
How to Intercept touch input on Windows 8

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-05 06:51:55
问题 I'm writing Windows 8 desktop app and would like it to pop up when user taps the screen with (for example) 4 fingers. I've found this question: How to detect tapping (touch input) globally instead of mouse clicking? the answer offers 3 solutions. The first one is not good for me since I'd like to write app that works on each Win8 tablet. The second one (RegisterPointerInputTarget) works excellent (my app intercepts all possible touch input, even when the start panel is active or a metro app

How to intercept every AJAX request from a webpage

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-05 05:49:27
I need the way to intercept all ajax requests maded from page. So i need some wrapper to add my data to all users requests. Andrey Nikishaev Huh... i made this work))) with help of this topic Extending an ActiveXObject in javascript i made script that intercept all ajax requests no matter what framework or browser do user use. You can look at it here: Script I dont think you can get this out of the box . What you need here is a little restructuring of your client side code [ You should have already done that , but it is never too late :) ] . Make a function that has the responsibility of

HttpClient Request intercepter like, at time of getting response from server

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-05 05:13:07
问题 I want to open a loader popup when request is trying to hit and after getting response,I want to close it. Is any way with using httpclient to perform it from a single place. 回答1: Something like this: @Injectable() export class I1 implements HttpInterceptor { constructor(public service: SomeService) { console.log(service); } intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> { setTimeout(() => { this.service.loading = true; }); return next.handle(req).do( (event:

Intercepting and postprocessing all audio streams on Windows

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-05 02:38:33
问题 I would like to know is there any way I create an application which can intercept all the audio that is being played back on the computer, so I can process the audio (apply some effect) and then pass it further to the Windows audio subsystem? I just had a glimpse in Vista/7 WASAPI, there is this sAPO: but it seems that I cannot create my sAPO and install it anywhere I like - I need a WHQL drivers for this. Is there any universal way to do

自己实现 aop 和 spring aop

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-04 09:29:18
上文 说到,我们可以在 BeanPostProcessor 中对 bean 的初始化前化做手脚,当时也说了,我完全可以生成一个代理类丢回去。 代理类肯定要为用户做一些事情,不可能像学设计模式的时候创建个代理类,然后简单的在前面打印一句话,后面打印一句话,这叫啥事啊,难怪当时听不懂。最好是这个方法的前后过程可以自户自己定义。 小明说,这还不好办,cglib 已经有现成的了,jdk 也可以实现动态代理,看 mybatis 其实也是这么干的,不然你想它一个接口怎么就能找到 xml 的实现呢,可以参照下 mybatis 的代码。 所以首先学习下 cglib 和 jdk 的动态代理,我们来模拟下 mybatis 是如何通过接口来实现方法调用的 cglib 目标接口: public interface UserOperator { User queryUserByName(String name); } 代理处理类: import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor; import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy; public class ProxyHandle implements MethodInterceptor{ // 实现 MethodInterceptor 的代理拦截接口 public Object


淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-04 08:03:37
关注我,可以获取最新知识、经典面试题以及技术分享   在微服务中, rest 服务互相调用是很普遍的,我们该如何优雅地调用,其实在Spring框架使用 RestTemplate 类可以优雅地进行 rest 服务互相调用,它简化了与 http 服务的通信方式,统一了 RESTful 的标准,封装了 http 链接,操作使用简便,还可以自定义RestTemplate所需的模式。其中: RestTemplate 默认使用 HttpMessageConverter 实例将 HTTP 消息转换成 POJO 或者从 POJO 转换成 HTTP 消息。默认情况下会注册主 mime 类型的转换器,但也可以通过 setMessageConverters 注册自定义转换器。 RestTemplate 使用了默认的 DefaultResponseErrorHandler ,对40X Bad Request 或50X internal 异常 error 等错误信息捕捉。 RestTemplate 还可以使用拦截器 interceptor ,进行对请求链接跟踪,以及统一head的设置。 <br> 其中, RestTemplate 还定义了很多的 REST 资源交互的方法,其中的大多数都对应于 HTTP 的方法,如下: 方法 解析 delete() 在特定的URL上对资源执行HTTP DELETE操作

Intercepting exceptions

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-04 06:37:14
I'd like to use to a custom exception to have a user-friendly message come up when an exception of any sort takes place. What's a good straightforward way of doing this? Are there any extra precautions I should take to avoid interfering with Swing's EDT? Exception Translation: It's a good idea to not pollute your application with messages that have no meaning to the end user, but instead create meaningful Exceptions and messages that will translate the exception/error that happened somewhere deep in the implementation of your app. As per @Romain's comment, you can use Exception(Throwable cause


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-04 06:02:19
很早有这个想法,但具体的实现一直没去做,网上正好找到2篇,怕以后找不到,特地记录一下,原文地址: MyBatis 分页拦截器实现 拦截器的一个作用就是我们可以拦截某些方法的调用,我们可以选择在这些被拦截的方法执行前后加上某些逻辑,也可以在执行这些被拦截的方法时执行自己的逻辑而不再执行被拦截的方法。Mybatis拦截器设计的一个初衷就是为了供用户在某些时候可以实现自己的逻辑而不必去动Mybatis固有的逻辑。打个比方,对于Executor,Mybatis中有几种实现:BatchExecutor、ReuseExecutor、SimpleExecutor和CachingExecutor。这个时候如果你觉得这几种实现对于Executor接口的query方法都不能满足你的要求,那怎么办呢?是要去改源码吗?当然不。我们可以建立一个Mybatis拦截器用于拦截Executor接口的query方法,在拦截之后实现自己的query方法逻辑,之后可以选择是否继续执行原来的query方法。 Interceptor接口 对于拦截器Mybatis为我们提供了一个Interceptor接口,通过实现该接口就可以定义我们自己的拦截器

Intercepting and postprocessing all audio streams on Windows

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-03 17:35:30
I would like to know is there any way I create an application which can intercept all the audio that is being played back on the computer, so I can process the audio (apply some effect) and then pass it further to the Windows audio subsystem? I just had a glimpse in Vista/7 WASAPI, there is this sAPO: but it seems that I cannot create my sAPO and install it anywhere I like - I need a WHQL drivers for this. Is there any universal way to do that? I have an experience with DirectSound but I haven't seen any useful info about intercepting the

intercepting file system system calls

孤人 提交于 2019-12-03 11:58:29
I am writing an application for which I need to intercept some filesystem system calls eg. unlink. I would like to save some file say abc. If user deletes the file then I need to copy it to some other place. So I need unlink to call my code before deleting abc so that I could save it. I have gone through threads related to intercepting system calls but methods like LD_PRELOAD it wont work in my case because I want this to be secure and implemented in kernel so this method wont be useful. inotify notifies after the event so I could not be able to save it. Could you suggest any such method. I