
Incremental build in Jenkins

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-04 13:06:57
问题 I am using Jenkins 1.462 and maven version is 3.0.4. At Jenkins I enabled check-box "Incremental build - only build changed modules" I want to figure out 2 questions: Whether incremental build is sufficient? Here How do I trigger a Jenkins build of a single module in a multi-module Maven build from Subversion? for example is stated that it doesn't work at 100% Here at page 19 is stated that incremental builds are

Gradle build cache is not enabled for task

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-01 23:45:53
I have enabled gradle build cache for my project. But, we are using some non-built in tasks like npm-install from third party plugins. Gradle is not enabling cache for these tasks. For example it shows something like below when such task is executed : Task :data-export-ui-kjs:npm-configure Build cache key for task ':data-export-ui-kjs:npm-configure' is bbe0dafcd467a2afb2834acafe2993f5 Caching disabled for task ':data-export-ui-kjs:npm-configure': Caching has not been enabled for the task Is there a way to enable build cache for such non-builtin tasks? A task needs to opt-in to being cacheable

TFS Incremental build error - Unable to perform the get operation because the file already exists locally

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-01 19:23:46
I'm trying to enable incremental build of my VS solution. In the GUI for xaml build process template, I set "Clean Workspace" to "None" and added /p:IncrementalBuild=True as an MSBuild argument. I then checked in changes to a file, but when I run my TFS build, I immediately get the following error: Unable to perform the get operation because the file already exists locally Exception Message: One or more errors occurred while performing a Get operation. (type GetException) Exception Stack Trace: at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.SyncWorkspaceInternal.ThrowIfErrorsOccurred

Android NDK incremental build

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-11-30 07:09:14
问题 I'm currently working on a large Android app using a massive amount of C++ code. It compiles and runs, so far so good. Unfortunately, every time I modify something in the structure of my native source (add/delete/rename/move a file), which happens pretty often, ndk-build rebuilds the whole source, even the untouched files. Does anyone know how I can set up the Android NDK to build incrementally somehow? Thanks in advance 回答1: I got fed up with the NDK build system, studied it for a bit, and

Android NDK incremental build

五迷三道 提交于 2019-11-29 01:32:57
I'm currently working on a large Android app using a massive amount of C++ code. It compiles and runs, so far so good. Unfortunately, every time I modify something in the structure of my native source (add/delete/rename/move a file), which happens pretty often, ndk-build rebuilds the whole source, even the untouched files. Does anyone know how I can set up the Android NDK to build incrementally somehow? Thanks in advance I got fed up with the NDK build system, studied it for a bit, and wrote my own makefiles. This was not hard. However, it was then pointed out to me that by doing this, I would

Visual Studio 2012 - MSBuild incremental build not detecting changes

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-11-27 23:36:10
I have customised an MSBuild project so that the default target is a new target named similarly to 'BuildWithExternalReference'. This new target calls two other targets; the first is a custom target called something like 'BuildExternalReference' which builds a DLL using an external tool. The DLL that is built is a reference for the main project, which is built using the normal 'Build' target. I have setup the Inputs and Outputs attributes for the 'BuildExternalReference' target so the Inputs reference the source files and the outputs reference the resulting DLL. In both Visual Studio 2012 and

File Tracker Log file format

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-11-27 20:12:16
In Visual Studio 2010 incremental builds are done using the File Tracker (Microsoft.Build.Utilities.FileTracker). It seems that it is responsible to the creation of these *.1.tlog files on the intermediate directory. I couldn't find any reference to the syntax of these .tlog files. They contain a list of paths to files that are read/written while the tracker tracks the execution of some tool, in order to check which files should be compiled in an incremental build. However, these files also contain some special characters such as "^" and "|". Another thing I noticed was that these files are

File Tracker Log file format

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-11-27 04:26:18
问题 In Visual Studio 2010 incremental builds are done using the File Tracker (Microsoft.Build.Utilities.FileTracker). It seems that it is responsible to the creation of these *.1.tlog files on the intermediate directory. I couldn't find any reference to the syntax of these .tlog files. They contain a list of paths to files that are read/written while the tracker tracks the execution of some tool, in order to check which files should be compiled in an incremental build. However, these files also

Visual Studio 2012 - MSBuild incremental build not detecting changes

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-11-26 21:31:55
问题 I have customised an MSBuild project so that the default target is a new target named similarly to 'BuildWithExternalReference'. This new target calls two other targets; the first is a custom target called something like 'BuildExternalReference' which builds a DLL using an external tool. The DLL that is built is a reference for the main project, which is built using the normal 'Build' target. I have setup the Inputs and Outputs attributes for the 'BuildExternalReference' target so the Inputs