
Run Oracle import Command from Java and see Console output

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-25 08:18:02
问题 I am running an Oracle database Command for a .dmp file like this: String impcmd = "imp askul/askul@askdb file=mydumpfile.dmp log=mylogfile.log fromuser=askul touser=askul full=N ignore=Y grants=Y indexes=Y"; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(impcmd); p.waitFor(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String line = br.readLine(); while(line != null){ System.out.println(line); line = br.readLine(); } The database import is Happening Fine on the

Import specific tables from oracle dump file?

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-23 09:36:28
问题 I have a dump of a huge oracle database so it is impossible to import it all. I want to import a specific table called X. The problem is that X has foreign keys. If I import just X, I will get the following error: imp user/pass@dbName tables=X rows=y ignore=Y ORA-02291: integrity constraint violated - parent key not found I already have the whole db locally (but without data), I want to import all tables that are associated to X. How can I achieve that? I have plsql installed. I also need to

What is a frozen Python module?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-17 16:06:29
问题 The Python help of the module imp is talking about a frozen module. What is it? 回答1: This link explains what the Python Freeze utility is in detail: In a nutshell, it creates a portable version of a python script that carries its own built in interpreter (basically like a binary executable), so that you can run it on machines without python. 回答2: links


∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-07 09:02:33
1、导入给我的DMP文件 字符集是ZHS16GBK ,我本地服务器的字符集是AL32UTF8 ,导入数据是给出的提示 2、sqlplus用 sys登录 3、执行更改字符集语句 数据库字符集在创建后原则上不能更改。因此,在设计和安装之初考虑使用哪一种字符集十分重要。对数据库server而言,错误的修改字符集将会导致很多不可测的后果,可能会严重影响数据库的正常运行,所以在修改之前一定要确认两种字符集是否存在子集和超集的关系。一般来说,除非万不得已,我们不建议修改oracle数据库server端的字符集。 改为ZHS16GBK shutdown immediate; startup mount; alter system enable restricted session; alter system set job_queue_processes=0; alter system set aq_tm_processes=0; alter database open; alter database character set internal_use ZHS16GBK; shutdown immediate; startup; 改为UTF-8 shutdown immediate; startup mount; alter system enable restricted session;


北城余情 提交于 2019-12-06 20:16:20
Oracle数据导入导出imp/exp 功能:Oracle数据导入导出imp/exp就相当与oracle数据还原与备份。 大多情况都可以用Oracle数据导入导出完成数据的备份和还原(不会造成数据的丢失)。 Oracle有个好处,虽然你的电脑不是服务器,但是你装了oracle客户端,并建立了连接(通过Net Configuration Assistant添加正确的服务命名,其实你可以想成是客户端与服务器端 修了条路,然后数据就可以被拉过来了)这样你可以把数据导出到本地,虽然可能服务器离你很远。 你同样可以把dmp文件从本地导入到远处的数据库服务器中。 利用这个功能你可以构建俩个相同的数据库,一个用来测试,一个用来正式使用。 执行环境:可以在SQLPLUS.EXE或者DOS(命令行)中执行,DOS中可以执行时由于 在oracle 8i 中 安装目录\$ora10g\BIN被设置为全局路径,该目录下有EXP.EXE与IMP.EXE文件被用来执行导入导出。 Oracle用java编写,我想SQLPLUS.EXE、EXP.EXE、IMP.EXE这俩个文件是被包装后的类文件。SQLPLUS.EXE调用EXP.EXE、IMP.EXE他们所包裹的类,完成导入导出功能。 下面介绍的是导入导出的实例,向导入导出看实例基本上就可以完成,因为导入导出很简单。 查看帮助: exp -help | imp


微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-05 08:00:06
首先需要知道dmp文件的表空间和用户名。 (也可以根据出错提示得到:比如用户名为fitness,表空间为 fitness_ts ) 创建Oracle相关信息。 create user fitness IDENTIFIED by 12345678 --创建用户 create tablespace fitness_ts datafile 'd:\data.dbf'SIZE 500M; --需要根据实际的数据大小,或可以设置表空间自增长 alter user fitness DEFAULT tablespace fitness_ts; --将表空间指定给用户 grant create session,create table,create sequence,create procedure,create trigger, unlimited tablespace to fitness; 说明: grant create session to test; --赋予create session的权限 grant create table,create view,create trigger, create sequence,create procedure to test;--分配创建表,视图,触发器,序列,过程 权限 grant unlimited tablespace to test;

What is a frozen Python module?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-11-27 21:12:02
The Python help of the module imp is talking about a frozen module. What is it? This link explains what the Python Freeze utility is in detail: In a nutshell, it creates a portable version of a python script that carries its own built in interpreter (basically like a binary executable), so that you can run it on machines without python. links to which explains it: Frozen modules are modules written

Linking error LNK2019 in MSVC, unresolved symbols with __imp__ prefix, but should be from static lib

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-11-27 08:36:23
I'm running into linking problems in MSVC for a project that I wrote for g++. Here's the problem: I build libssh as a static library as part of my application, adding the target in cmake with add_library(ssh_static STATIC $libssh_SRCS) Libssh is in C, so I have 'extern "C" {...}' wrapping the includes in my c++ sources. I then link the ssh_static target to my executable, sshconnectiontest, with target_link_libraries(sshconnectiontest ... ssh_static ...) This all works fine in linux with gcc, but now in MSVC I get error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__[function names here] referenced