
Why do I need to explicitly import the font module from the tkinter module even if have imported the full module using “*”?

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-02-16 19:19:54
问题 I have tried to run the give python snippet: from tkinter import * from tkinter import font root = Tk() list_fonts = list(font.families()) for i in list_fonts: print(i) root.mainloop() I get the output as: Sitka Display Sitka Banner Nirmala UI Semilight Leelawadee UI Gadugi Microsoft New Tai Lue DokChampa Segoe UI Calibri Miriam Angsana New Iskoola Pota Kartika Segoe UI Semilight Vijaya Nirmala UI Mongolian Baiti Microsoft YaHei @Microsoft YaHei Microsoft YaHei UI @Microsoft YaHei UI Vani

Importing with package name breaking enum comparison in Python

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-16 18:58:31
问题 My friend and I are making chess AIs in Python, but we're running into a mysterious problem with enums. We encode the piece types in an enum like so: from enum import Enum class PieceType(Enum): type_one = 1 ... def recognise_type(my_type): print("Passed ", my_type) if my_type is PieceType.type_one: print("Type One") else: print("Type not recognised") We ask the AI for a piece (for promoting a pawn for instance) and call recognise_type: import Piece def get_promotion():

How can I import a .pyc compiled python file and use it

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-16 14:50:22
问题 Im trying to figure out how to include a .pyc file in a python script. For example my script is called: and the script I would like to include is called: included_script.pyc So, do I just use: import included_script And will that automatically execute the included_script.pyc ? Or is there something further I need to do, to get my included_script.pyc to run inside the ? Do I need to pass the variables used in included_script.pyc also? If so, how might this be achieved?

Using modules imported from another import

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-02-15 11:49:57
问题 I'm cleaning up a project that was refactored into smaller .py files. I noticed that a lot of modules are being imported again and again in various files. Some statements are in files that import another which has the same import statement used by the importing file. For example: import alt print (os.getcwd()) import os The print(os.getcwd()) throws a NameError: name 'os' is not defined . Shouldn't os be part of sys.modules when the import statement is executed in Is it

Difference between importing Handlebar templates and fetching them? [closed]

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-02-11 17:02:03
问题 Closed . This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 7 months ago . Improve this question I've seen people use fetch requests to get .hbs files that are already inside the server and could simply be imported using the import syntax. Why would that be? Is there a point to fetching files from inside the server? Wouldn't it be better to simply

R read_excel: libxls error: Unable to parse file

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-11 14:31:18
问题 I'm trying to read xls file into R using readxl::read_excel , but it's giving the following errors: Error: filepath: //.../data.xls libxls error: Unable to parse file also tried readxl::excel_sheets(), but same errors. readxl::format_from_ext(path) gives "xls" Also tried re-installing readxl packages, didn't work for me. My current alternative is to convert this file to "xlsx" using Excel and then read in with readxl::read_excel, but I would like to import the "xls" directly. How to fix it?

R read_excel: libxls error: Unable to parse file

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-11 14:29:55
问题 I'm trying to read xls file into R using readxl::read_excel , but it's giving the following errors: Error: filepath: //.../data.xls libxls error: Unable to parse file also tried readxl::excel_sheets(), but same errors. readxl::format_from_ext(path) gives "xls" Also tried re-installing readxl packages, didn't work for me. My current alternative is to convert this file to "xlsx" using Excel and then read in with readxl::read_excel, but I would like to import the "xls" directly. How to fix it?

Correct way to import a script / module / component into a page in Nuxt?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-02-11 13:59:51
问题 I'm new to js, vue & nuxt so quite confused about what is the correct and best way to import a script / module / component into an HTML page and run it. For example, I know that this works with an event listener in the js script: <template> <div> <button id="importJS">Go!</button> </div> <template> <script src="~/index.js"></script> But is something like this better?: @import "~/index.js" <template> <div> <button id="importJS">Go!</button> </div> <template> And / or should only the main

Importing Dates from Excel to SAS

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-11 13:54:07
问题 I have dates in excel in the following format 02/15/2011. When I import to excel, the dates are numeric such as 40561. When I convert these in SAS using the code below, I get dates such as 04/01/1946. So far my code is: data Reformat11; set Old; Amount1 = input(Amount, comma10.); DateReceived2 = Input(PUT(DateReceived, 5.), MMDDYY10.); Format DateReceived2 MMDDYY10.; format DateApproved MMDDYY10.; run; Any other Suggestions? 回答1: SAS knows how to import dates from Excel. What it cannot do is

module 'a' has no attribute func()

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-11 13:46:30
问题 I have 2 modules: a: import another_module def func(): b: import a x=a.func() This is showing error: module 'a' has no attribute 'func'. What i am doing wrong in importing a.ipynb 回答1: Make sure your module is names '', and it is in the same folder as b, otherwise, in the place where all the other modules are stored. 来源: