
Cant validate tracking code for demographic reports using Google Analytics iOS SDK with IDFA

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-12 04:11:21
问题 I'm trying to gather Demographics and Interest Reports for my iOS app users using the Google Analytics iOS SDK . I have enabled Demographics and Interest Reports in my Google Analytics dashboard. I also installed the GoogleIDFASupport pod (Cocoapods), and set the following code in my app delegate: #if DEBUG #else let gAnalytics = GAI.sharedInstance() gAnalytics.defaultTracker.allowIDFACollection = true #endif I have been testing the app multiple times, and running in Release scheme on my

Does the Facebook SDK use IDFA for Mobile App Installs?

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-04 16:43:20
问题 When you integrate the Facebook SDK to track Mobile App Installs, does this use the IDFA and hence do you have to answer yes to the corresponding question in iTunes Connect question when submitting the app for review? This is the code in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: [FBSettings setDefaultAppID:FB_APP_ID_NSTRING]; [FBAppEvents activateApp]; In my Facebook dashboard, my app is configured with Yes under "Install Insights" and "Enable Enhanced Interest Targeting": The iTunes Connect

IDFA & Google Conversion Tracking SDK [closed]

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-03 07:41:39
Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Learn more . Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Apple started explaining about your app. use of the IDFA (Advertising Identifier) on app. submission. I am using Google Conversion Tracking SDK upon my client request. Which requires to add Adsupport.framework to the project Build Phases in xCode. Adsupport.framework uses the IDFA. On App. submission you will be asked the following: This app uses the Advertising Identifier to (select all that apply): 1. Serve

iOS - Google AdMob v6.12.0 - “idfa class missing, won't collect idfa”

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-02 06:06:25
问题 I'm using Google AdMob (DFP & Mediated Interstitials) for a project in iOS 8 (target iOS 7). And even though I've included what I think are all the necessary Frameworks for AdMob v6.12.0 (according to the AdMob site), I'm seeing the following warning message in Xcode: "idfa class missing, won't collect idfa" According to AdMob's release notes, v6.12.0 SDK uses Apple's idfa... "The SDK uses IDFA under the guidelines laid out in the iOS developer program license agreement." (

iOS - Google AdMob v6.12.0 - “idfa class missing, won't collect idfa”

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-02 02:41:11
I'm using Google AdMob (DFP & Mediated Interstitials) for a project in iOS 8 (target iOS 7). And even though I've included what I think are all the necessary Frameworks for AdMob v6.12.0 (according to the AdMob site), I'm seeing the following warning message in Xcode: "idfa class missing, won't collect idfa" According to AdMob's release notes, v6.12.0 SDK uses Apple's idfa... "The SDK uses IDFA under the guidelines laid out in the iOS developer program license agreement." ( ) So... I'm stumped by this warning message in the Xcode console. MY QUESTION: Should I

How to retrieve iPhone IDFA from API?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-28 15:52:20
I would like to get the device IDFA . How to get this info from iOS official API ? Zachary Drake First of all: #import <AdSupport/ASIdentifierManager.h> If you would like to get it as an NSString, use: [[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier] UUIDString] So your code might look like this: NSString *idfaString = [[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier] UUIDString]; You first have to check if user user has decided to opt out from ad tracking . Only if he allowed it you can use the IDFA . You can check it by calling isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled method of

How to fetch device information from a progressive web app

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-11-28 10:26:09
How to fetch device information (Google Advertising Id or IDFA) from a progressive web app Google Advertising ID is not accessible to progressive web app running in browser and so the installed PWA. Said that, you can make it available to your installed PWA using an Android service(which is a native code getting the Google Advertising ID) and passing it to your PWA using Deep link s, by setting a Indent filter to your PWA with a URL and have the ID retrieved in your native code passed to web app in the query para (URL). You can refer to

How do I check where my app is using IDFA

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-11-28 03:55:14
While submitting my app to the App Store, I got this message: "Your app is using the Advertising Identifier (IDFA). You must either provide details about the IDFA usage or remove it from the app and submit your binary again." I am no longer displaying ads so I said that I was not using the IDFA when I was asked. I also tried submitting the app by saying that I was using the IDFA to display targeted ads. When I WAS displaying ads, I was using MoPub and Facebook Audience Network. Is there a way to see where I was using the IDFA? Rumin In order to check Advertising Identifier, you need to follow

How to fetch device information from a progressive web app

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-27 03:36:16
问题 How to fetch device information (Google Advertising Id or IDFA) from a progressive web app 回答1: Google Advertising ID is not accessible to progressive web app running in browser and so the installed PWA. Said that, you can make it available to your installed PWA using an Android service(which is a native code getting the Google Advertising ID) and passing it to your PWA using Deep links, by setting a Indent filter to your PWA with a URL