how to convert floating-point number to IEEE 754 using assembly
can you please help me to convert floating-point number to IEEE 754 using assembly i have this number -1.75 and i know it equla to -1.11000000000000000000000 E+0 on IEEE754 but i dont know how to do the convert in assembly Did you mean something like this: ; Conversion of an ASCII-coded decimal rational number (DecStr) ; to an ASCII-coded decimal binary number (BinStr) as 32-bit single (IEEE 754) include \masm32\include\ ; MASM32 headers, mainly for printf .data DecStr db "-1.75",0 BinStr db 40 dup (0) result REAL4 ? number dd 0 frac dd 0 divisor dd 1 .code main PROC mov edi,