How do I use color code in inline svgs (google maps)
问题 I am displaying a custom marker as .svg in google maps API in JavaScript. It seems like that the google maps api does not like using #00492C in code. fill="#0000" does not work, only fill="green" would work. var icon: { url: 'data:image/svg+xml;utf-8, \ <svg width="30" height="48" viewBox="1 -10 60 78" xmlns=""> \ <path fill="#00492C" d="M53.1,48.1c3.9-5.1,6.3-11.3,6.3-18.2C59.4,13.7,46.2,0.5,30,0.5C13.8,0.5,0.6,13.7,0.6,29.9 c0,6.9,2.5,13.1,6.3,18.2C12.8,55.8,30,77