
How to style GWT CellList?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-03-20 12:43:50
问题 I have a CellList that I want to style. I want to change the cursor style, the ugly color of a selected cell . I checked several questions and discussions on stack overflow,but none of them worked. I checked these one: CellList GWT CSS Style How do I style a gwt 2.1 CellTables headers? Her is my code: public interface CellListResource extends CellList.Resources { public static CellListResource INSTANCE = GWT.create(CellListResource.class); interface CellListStyle extends CellList.Style { }

Revert (Undo) implementation in GWT

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-13 05:38:09
问题 We are trying to build a GUI framework using GWT. We are finding it hard to implement the cancel functionality in the framework. Required feature is this: We have CRUD screens which have pop-ups, grids and so on. When the user changes anything in the GUI and then clicks on cancel() he should be given a notification message saying that something has changed. Approach that we have tried: Currently we are trying to keep a hashmap of key vs value of the entire pojo object and trying to compare it

Revert (Undo) implementation in GWT

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-13 05:38:07
问题 We are trying to build a GUI framework using GWT. We are finding it hard to implement the cancel functionality in the framework. Required feature is this: We have CRUD screens which have pop-ups, grids and so on. When the user changes anything in the GUI and then clicks on cancel() he should be given a notification message saying that something has changed. Approach that we have tried: Currently we are trying to keep a hashmap of key vs value of the entire pojo object and trying to compare it

How do you remove defaul GWT style from CaptionPanel widget?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-06 09:06:54
问题 How do you remove defaul GWT style from CaptionPanel widget ? In my .ui.xml I tried pretty much everything. I tried setting stylePrimaryName and styleName to my classname. I also tried defining .gwt-CaptionPanel with no effect. My .xml looks something like this: <ui:style src="../common.css"> .test { color: red; } .gwt-CaptionPanel { } </ui:style> <g:CaptionPanel captionText="Test" stylePrimaryName="{style.test}"> </g:CaptionPanel> 回答1: CaptionPanel does not have a default style defined, so

How do you remove defaul GWT style from CaptionPanel widget?

北城以北 提交于 2020-01-06 09:05:18
问题 How do you remove defaul GWT style from CaptionPanel widget ? In my .ui.xml I tried pretty much everything. I tried setting stylePrimaryName and styleName to my classname. I also tried defining .gwt-CaptionPanel with no effect. My .xml looks something like this: <ui:style src="../common.css"> .test { color: red; } .gwt-CaptionPanel { } </ui:style> <g:CaptionPanel captionText="Test" stylePrimaryName="{style.test}"> </g:CaptionPanel> 回答1: CaptionPanel does not have a default style defined, so

GWT: How to add DockLayoutPanel inside another panel? Not the RootLayoutPanel

别来无恙 提交于 2020-01-03 19:05:17
问题 Is it possible to add DockLayoutPanel inside another panel other than the RootLayoutPanel? If so, how would you do it? I attempted to add it inside HTMLPanel, and only north of the DockLayoutPanel shows. Then I tried it inside LayoutPanel, it failed again. I thought it would have work for LayoutPanel because RootLayoutPanel is a subclass of LayoutPanel. Any answers welcome. Thanks, 回答1: DockLayoutPanel is a RequiresResize widget, so either you put it inside a ProvidesResize widget (any so

Add Icon in a Column of CellTable in GWT

别来无恙 提交于 2020-01-01 19:19:47
问题 With all the values in textcoloumn. I want to add image cell. I don't want use Gwt-Ext or Smart client. My code private CellTable<FDocument> getDocumentTable() { if (documentTable == null) { documentTable = new CellTable<FDocument>(); documentTable.setSize("600px", "300px"); documentTable.addColumn(nameColumnD, "NAME"); documentTable.addColumn(sizeColumnD, "SIZE"); documentTable.addColumn(modified_by_ColumnD, "MODIFIED BY"); documentTable.addColumn(dateColumnD, "MODIFIED ON"); documentTable

How to hide column in Cell table GWT?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-01-01 08:47:15
问题 I am using Cell Table in GWT.In that cell table I am adding these columns. TextColumn<Document> idColumn = new TextColumn<Document>() { @Override public String getValue(Document object) { return Long.toString(object.getId()); } }; TextColumn<Document> refColumn = new TextColumn<Document>() { @Override public String getValue(Document object) { return object.getReferenceNumber(); } }; /* * DateCell dateCell = new DateCell(); Column<Contact, Date> dateColumn * = new Column<Contact, Date>

set the values in Listgrid (smartGWT)

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-31 05:20:28
问题 I am trying to use smart Gwt, Listgrid. I am using both and smart gwt. I have value in a ListGridRecords[] records. I am unable to set the values in table. this piece of code is in composite. public TableDocument(Action action) { initWidget(getTablePanel()); } private HorizontalPanel getTablePanel() { if (tablePanel == null) { tablePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); tablePanel.setSize("144px", "75px"); addtable(); } public void addtable() { // TODO Auto-generated

How to limit the available Date ranges with the

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-30 04:44:06
问题 I need to limit what Dates a user can pick from the . I can't seem to figure out how to limit the min Date so they can't pick past dates. If I can't do this with is there an alternative DateBox widget that will allow me this kind of flexibility? 回答1: Based on the suggestions I received, here is what I came up with that works on limiting the selectable dates to only the current day and after. This works