
How to inline ignore format in Visual Code?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-06-28 06:42:08
问题 Which formatter VCode uses? I read somewhere VC uses jsbeautifier so I tried adding a compatible ignore comment to my .ejs template, but to no avail. 回答1: As far as I know, there is no way to do this without an extension. However, you have full control of the formatting if you use this extension. It also uses js-beautify, but it adds configuration. As specified in the js-beautify docs, the "preserve" directive only works in javascript sections. I have tested this in the script tag of an ejs

How to get the last two occurrences of the same string in a text file C#

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-06-27 13:03:11
问题 I have a text file structured like this: Time: 5:31 . . Time: 5:50 . . Time: 6:30 . . Time: 7:30 For this, I am trying to obtain the last two instances of "Time: ", which would be: Time: 6:30 . . Time: 7:30 I already know how to obtain the last instance, by way of my code below: string end_time = ""; string start_time = ""; string file = @"mypath.txt"; foreach(string line in File.ReadAllLines(file)) { end_time = Endtime_value(line, end_time); } Console.WriteLine(end_time); } public static

Regex pattern to ignore multiple folders

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-06-17 00:14:29
问题 How is the correct syntax to ignore more then one files and folders for electron-packager? With only one arg like: --ignore=docs/* it works fine. But I want to ignore more then one folder and files like: --ignore=docs/* + dev/* + someFile.js 回答1: Use the OR statement in the regular expression by using the | character in stead of the + character. --ignore="docs/.*|dev/.*|somefile\.js" 回答2: This variant works for me --ignore=\"(docs*|dev*|somefile\.js)\" 回答3: For anyone out there who's looking

How can I ignore a field when marshalling a structure with P/Invoke

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-05-12 11:30:20
问题 I want to marshal a structure for use with P/Invoke, but this struct contains a field that is only relevant to my managed code, so I don't want it to be marshaled since it doesn't belong in the native structure. Is it even possible ? I was looking for an attribute similar to NonSerialized for serialization, but it doesn't seem to exist... struct MyStructure { int foo; int bar; [NotMarshaled] // This attribute doesn't exist, but that's the kind of thing I'm looking for... int ignored; } Any

SonarQube ignore getter/setters in code analysis

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-03-18 17:50:09
问题 Is there a setting in SonarQube dashboard that allows for ignoring getter and setters? This sounds like a better option then coding //nopmd on every method in your codebase. My codebase has a lot of them and they are dramatically lowering my unit test coverage % being reported in the Sonarqube dashboard 回答1: There is no option to ignore getters and setters. However, if you have classes you'd like omitted entirely from coverage calculations, you can easily do so with exclusions. 来源: https:/

SonarQube ignore getter/setters in code analysis

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-03-18 17:48:41
问题 Is there a setting in SonarQube dashboard that allows for ignoring getter and setters? This sounds like a better option then coding //nopmd on every method in your codebase. My codebase has a lot of them and they are dramatically lowering my unit test coverage % being reported in the Sonarqube dashboard 回答1: There is no option to ignore getters and setters. However, if you have classes you'd like omitted entirely from coverage calculations, you can easily do so with exclusions. 来源: https:/

Groovy - Ignore extra attributes in a map during object instantiation

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-03-18 03:18:53
问题 Is there a way to make groovy ignore extra attributes in a map during object instantiation? Example: class Banana{ String name } def params = [name:'someGuy', age:13] new Banana(params) In this example, groovy throws a No such property: age exception (obviously because age isn't defined in the Banana class. Without resorting to manually mapping only the desired attributes from the map to the constructor of the Banana class, is there a way to tell Banana to ignore the extra attributes? I

Groovy - Ignore extra attributes in a map during object instantiation

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-03-18 03:18:38
问题 Is there a way to make groovy ignore extra attributes in a map during object instantiation? Example: class Banana{ String name } def params = [name:'someGuy', age:13] new Banana(params) In this example, groovy throws a No such property: age exception (obviously because age isn't defined in the Banana class. Without resorting to manually mapping only the desired attributes from the map to the constructor of the Banana class, is there a way to tell Banana to ignore the extra attributes? I

“git update-index --assume-unchanged” by default

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-03-17 11:22:10
问题 Is there a way in git to have the result of git update-index --assume-unchanged FILE_NAME by default on a given set of files? For example, a git config file that lists files whose changes are not tracked by default, so that we don't have to run the command after we clone the repo? The files would exist in the repository in a default format, be pulled by the developers, and whatever changes they make to the file wouldn't be tracked nor overwritten by posterior pulls. For example: I have a web

Skipping Feature - SpecFlow C#

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-02-06 10:18:50
问题 I'm looking to intercept a test using the [BeforeFeature] SpecFlow Hook and ignore the entire feature file. private static string FeatureName = FeatureContext.Current.FeatureInfo.Title; [BeforeFeature] public static void BeforeFeature() { Console.WriteLine("Before feature"); if (TestFilter.ShouldBeIgnored(FeatureName)) { // Ignore Feature if it matches TestFilter Requirements } } 回答1: If you are using Specflow + Nunit, you can call Assert.Ignore("ignore message here"); This will cause the