
Try-catch creates infinite loop [duplicate]

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-02-20 19:08:39
问题 This question already has answers here : Endless while loop problem with try/catch (2 answers) Closed 5 years ago . I need to be able to take user input until the input is greater than the initial price, but I also need to make it robust so that the user can't break the program by entering something other than a double/integer. If the user does enter something other than a double/int. The problem is that it creates a loop and repeats "Please enter valid currency" + "Please enter: price"

Circle Piping to and from 2 Python Subprocesses

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-19 03:53:08
问题 I needed help regarding the subprocess module. This question might sound repeated, and I have seen a number of articles related to it in a number of ways. But even so I am unable to solve my problem. It goes as follows: I have a C program 2.c it's contents are as follows: #include<stdio.h> int main() { int a; scanf("%d",&a); while(1) { if(a==0) //Specific case for the first input { printf("%d\n",(a+1)); break; } scanf("%d",&a); printf("%d\n",a); } return 0; } I need to write a python script

Why does it hang indefinitely?

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-17 07:07:58
问题 I wonder why is the reason why this code never finishes its execution. It makes use of MoreLinq void Main() { var values = MoreEnumerable.Random(1, 200); var filtered = MyMethod(values) .Take(2) .Dump(); } public IEnumerable<int> MyMethod(IEnumerable<int> source) { return source .Select(x => new[] { x }) .Aggregate((a, b) => new[] { a.Last() + b.First()}); } 回答1: Because MoreEnumerable.Random(1, 200) returns an infinite sequence and the .Aggregate statement in MyMethod is trying to enumerate

React useEffect infinite loop fetch data axios

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-16 09:13:52
问题 I'm getting an infinite loop with this code. I've been trying some of the solutions from another posts but they don't work. locationAddress is an array of addresses and I'm trying to get the coordinates using the Google Maps Geocode API. const reducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'add': return [ ...state, { address: action.address, name:, id: } ]; case 'remove': return state.filter((_, index) => index !== action.index) default: return state; } }

React useEffect infinite loop fetch data axios

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-16 09:12:09
问题 I'm getting an infinite loop with this code. I've been trying some of the solutions from another posts but they don't work. locationAddress is an array of addresses and I'm trying to get the coordinates using the Google Maps Geocode API. const reducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'add': return [ ...state, { address: action.address, name:, id: } ]; case 'remove': return state.filter((_, index) => index !== action.index) default: return state; } }

javascript infinite loop caused by simple for loop

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-02-09 07:04:13
问题 I get an infinite loop because of this small bit of code. It becomes fixed if I declared the var i to any value (i.e. var i = 0) before the loop, and I'm not sure why. Could someone who's familiar with javascript's intricacies explain to me what's going on here? for (num = 1; num <= 2; num++) { for (i = 1; i < num; i++) { console.log("hi"); } } 回答1: Since i was not declared as a local var , your code is, in-effect altering variables/objects window.i as well as window.num Adding var keywords

Killing an *unresponsive* thread in Android/Java

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-08 06:38:34
问题 I know the accepted, correct solutions for gracefully closing a thread. But assume my game is supposed to be fault-tolerant, and when a new gamegplay is started, it tries to gracefully close the (now-paused) thread of the old gameplay. If it fails to join it / close it (e.g. because the old thread is buggy and is in an infinite loop), it instantiates the new Thread and starts it. But I don't like the fact that the old thread is still there, eating resources. Is there an accepted way to kill

XML parsing with PugiXML, infinite loop

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2021-02-08 03:36:05
问题 this is pretty much the first C++ program that I ever made, it should display a list of xml nodes in the document. I made an exact same thing work using TinyXML, but I find Pugi much nicer and would like to continue using it. Program code: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; #include "pugixml/src/pugixml.hpp" #include "pugixml/src/pugiconfig.hpp" #include "pugixml/src/pugixml.cpp" using namespace pugi; const char * identify(xml_node node) { const char

how do an infinite loop in javascript

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-05 12:37:24
问题 Im trying to do an infinite loop using while between 0 to 100 and 100 to 0, but the browser crashes. There is a way to clear the browser memory? This is my code: var a = 0; var flag = true; while (true) { if (a < 100 && flag == true) { a++; } else { a = 0; flag = false; if (a < 0) { flag = true; } } console.log(a); } 回答1: An infinite while loop will block the main thread wich is equivalent to a crash. You could use a selfcalling function ( wich leaves the main thread doing some other stuff

how do an infinite loop in javascript

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-05 12:35:35
问题 Im trying to do an infinite loop using while between 0 to 100 and 100 to 0, but the browser crashes. There is a way to clear the browser memory? This is my code: var a = 0; var flag = true; while (true) { if (a < 100 && flag == true) { a++; } else { a = 0; flag = false; if (a < 0) { flag = true; } } console.log(a); } 回答1: An infinite while loop will block the main thread wich is equivalent to a crash. You could use a selfcalling function ( wich leaves the main thread doing some other stuff