
How do I take a GUID as an attribute parameter?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-08 13:39:29
问题 I need a Guid property in some attribute class like this: public class SomeAttribute : Attribute { private Guid foreignIdentificator; public Guid ForeignIdentificator { get { return this.foreignIdentificator; } set { this.foreignIdentificator = value; } } } But in attribute definition I can use only primitive types, which are constants ( I understand why, and it's make me sense ). The workaround can be definition "ForeignIdentificator" as string, and creating Guid in runtime: public class

How easy is it for a GUID you generate to identify you?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-07 19:59:08
问题 I hear that the creator of the melissa worm was convicted based on the fact that the GUIDs generated could be linked back to a MAC Address of a computer he used. How hard is it to do this? And what data do they need other than the GUID? Like the MAC Address itself or the time it was created? 回答1: That relates to a specific version 1 UUID included in the office document that contained the macro virus, this was becuse it came from UuidCreate/Sequential which did contain MAC info; For security

How to generate unique id

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-02-05 08:25:49
问题 How can we generate unique id's between two JVMs running at the same time? I think UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); or UID uid = new UID(); is not enough. 回答1: You can concat to UUID server ID so UUID will be unique in all servers 回答2: See UUID docs, you can follow the link to find the rfc4122 explaining how the UUID will be generated. The last 48 bits are concerning your question, the spacial unique node identifier confirming that this value will be a Universally Unique IDentifier . 4.1.2.

How to generate unique id

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-02-05 08:25:10
问题 How can we generate unique id's between two JVMs running at the same time? I think UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); or UID uid = new UID(); is not enough. 回答1: You can concat to UUID server ID so UUID will be unique in all servers 回答2: See UUID docs, you can follow the link to find the rfc4122 explaining how the UUID will be generated. The last 48 bits are concerning your question, the spacial unique node identifier confirming that this value will be a Universally Unique IDentifier . 4.1.2.

How to generate a GUID with a custom alphabet, that behaves similar to an MD5 hash (in JavaScript)?

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-02-04 08:09:55
问题 I am wondering how to generate a GUID given an input string, such that the same input string results in the same GUID (sort of like an MD5 hash). The problem with MD5 hashes is they just guarantee low collision rate, rather than uniqueness. Instead I would like something like this: guid('v1.0.0') == 1231231231123123123112312312311231231231 guid('v1.0.1') == 6154716581615471658161547165816154716581 guid('v1.0.2') == 1883939319188393931918839393191883939319 How would you go about implementing

How can I translate the FileNet ID ID in DB2/Oracle into friendly GUID?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-01-29 09:03:08
问题 The IBM Technote "How to translate the unique identifier as displayed within FileNet Enterprise Manager so that it matches what is stored in the Oracle and DB2 databases" outlines how DB2 & Oracle store guids in a byte reversed order. How can I convert them into a friendly guid? 回答1: Presuming that object_id is char(16) for bit data , the following expression returns the same. '{'||translate( 'GHEFCDAB-KLIJ-OPMN-QRST-UVWXYZ012345' , hex(F.object_id) , 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345')||'}'

What does the GUID in C# Programs in the AssemblyInfo.cs? [duplicate]

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-12-02 04:57:44
问题 This question already has answers here : Is there any point in specifying a Guid when using ComVisible(false)? (3 answers) Closed 6 years ago . I'm wondering for what the GUID in the AssemblyInfo.cs in C# Programs is: [assembly: Guid("a4df9f47-b2d9-49a9-b237-09220857c051")] The commentary says it's for COM objects, but why do they need a GUID? Is the GUID accessibly externally? So if it's only for COMs, do you need a GUID when you set [assembly: ComVisible(false)] ? 回答1: Guid (Globally unique