
Trying to update high chart data

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-12-12 05:42:59
问题 I am trying to update the data series on the update button by providing new series. As the result, new series will be a plotting along with the old series. And After plotting the new series, the values on are X-axis is clear up. Here I Am attaching the code snippet please have look. Initial State config: this.state = { chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: false, }, chart: { type: 'spline', }, title: { text: 'Chart', }, plotOptions: { series: { shadow: false, marker: { enabled: false, }, }, },

Trying to update high chart data

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-12-12 05:42:28
问题 I am trying to update the data series on the update button by providing new series. As the result, new series will be a plotting along with the old series. And After plotting the new series, the values on are X-axis is clear up. Here I Am attaching the code snippet please have look. Initial State config: this.state = { chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: false, }, chart: { type: 'spline', }, title: { text: 'Chart', }, plotOptions: { series: { shadow: false, marker: { enabled: false, }, }, },


泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-12-05 10:52:00
在Linux服务器上安装Jenkins:https://www.jianshu.com/p/c517f09df025 码云:https://gitee.com python生成requirement 使用requirements.txt安装类库:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaoyingjie/p/6645811.html 在线UTF-8编码转换工具:http://www.ecjson.com/utf8/ jQuery选择器语法:http://www.360doc.com/content/18/0515/15/55624432_754145608.shtml jQuery插件库插件搜索:https://www.jq22.com/search?seo=多选下拉框 jQuery之家:http://www.htmleaf.co jQuery的父子兄弟节点查找,节点的子节点循环:https://www.cnblogs.com/mingforyou/p/4410054.html 测试用LinuxIP阻隔模拟断网方法:https://blog.csdn.net/xiaoguanyusb/article/details/81112523 Highcharts 图标插件:https://www.highcharts.com/demo Bootstrap弹出输入框:https:

Highcharts Angular update chart with new options - including linked series

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-11-29 19:48:47
问题 Please see my edited demo that uses the official highcharts-angular wrapper. Initially the chart has a blue series with type:arearange and dataGrouping , as well as a red overplotted series. Note the tooltips refer to the points of the red series. More info in the demo. The first button will add another such pair of series. The code uses addSeries to do so. It works . The second button should do the same, but by changing the chart options instead of addSeries. It does not work. The new series


守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-11-25 04:28:45
背景 现如今,数据成为了越来越重要的网络资源,越来越有价值。无论是数据的分析还是前后端页面的数据交互,都离不开真实有效的数据。项目开发中数据甲方不可能实时提供,我们只能找到目标网站的数据进行抓取入库。 数据作用 决策支持 提升效益 数据的直接变现方式 数据资源交易 行业报告 广告平台 数据抓取的难点 1、目标网站有反爬取策略 2、目标网站模板会进行定时或实时变动 3、目标网站URL抓取失败 4、IP被封禁 解决办法: 购买代理IP库,随机获取IP进行数据抓取 部署多个应用分别进行抓取,降低单位节点访问的频率 设置每个页面抓取的时间间隔 5、用户登录限制 数据抓取的原理 实质上就是java程序模拟浏览器进行目标网站的访问,无论是请求目标服务器的接口还是请求目标网页内容,都是要在java程序中对数据进行解析。最简单的抓取方式有httpclient请求目标服务器接口,jsoup请求目标页面内容,把请求的数据进行解析然后入库。另外要做好爬取的实时监控,如果URL请求失败3次,就放弃该URL的抓取。 总体架构的设计 1、数据流向 1、确定数据爬取目标 2、数据采集 1、下载数据 2、解析数据 3、存取接入库(database,HDFS) 3、分析查询服务 2、模块划分 1、数据采集模块 2、数据分析模块 3、报表管理模块 4、系统管理与监控模块 3、模块解读 技术选型 数据采集层 JSoup

Hightcharts 在vue中实现多图联动

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-11-21 00:28:49
官网有一个例子关于Highcharts 多图联动, 链接地址 ,但是例子不是在vue中实现的,如何在vue中实现多图联动呢? 下面的是完整的例子 定义2个div <div id="chart1"></div> <div id="chart2"></div> 引入Highcharts和jquery ,因为要用到mouseover事件,方便用jquery获取元素 import Highcharts from "highcharts/highcharts"; import $ from "jquery"; methods 里面的函数 showChart(arr) { let chartObj = {}; for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { let chartOptions = this.chartOptions; chartObj["chart0" + (i + 1)] = Highcharts.chart( "chart0" + (i + 1), chartOptions ); } $(".chart-container").on("mousemove", (e) => { var point, event; try { for (var key in chartObj) { if (chartObj[key].pointer) { event =