
How to retrieve image files from mongodb to html page

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-19 02:27:07
问题 I have successfully stored image files in mongdb in binary format.but when i m getting image from mongodb i m getting the same banary format.But i need this image file.Please someone could help This is the code i used def retrieve(request): db=pymongo.connection.Connection('localhost',27017).demo1 grid=gridfs.GridFS(db) output=grid.get_last_version(filename='shiva.jpg') return HttpResponse(output) 回答1: Hi i have successfully inserted and retrieved image from mongodb with python.. def insert

Explain Like I'm Five: Form w/ Text and Image Field > Routes > Controller > Write to MongoDB Document - GridFS goes where?

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-11 16:33:08
问题 I have been trying to read the documentation for GridFS and MongoDB for awhile. They just keep repeating the same thing and I can't make sense of it. Desired Output: The user submits a form that form contains many fields, but one is an image. The request needs to store the data in a collection and make a new document, which can be retrieved later. My main question is how do I use GridFS in this situation to store an image in that document. It says GridFS makes two collections in my database

Explain Like I'm Five: Form w/ Text and Image Field > Routes > Controller > Write to MongoDB Document - GridFS goes where?

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-02-11 16:28:52
问题 I have been trying to read the documentation for GridFS and MongoDB for awhile. They just keep repeating the same thing and I can't make sense of it. Desired Output: The user submits a form that form contains many fields, but one is an image. The request needs to store the data in a collection and make a new document, which can be retrieved later. My main question is how do I use GridFS in this situation to store an image in that document. It says GridFS makes two collections in my database

What's the maximum size for GridFS on MongoDB?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-07 07:20:54
问题 Basically I have a quite simple questions, but I was not able to find the answer in the MongoDB documentation or using Google. What I want to know is, whether there is a upper limit of how big a MongoDB based GridFS may become? (I know that the default maximum file size is 16 MByte, and that you can exceed this limit by using GridFS. But what is the upper limit for all files in GridFS?) 回答1: MongoDB uses the operating system's mmapped IO as storage engine. The theoretical maximum, if there


纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-01-06 01:12:17
DAS其实就是最基本的主板上面通过各种接口直接插上就能被主板所在的电脑查知的硬盘的这种硬盘连接方式,被操作系统看到的时候设备是“块存储设备”,需要进行磁盘分区,构建本地文件系统后,格式化要使用的分区才能使用,现在常见方式:ide也就是pata(较老家用pc常见)、scsi(较老服务器设备常见)、sata(现代主要家用pc接口)、sas(现代主要家用pc接口)等; nas和san都是通过网络,不管光纤还是铜缆还是任何一种其他网络连接方式挂载到本机电脑,以前还有人分光纤和铜缆现在来说实际上铜缆也有了10g的速度可以说只有网络延时上微小的区别本质上的速度已经没啥区别了,所以我认为今天可以认为不区别也罢,区别是: NAS挂载到本机后是直接可用的文件系统,文件级存储file-level storage,操作的最小单元就是每个文件,nas是nas包括服务端和客户端协议两部分,服务端有硬件设备实现和软件的网络文件系统以及分布式文件系统方式的实现,最典型的协议(通常有对应的服务器端实现)例子比如:网络文件系统有linux的nfs、windows的cifs和smb、苹果系列系统支持的afp,分布式文件系统并且开源免费、今天生产环境还常有人用于mount的有ceph和GlusterFS(要注意的是貌似不是所有的dfs都是nas的,好几种dfs并不提供直接操作系统挂载方式

Mongoose: Cannot fetch file documents from .chunk collection without the data field

余生长醉 提交于 2020-12-13 04:53:06
问题 I'm trying to delete the chunks from files that have not been fully uploaded to a MongoDB database. When uploading files directly to MongoDB, the Mongoose , Multer & GridFSBucket packages seperate media file data into 2 sub-collections for the media collection: media.chunks & media.files . In order to manually delete the file's chunks which are stored in the media.chunks collection, you need the file's ID , which is stored in both the media.files and the media.chunks collection ( file

Mongoose: Cannot fetch file documents from .chunk collection without the data field

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-12-13 04:52:08
问题 I'm trying to delete the chunks from files that have not been fully uploaded to a MongoDB database. When uploading files directly to MongoDB, the Mongoose , Multer & GridFSBucket packages seperate media file data into 2 sub-collections for the media collection: media.chunks & media.files . In order to manually delete the file's chunks which are stored in the media.chunks collection, you need the file's ID , which is stored in both the media.files and the media.chunks collection ( file

Mongoose: Cannot fetch file documents from .chunk collection without the data field

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-12-13 04:52:00
问题 I'm trying to delete the chunks from files that have not been fully uploaded to a MongoDB database. When uploading files directly to MongoDB, the Mongoose , Multer & GridFSBucket packages seperate media file data into 2 sub-collections for the media collection: media.chunks & media.files . In order to manually delete the file's chunks which are stored in the media.chunks collection, you need the file's ID , which is stored in both the media.files and the media.chunks collection ( file


爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-10-31 02:00:34
数据库 MongoDB 数据存储的发展阶段 1、文件管理阶段(open,csv,) 1、优点:数据可以长期保存,能存储大量的数据,使用比较简单 2、缺点:数据的一致性差,数据冗余度大,查找修改不方便 2、数据库管理阶段 1、优点:数据组织结构化,冗余度小,容易扩充,查找效率高,方便使用程序自动处理 2、缺点:需要使用sql语句等特定的语句处理,相对比较复杂 几个概念: 1、数据:能够输入到计算机中被识别处理的信息集合 2、数据库:按照数据结构,存储和管理数据的仓库。是在数据库管理系统的管理和控制下存放在一定介质上的数据集合 3、数据库管理系统:管理数据库的软件,用于建立,使用和维护数据库 4、数据库系统:由数据库,数据库管理系统,开发工具等共同构成的集合概念 关系型数据库: 1、定义:采用关系模型来组织数据结构的数据库 2、关系型数据库包括:Oracle DB2 SQLServer MySql SqLite(小型数据库,方便一致,python标准库支持) 3、优点: 1、容易理解,类似我们常见的表格模型 2、使用方便,都是通过sql语句进行操作,sql语句是非常成熟的 3、易于维护,完整性好,数据一致性高,降低了冗余 4、技术成熟,可以使用外连接等比较复杂的操作 4、缺点: 1、不能很好的满足高并发的需求,每次操作需要sql语句,sql语句需要解析 2

passing audio from mongodb to audio tag

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-08-23 06:59:41
问题 For my project I'm trying to create an audio player. The database aspect of storing files is new to me as I've only stored strings before. So far, what I've been able to do is: Store the audio file into the database.(I'm linking to a file here for simplicity but in the future it will be uploaded) Retrieve the audio file as an object. Store the audio file in the public folder for use. Server side code (the route code is separate from the server code) let fs = require('fs'); var bodyParser =