.out.println("I'm doing something"); } } 复制代码 代理者: public class OperationProxy implements Operate { private Operator operator = null; @Override public void doSomething() { beforeDoSomething(); if(operator == null){ operator = new Operator(); } operator.doSomething(); afterDoSomething(); } private void beforeDoSomething() { System.out.println("before doing something"); }

Nginx配置error_page 404 500等自定义的错误页面

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-01 18:40:46
Nginx 做web server时, laravel 5.5框架开发,开发中发现有时候的网站代码有错误,我们需要跳转到一个指定内容的错误页面: 1. 在nginx.conf配置文件上加上一句: fastcgi_intercept_errors on; 2. 服务中加上: error_page 400 401 402 403 404 405 408 410 412 413 414 415 500 501 502 503 504 506 /404.html; location = /404.html { #放错误页面的目录路径。 root /root/learning_system_back_v2.0/public; } 重启nginx: systemctl restart nginx 500的错误界面显示跳转到自定义的400.html了。 来源: oschina 链接:

How to intercept data being sent to a printer?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-01 13:38:38
问题 I'm interfacing with an application that's sending a raw printer file to the default printer. This is the only thing it will do with the data. I need to get this file somehow so I can store it elsewhere instead. What would be the best way to do this? The best I've thought of is to write an app that listens to a specific port, and set the default printer to that port. Would this way work? Is there a better way? 回答1: I ran across and LDP implementation for Java that I'm going to modify and use.


≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-01 09:44:35
HandlerInterceptor 是SpringFramework为我们提供的拦截器,一般我们可以用来鉴权或者日志记录等。 它是一个interface,主要方法有: /** * Intercept the execution of a handler. Called after HandlerMapping determined * an appropriate handler object, but before HandlerAdapter invokes the handler. * <p>DispatcherServlet processes a handler in an execution chain, consisting * of any number of interceptors, with the handler itself at the end. * With this method, each interceptor can decide to abort the execution chain, * typically sending a HTTP error or writing a custom response. * @param request current HTTP request * @param response current

How to manage logging in curses

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-11-30 11:51:51
I created a simple UI for my application using curses and I also include logs (logging) in my modules using herarchy structure (logmain, logmain.child1) and so on. In case an log event occurs the log is displayed in my UI,distroying its apparence. I also created a pad (myLogPad) in order toput there the incoming logs, but without success. How I can intercept the log event and print it in a specific area (last line) of my screen? def setupLogger(name,file_name): logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #formatter = logging.Formatter( # "%(asctime)s %(threadName)-11s %