
What Does It Mean For a C++ Function To Be Inline?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-11-27 07:27:14
See title: what does it mean for a C++ function to be inline? The function is placed in the code, rather than being called, similar to using macros (conceptually) This can improve speed (no function call), but causes code bloat (if the function is used 100 times, you now have 100 copies) You should note this does not force the compiler to make the function inline, and it will ignore you if it thinks its a bad idea. Similarly the compiler may decided to make normal functions inline for you. This also allows you to place the entire function in a header file, rather than implementing it in a cpp

Inline functions in C++

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-11-27 06:37:18
问题 If we define a member function inside the class definition itself, is it necessarily treated inline or is it just a request to the compiler which it can ignore. 回答1: Yes, functions that are defined inside a class body are implicitly inline . (As with other functions declared inline it doesn't mean that the complier has to perform inline expansion in places where the function is called, it just enables the permitted relaxations of the "one definition rule", combined with the requirement that a

Why should I ever use inline code?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-11-27 06:11:32
I'm a C/C++ developer, and here are a couple of questions that always baffled me. Is there a big difference between "regular" code and inline code? Which is the main difference? Is inline code simply a "form" of macros? What kind of tradeoff must be done when choosing to inline your code? Thanks Is there a big difference between "regular" code and inline code? Yes and no. No, because an inline function or method has exactly the same characteristics as a regular one, most important one being that they are both type safe. And yes, because the assembly code generated by the compiler will be

What's the difference between static inline, extern inline and a normal inline function?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-11-27 04:23:27
What's the difference between a static inline , extern inline and a normal inline function? I've seen some vague explanations about this. As far as I've understood, static inline is not just an inline function that is meant to only be referred to within a certain file as the static keyword usually means. The same goes for extern inline too I guess, it's not the same explanation as with extern variables. Any answers would be greatly appreciated! A function definition with static inline defines an inline function with internal linkage. Such function works "as expected" from the "usual"

Multiple definition of inline functions when linking static libs

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-11-27 01:04:47
I have a C++ program that I compile with mingw (gcc for Windows). Using the TDM release of mingw which includes gcc 4.4.1. The executable links to two static library (.a) files: On of them is a third-party library written in C; the other is a C++ library, written by me, that uses the C library provides my own C++ API on top. An (in my view, excessive) portion of the C library's functionality is implemented in inline functions. You can't avoid including the inline functions when you use the C library's API, but when I try to link it all together, I'm getting link errors saying there is a

Python equivalence to inline functions or macros

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-11-27 00:26:45
问题 I just realized that doing x.real*x.real+x.imag*x.imag is three times faster than doing abs(x)**2 where x is a numpy array of complex numbers. For code readability, I could define a function like def abs2(x): return x.real*x.real+x.imag*x.imag which is still far faster than abs(x)**2, but it is at the cost of a function call. Is it possible to inline such a function, as I would do in C using macro or using inline keyword? 回答1: Is it possible to inline such a function, as I would do in C using

What is wrong with using inline functions?

余生颓废 提交于 2019-11-27 00:26:41
While it would be very convenient to use inline functions at some situations, Are there any drawbacks with inline functions? Conclusion : Apparently, There is nothing wrong with using inline functions. But it is worth noting the following points! Overuse of inlining can actually make programs slower. Depending on a function's size, inlining it can cause the code size to increase or decrease. Inlining a very small accessor function will usually decrease code size while inlining a very large function can dramatically increase code size. On modern processors smaller code usually runs faster due

How to declare an inline function in C99 multi-file project?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-11-26 19:58:41
问题 I want to define an inline function in a project, compiled with c99. How can I do it? When I declare the function in a header file and give the detail in a .c file, the definition isn't recognized by other files. When I put the explicit function in a header file, I have a problem because all .o files who use it have a copy of the definition, so the linker gives me a "multiple definition" error. What I am trying to do is something like: header.h inline void func() { do things... } lib1.c

static variables in an inlined function

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-11-26 19:28:34
I have a function that is declared and defined in a header file. This is a problem all by itself. When that function is not inlined, every translation unit that uses that header gets a copy of the function, and when they are linked together there are duplicated. I "fixed" that by making the function inline, but I'm afraid that this is a fragile solution because as far as I know, the compiler doesn't guarantee inlining, even when you specify the "inline" keyword. If this is not true, please correct me. Anyways, the real question is, what happens to static variables inside this function? How

Multiple definition of inline functions when linking static libs

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-26 17:28:03
问题 I have a C++ program that I compile with mingw (gcc for Windows). Using the TDM release of mingw which includes gcc 4.4.1. The executable links to two static library (.a) files: On of them is a third-party library written in C; the other is a C++ library, written by me, that uses the C library provides my own C++ API on top. An (in my view, excessive) portion of the C library's functionality is implemented in inline functions. You can't avoid including the inline functions when you use the C