
How do I use GridLayout and multiple Panels?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-01-27 21:06:20
问题 How do I use multiple JPanel containers to make this code look like this? This is the image of what my code is supposed to be like but I cant figure it out. I can only use GridLayout , BorderLayout and FlowLayout . As a beginner, We've only been over basic concepts but I need more help. I am also not permitted to use GridBagLayout . I appreciate all the help. 回答1: A common strategy to solve complex computing tasks, is to break them into small, well defined manageable tasks. Divide and conquer

SWT GridLayout columns overlap

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-01-27 10:42:34
问题 Code: final Composite sectionClient = toolkit.createComposite(parent, SWT.NONE); sectionClient.setLayout(UIHelper.getLayoutForWidgets(new GridLayout(2, true))); sectionClient.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true)); final Composite leftColumnComposite = toolkit.createComposite(sectionClient); leftColumnComposite.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, false)); leftColumnComposite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true)); final Composite rightColumnComposite =

Arrange multiple (32) .png files in a grid

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-12-08 05:55:04
问题 I've been pulling my hair out for the past week trying to figure out elementary R coding but can't seem to get anywhere (haven't used R since 2013 not that its a great excuse). All I want is a 4x8 grid made up of 32 .png files (maps I've made), and I want to do it without loading one image file at a time ( So I think I can load the images within the folder writing (please correct me if my beliefs are bs) img <- list.files(path='c:/a',patt=

Huge whitespace around plotly chart in bootstrap grid

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-08-27 09:02:14
问题 I have a .Net application in which I am trying to create a graph using bootstrap.js and plotly.js . I have a problem with a huge white-space in my grid when I create a responsive chart. I have figured out that a part of the problem is that size of the plotly svg-container defaults to 450px in height. I have created a fiddle showing the huge white space problem. In my fiddle I have a small commented code block that sets the layout size, but even setting that doesn't really seem to help with

Huge whitespace around plotly chart in bootstrap grid

大憨熊 提交于 2020-08-27 09:02:02
问题 I have a .Net application in which I am trying to create a graph using bootstrap.js and plotly.js . I have a problem with a huge white-space in my grid when I create a responsive chart. I have figured out that a part of the problem is that size of the plotly svg-container defaults to 450px in height. I have created a fiddle showing the huge white space problem. In my fiddle I have a small commented code block that sets the layout size, but even setting that doesn't really seem to help with