
Stochastic hill climbing vs first-choice hill climbing algorithms

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-22 13:01:16
问题 What is the difference between stochastic hill climbing and first-choice hill climbing algorithms? 回答1: Hill Climbing Search Algorithm is one of the family of local searches that move based on the better states of its neighbors. Stochastic Hill Climbing chooses a random better state from all better states in the neighbors while first-choice Hill Climbing chooses the first better state from randomly generated neighbors. First-Choice Hill Climbing will become a good strategy if the current

Stochastic hill climbing vs first-choice hill climbing algorithms

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-22 12:59:18
问题 What is the difference between stochastic hill climbing and first-choice hill climbing algorithms? 回答1: Hill Climbing Search Algorithm is one of the family of local searches that move based on the better states of its neighbors. Stochastic Hill Climbing chooses a random better state from all better states in the neighbors while first-choice Hill Climbing chooses the first better state from randomly generated neighbors. First-Choice Hill Climbing will become a good strategy if the current

Heuristic function for Water Jug

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-11 05:38:35
问题 I have a problem in Hill Climbing algorithm with Water Jug Problem : Given two jugs, one of which can accommodate X liters of water and the other which can accommodate Y liters of water, determine the number of steps required to obtain exactly D liters of water in one of the jugs. From the start state, (X,Y) = (0,0), it can generate some states : (X,Y) = (0,Y) or (X,Y) = (X,0) And from these states, it can generate others until the end state that is either (X,D) or (D,Y). So, Can I estimate

Stochastic hill climbing vs first-choice hill climbing algorithms

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-07 11:59:23
What is the difference between stochastic hill climbing and first-choice hill climbing algorithms? Gusti Ahmad Fanshuri Alfarisy Hill Climbing Search Algorithm is one of the family of local searches that move based on the better states of its neighbors. Stochastic Hill Climbing chooses a random better state from all better states in the neighbors while first-choice Hill Climbing chooses the first better state from randomly generated neighbors. First-Choice Hill Climbing will become a good strategy if the current state has a lot of neighbors. I am quoting from Artificial Intelligence: A Modern

Hill climbing algorithm simple example

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-03 11:32:58
问题 I am a little confused with Hill Climbing algorithm. I want to "run" the algorithm until i found the first solution in that tree ( "a" is initial and h and k are final states ) and it says that the numbers near the states are the heuristic values. Here's the tree: My question : i am trying to run hill climbing on the tree, so ok we start a-> f-> g and then what ??finish(without result) , but I read that hill climbing can't go back and make a new choice(example j or e) ? Is this right ? If i

Hill climbing algorithm simple example

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-03 05:14:07
I am a little confused with Hill Climbing algorithm. I want to "run" the algorithm until i found the first solution in that tree ( "a" is initial and h and k are final states ) and it says that the numbers near the states are the heuristic values. Here's the tree: My question : i am trying to run hill climbing on the tree, so ok we start a-> f-> g and then what ??finish(without result) , but I read that hill climbing can't go back and make a new choice(example j or e) ? Is this right ? If i can go back then how ? i mean where we change our initial choice example we choose e instead of g or j