
CGImage from images stored on iCloud look wrong

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-03-04 07:02:04
问题 I'm extracting pixel colors from a CGImage using the code described in this answer. However, I just realized that if I load an image that was created on another device, the pixels values look wrong. The first obvious problem is that the alpha is gone. The CGImageAlphaInfo reports .noneSkipLast , but I know the image is RGBA. If I read it from the same device it was created, it looks fine. The second problem is that there is some color bleeding, as if the image had been resized. Perhaps is


六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-03-03 08:14:52
昨天回家手机没锁随手放在沙发上,想不到的悲剧发生了,女儿拿着我的手机玩,然后把我手机好多的APP都删了,这些都不重要,重要的是他把我的通讯录都删了完了,一个都不剩了,哭笑不得,赶紧在网上找了一些方法尝试找回来,试了好多方法,最后基本都找回来了,我想肯定有很多人也有跟我一样的困惑,下面把我用的这些方法分享给大家,希望你们也能顺利找回误删的通讯录,很简单,一看就会。 通过Icloud恢复 手机通讯录误删除怎么恢复?在手机设置中找到“iCloud”,点击进入-在“iCloud”中找到通讯录,将其右侧的打开变为关闭-在新的对话框里选择“保留在我的iPhone上”-然后打开“iCloud”,将通讯录的右侧设为打开,这样苹果手机的联系人就可恢复了。 通过百度云同步恢复 手机通讯录误删除怎么恢复? 打开百度云-点我-通讯录同步-恢复通讯录-选择你想要恢复日期的通讯录-确认还原即可。现在很多人都会用百度云,所以在这上面能找到的机会也大,但是平时也要养成备份的习惯哦。 通过专业的恢复软件恢复误删除的通讯录 昨天用前两种方法找回了部分的通讯录联系人,但是还是有几个非常重要的没找到,最后没办法花了几百块钱在苹果商店找了个恢复大师找到了,几百块虽然心疼但是终归是找到了! 如果你的通讯录联系人也被删除了,上面的方法可以试试! 来源: CSDN 作者: 不回家的背包客 链接: https://blog

UIImagePickerController and iCloud photos

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-02-25 03:01:10
问题 After switching to iCloud Photo, it seems that some of the images returned by UIImagePickerController are very blur. It looks like the image are taken from iCloud Photo. Am I able to retrieve the original image, or filter off iCloud Photo images, or do I have to switch to other frameworks to do what UIImagePickerController do? 回答1: From the symptoms, I'm going to assume you are using something like this to load your images: func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController,

iCloud Drive自动同步本地文件夹

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-02-05 12:41:34
例如,在两台Mac上写blog,需要同步 _posts 文件夹。网上诸多解决方案,例如新开git分支,甚至写个小程序来同步, hexo g -d 发布完blog还需要敲几个命令或开小程序来同步,都稍嫌麻烦。直接修改 hexo g -d 命令的任务,让它带上git同步或者启动同步小程序也可以,这就需要去改动源码了。有没有更简捷的方式,例如利用iCloud来自动同步_posts目录? 百度iCloud Drive同步指定目录,并没有查到方案(也可能是百度不行)。又不想同步整个Documents这样的大文件夹。 尝试在hexo blog目录下的_posts文件夹上 右键 - Make Alias ,得到一个Alias文件,把这个文件拖动到iCloud Drive里面,实际上这种方案不可行,它同步的仅仅是一个Alias文件,而且Alias文件只适用一台电脑。同理,建立一个指向_posts 大专栏 iCloud Drive自动同步本地文件夹 文件夹的软链接,然后把这个软链接扔到iCloud里面也是不可行的。 把Finder - iCloud Drive目录中的文件拖动到Terminal中,得到iCloud的本地路径, /Users/zzz/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs ,然后把hexo blog目录下的

Weird Errors using CoreData with iCloud

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-01-25 11:29:11
问题 I used the sample code from the new CoreData Recipes project (iPhoneCoreDataRecipes Sample Code) to build in iCloud syncing in an existing iOS application which uses a CoreData SQLite "Database" in combination with a very complex data model with lots of many-too-many-relationships (Maybe this is part of the cause of my problem or at least a hint). Before that the application worked fine without any warnings regarding the database. But now the debugger goes crazy with errors like this when I

iCloud turned on in Xcode, but not app store connect. How to fix?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-25 02:23:07
问题 I have been struggling to get my iOS app to enable iCloud. I have followed documentation and have switched on iCloud with CloudKit in my project in Xcode. But, when I then upload the app to App Store Connect from Xcode, iCloud is not there. It does not show up under "Capabilities" and in using the app through TestFlight, iCloud is not enabled. Is there something special I need to do? Using Xcode version 10.1 + Mac OS High Sierra 10.13. Note: there is a bunch of detail below. If you want to

Where to save the local DB created for iphone app?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-01-24 12:55:05
问题 I have developed a app that loads fully static content . I am storing data more than 4 mb of size. With out this content the app will not work. In my case where should i save the local database(documents folder or library folder). My app got rejected since it was backed up for iCloud storage. 1) Where should i save the database? In Library folder or inside Documents folder? 2) Since apple rejected my app i believe that I should not backup the database for iCloud. Please correct me if i was


你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-01-24 04:02:47
iCloud 是Apple的云平台,可为所有 Apple 设备提供服务并保护其安全。它可以保存和同步您的所有照片,联系人,文件,提醒和便笺,您还可以使用它来存储设备备份。您可以在iPhone,iPad,Mac,Windows和Web 上访问和管理“ iCloud”数据。iCloud是什么?简单来讲就是苹果会员账号,只有在登陆iCloud账号的情况下我们才能享受App Store应用下载等服务。 iCloud怎么用?想要搞懂iCloud,一定要知道iCloud的这几个主要功能: 1,自动备份: 经常有用户会接收到iCloud储存空间不足的提醒,那是因为每一个iCloud账号只有5G的免费储存空间,在开启【iCloud云备份】后,手机在满足一定条件下会自动备份! 没错,是自动备份!所以当我们出现数据丢失的情况,是可以通过iCloud备份进行恢复的。那么当iCloud储存空间不足怎么办?只有两个方法:要么清理iCloud内存和要么付费扩容。 2,同步: 如果你有多台苹果设备,在登录同一个iCloud账号的情况下,这几台设备的通讯录、照片流、备忘录等内容是可以进行同步的,当然,数据删除也是同步的。所以,更换新iPhone转移通讯录并没有那么麻烦,只要登录原有的iCloud账号就可以实现秒速转移。 所以,为了保护个人隐私,尽量避免和其他人共用一个iCloud账号。 3,定位: 手机乱扔找不到

Can HTML5 localStorage in Cordova/Phonegap app be synced to iCloud?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-01-23 02:56:07
问题 I have a Phonegap/Cordova app that runs on iOS. It saves it's data into HTML5 localStorage. I'm trying to work out if it's possible to sync the localStorage data (using iCloud) to other iOS devices, and even OS X. From what I can see, in iOS localStorage is actually implemented as a SQLite database, which (when using Phonegap/Cordova) is written to the app's Documents directory: Documents/Backups/localstorage.appdata.db I also understand that there are three main ways of storing data in

App Sandbox/iCloud and Snow Leopard backwards compatibility

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-21 08:13:49
问题 By now all Mac App Store developers know that all apps must have the new OSX Lion Sandboxing enabled going forward. For existing apps, we must enable it in XCode 4.2 and set in place the data migration plist. So my existing Mac App Store app has a build target of OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard. Not only that, but it does access the webcam and also synchronizes stuff to iCal via CalendarStore API and AppleScript. I'm expecting most of my app to break when I enable the Sandbox, but when I get that