
get local hostname from ip adress i.e. 192.168.1.x python 3 on windows 10

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-01-29 22:19:24
问题 currently using:- import socket hostip='' getip=socket.getaddrinfo(hostip,port=22) returns info but does not include Hostname. seems to be a local DNS problem from other discussions. The local router finds all hostnames. 回答1: Hostname is only maintained by windows or netbios, so from a command prompt it is virtually impossible to find. So I switched to searching for the ip address by referencing the Mac address. The best solution so far is to use nmap and parse the results. My

ssh: Could not resolve hostname guard.: Temporary

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-12-19 02:28:24
今天在通过./start-all.sh启动Hadoop集群的时候报了如下的错误 root@master:/usr/local/hadoop-2.7.2/sbin# ./ This script is Deprecated. Instead use and 16/06/16 17:54:32 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable Starting namenodes on [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: You have loaded library /usr/local/hadoop-2.7.2/lib/native/ which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now. It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack

How to get hostname from IP (Linux)?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-07-04 05:54:07
问题 I'd like to get remote machine/hostname through IP Address. I found lots of answer such as nslookup, host, resloveip, etc.. but I still can't get hostname from my target machine(cent OS, ubuntu etc...) It seems need to register to DNS server? I have a machine named test and using IP but I used the method above still can't not get " test " Does anyone can help me to get the hostname form IP Address? 回答1: In order to use nslookup , host or gethostbyname() then the target's name will

How to solve “Google Play will block publishing of any new apps or updates that use an unsafe implementation of HostnameVerifier”?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-06-11 10:30:07
问题 Beginning March 1, 2017, Google Play will block publishing of any new apps or updates that use an unsafe implementation of HostnameVerifier. Your published APK version will remain unaffected, however any updates to the app will be blocked unless you address this vulnerability. Action required To properly handle hostname verification, change the verify method in your custom HostnameVerifier interface to return false whenever the hostname of the server does not meet your expectations. This is

How to solve “Google Play will block publishing of any new apps or updates that use an unsafe implementation of HostnameVerifier”?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-06-11 10:29:26
问题 Beginning March 1, 2017, Google Play will block publishing of any new apps or updates that use an unsafe implementation of HostnameVerifier. Your published APK version will remain unaffected, however any updates to the app will be blocked unless you address this vulnerability. Action required To properly handle hostname verification, change the verify method in your custom HostnameVerifier interface to return false whenever the hostname of the server does not meet your expectations. This is

How can I create a custom :host_role fact from the hostname?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-05-31 04:08:08
问题 I'm looking to create a role based on host name prefix and I'm running into some problems. Ruby is new to me and although I've done extensive searching for a solution, I'm still confused. Host names look like this: work-server-01 home-server-01 Here's what I've written: require 'facter' Facter.add('host_role') do setcode do hostname_array = Facter.value(:hostname).split('-') first_in_array = hostname_array.first first_in_array.each do |x| if x =~ /^(home|work)/ role = '"#{x}" server' end role


旧时模样 提交于 2020-02-29 19:45:51
我前面一篇文章讲述了如何这ansible中批量修改主机名,但是上面没有经过严格的测试。 使用hostname模块修改主机名之后,/etc/hosts里的内容是并没有修改的 这里会造成一个问题,如果hosts里的的主机名没有被绑定,那么我们SSH的时候会造成问题,出现主机名无法解析的现象 解决办法。我这里是ubuntu的机器 centos的还没测试过 jastme@jastme2:~$ more /etc/nsswitch.conf # /etc/nsswitch.conf # # Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality. # If you have the `glibc-doc-reference' and `info' packages installed, try: # `info libc "Name Service Switch"' for information about this file. passwd: compat group: compat shadow: compat #hosts: files dns 换成下面的,取消DNS的解析 hosts: files networks: files protocols: db files services: db files

How to get host name from this kind of URL?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-21 09:07:45
问题 I want to get host name from and inner URL. how to take that. eg :- this is the inner url format .. How to take the from the above URL using php? 回答1: Use parse_url. You want the 'scheme' and 'host' elements of the output array (and maybe 'port' , 'user' and 'password' as well - you can use http_build_url to stick these bits together if you want). 回答2: A concise way would be: $url = '

Get host name without using HttpRequest

大憨熊 提交于 2020-01-13 08:46:14
问题 I want to run a "background job" in my ASP.NET application (periodically, as separate thread). And I need host name (DNS name or IP) to do my tasks. The problem is that the HttpContext.Current may be not available here (it's NULL ). Is there any way to get a host name in not using HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host . 回答1: When the host name is available in HttpContext.Request.Url.Host , it is a result of the host name being part of the request sent by the client. As an example, take a

How can I create and manage a multi-tenant ASP MVC application

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-01-12 09:55:47
问题 I want to create a multi-tenant application that uses the hostname to determine the customer. For example: ... I can do the database and security side with no problems, I can also get the hostname from the URL, but what I am struggling to find out is how to create the basic plumbing that would allow a new customer to sign up online, provide their company name, and for the application to create the new URL, ready to be used