
HTTP protocol's PUT and DELETE and their usage in PHP

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-11-27 11:01:32
Introduction I've read the following: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the life of the web. It's used every time you transfer a document, or make an AJAX request. But HTTP is surprisingly a relative unknown among some web developers. The HTTP verbs comprise a major portion of our “uniform interface” constraint and provide us the action counterpart to the noun-based resource. The primary or most-commonly-used HTTP verbs (or methods, as they are properly called) are POST, GET, PUT , and DELETE . Huh? Well, we came to the point I lost track of things. PUT and DELETE , they say. I've only

OPTIONS request authentication

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-11-27 06:45:00
问题 I am developing a web application. It is using Basic authentication. It must process OPTIONS requests. These are web browser preflight requests as well as feature-support requests from WebDAV clients. As far as I understand OPTIONS request must be processed without requesting authentication (that is my server should not respond with 401 Unauthorized), it must give the response such as the following: OPTIONS https://localhost:44305/path/file.ext HTTP/1.1 Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: some

How to handle HTTP OPTIONS requests in Spring Boot?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-11-27 04:23:05
First off, I've read " How to handle HTTP OPTIONS with Spring MVC? " but the answers do not seem directly applicable to Spring Boot. It looks like I should do this: configure the dispatcherServlet by setting its dispatchOptionsRequest to true But how to do that , given that I have no XML configs, or any variety of DispatcherServlet initializer class in my code ( mentioned by this answer )? In a @RestController class, I have a method like this, which currently does not get invoked. @RequestMapping(value = "/foo", method = RequestMethod.OPTIONS) public ResponseEntity options(HttpServletResponse

How to handle HTTP OPTIONS with Spring MVC?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-11-27 01:41:21
I'd like to intercept the OPTIONS request with my controller using Spring MVC, but it is catched by the DispatcherServlet. How can I manage that? @RequestMapping(value="/youroptions", method=RequestMethod.OPTIONS) public View getOptions() { } You should configure the dispatcherServlet by setting its dispatchOptionsRequest to true MaVVamaldo I added some more detail to the Bozho answer for beginners. Sometimes it is useful to let the Spring Controller manage the OPTIONS request (for example to set the correct "Access-Control-Allow-*" header to serve an AJAX call). However, if you try the common

Handling OPTIONS request in nginx

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-11-27 01:31:49
问题 We're using HAProxy as a load balancer at the moment, and it regularly makes requests to the downstream boxes to make sure they're alive using an OPTIONS request: OPTIONS /index.html HTTP/1.0 I'm working with getting nginx set up as a reverse proxy with caching (using ncache). For some reason, nginx is returning a 405 when an OPTIONS request comes in: - - [22/Oct/2008:16:36:21 -0700] "OPTIONS /index.html HTTP/1.0" 405 325 "-" "-" When hitting the downstream webserver

How to handle HTTP OPTIONS requests in Spring Boot?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-11-26 17:28:22
问题 First off, I've read "How to handle HTTP OPTIONS with Spring MVC?" but the answers do not seem directly applicable to Spring Boot. It looks like I should do this: configure the dispatcherServlet by setting its dispatchOptionsRequest to true But how to do that , given that I have no XML configs, or any variety of DispatcherServlet initializer class in my code (mentioned by this answer)? In a @RestController class, I have a method like this, which currently does not get invoked. @RequestMapping

How to handle HTTP OPTIONS with Spring MVC?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-11-26 12:28:29
问题 I\'d like to intercept the OPTIONS request with my controller using Spring MVC, but it is catched by the DispatcherServlet. How can I manage that? 回答1: @RequestMapping(value="/youroptions", method=RequestMethod.OPTIONS) public View getOptions() { } You should configure the dispatcherServlet by setting its dispatchOptionsRequest to true 回答2: I added some more detail to the Bozho answer for beginners. Sometimes it is useful to let the Spring Controller manage the OPTIONS request (for example to

Problem sending JSON data from JQuery to WCF REST method

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-11-26 10:34:33
问题 I\'m having some trouble getting jquery to post some json data to a rest method I have on my WCF service. On the WCF side, here\'s the operation contract: [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(Method = \"POST\", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = \"PostSomething\")] MyResult PostSomething(MyRequest request); both MyResult and MyRequest are marked with all the necessary DataContract and DataMember

HTTP OPTIONS error in Phil Sturgeon's Codeigniter Restserver and Backbone.js

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-11-26 08:24:59
问题 My backbone.js application throwing an HTTP OPTIONS not found error when I try to save a model to my restful web service that\'s located on another host/URL. Based on my research, I gathered from this post that : a request would constantly send an OPTIONS http request header, and not trigger the POST request at all. Apparently CORS with requests that will \"cause side-effects on user data\" will make your browser \"preflight\" the request with the OPTIONS request header to check for approval,

Why am I getting an OPTIONS request instead of a GET request?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-11-25 21:54:50
问题 <script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script> <script> $.get(\"\", function(data) { alert(data); }); </script> it does an OPTIONS request to that URL, and then the callback is never called with anything. When it isn\'t cross domain, it works fine. Shouldn\'t jQuery just make the call with a <script> node and then do the callback when its loaded? I understand that I won\'t be able to get the result (since it is