可伸缩性解密:集群、节点和分片 更新连载中...请关注 Scalability and resilience: clusters,nodes, and shard Elasticsearch支持根据需要进行扩缩容.这得益于Elasticsearch是原生支持分布式的.可以通过往机器中添加服务器(节点)的方式扩大集群容量从而存储更多数据.Elasticsearch会自动的均一些数据和计算任务给新加入的数据.甚至不需要应用程序参与,Elasticsearch完全知道该怎么把数据均衡到多个节点并且提供良好的可伸缩性和高可用性.集群的节点越多这种操作越顺滑越无感. 就是这么丝滑,堪比丝袜! Elasticsearch is built to be always available and to scale with your needs. It does this by being distributed by nature. You can add servers (nodes) to a cluster to increase capacity and Elasticsearch automatically distributes your data and query load across all of the available nodes. No need to