

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-08-16 12:18:52
JVM与Java体系结构 前言 作为 Java 工程师的你曾被伤害过吗?你是否也遇到过这些问题? 运行着的线上系统突然卡死,系统无法访问,甚至直接 OOM(out of memory)! 想解决线上 JVM GC 问题,但却无从下手。 新项目上线,对各种 JVM 参数设置一脸茫然,直接默认吧然后就 GG 了 每次面试之前都要重新背一遍 JVM 的一些原理概念性的东西,然而面试官却经常问你在实际项目中如何调优 VM 参数,如何解决 GC、OOM 等问题,一脸懵逼。 大部分 Java 开发人员,除会在项目中使用到与 Java 平台相关的各种高精尖技术,对于 Java 技术的核心 Java 虚拟机了解甚少。 一些有一定工作经验的开发人员,打心眼儿里觉得 SSM、微服务等上层技术才是重点,基础技术并不重要,这其实是一种本末倒置的“病态”。如果我们把核心类库的 API 比做数学公式的话,那么 Java 虚拟机的知识就好比公式的推导过程。 计算机系统体系对我们来说越来越远,在不了解底层实现方式的前提下,通过高级语言很容易编写程序代码。但事实上计算机并不认识高级语言 架构师每天都在思考什么? 应该如何让我的系统更快? 如何避免系统出现瓶颈? 知乎上有条帖子:应该如何看招聘信息,直通年薪 50万+? 参与现有系统的性能优化,重构,保证平台性能和稳定性 根据业务场景和需求,决定技术方向,做技术选型

看啥spring boot,quarkus应用启动只需0.07s

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-08-09 22:47:47
前言 quarkus号称超音速亚原子JAVA为Graalvm量身定制的java堆栈,是否名副其实呢?下面就来看看真实情况如何。动手前先简单介绍下 Graalvm,它是oracle出品的一个AOT编译器,可以将应用程序编译成本地映像,通俗的说可以将java编译成机器可直接执行的程序,可以参考go语言的编译输出产物。而且graalvm不仅仅支持java,对其他语言也有很好的支持。下面先看一张quarkus的java应用程序在传统的vm下面和graalvm下面的资源占用图。 Quarkus技术交流QQ群:871808563 graalvm: native-image编译配置 <profiles> <profile> <id>native</id> <activation> <property> <name>native</name> </property> </activation> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>io.quarkus</groupId> <artifactId>quarkus-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${quarkus-plugin.version}</version> <executions> <execution> <goals>


萝らか妹 提交于 2020-08-07 03:31:24
本文转载自: 深入学习java虚拟机,分享三个你从未听过的虚拟机黑科技 作为开发工程师,你也许会在日常编程中被Java的启动性能和内存耗费所震惊,继而对Java语言产生怀疑;或许在使用虚拟机遇见内存溢出等一系列异常时头疼万分, 困扰于为什么会出现各种问题。 和语言朝夕相处的开发者们,提及代码的详细运行过程也难免会一时语塞。这都是由于Java虚拟机封装得太好,让使用者几乎感觉不到它的存在。虽然这种"一次编写,到处运行"优势颇多,但是却也让我们忽略了学习Java虚拟机的必要。 熟知Java虚拟机的工作原理可以大幅提升日常编程的效率,对寻常Bug的修复更是轻而易举。同时,这也是Java技术的重要组成成分之一,实现技术进阶必不可缺的知识。 Java虚拟机知识框架图 一、Java虚拟机的基本原理 剖析 Java 虚拟机的运行机制,逐一介绍 Java 虚拟机的设计决策以及工程实现; 1. Java代码是怎么运行的 ? 作为一名 Java 程序员,你应该知道,Java 代码有很多种不同的运行方式。比如说可以在开发工具中运行,可以双击执行 jar 文件运行,也可以在命令行中运行,甚至可以在网页中运行。当然,这些执行方式都离不开 JRE,也就是 Java 运行时环境。 2. Java的基本类型 Java有八个基本类型,来支持数值计算。Java 这么做的原因主要是工程上的考虑

Problem with creating AWS Lambda function using Micronaut and GraalVM

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-07-22 10:09:12
问题 I'm trying to create and deploy AWS Lambda function in Java using Micronaut, GraalVM, and Docker. I'm following this tutorial to create AWS lambda with GraalVM runtime. I've created java project using micronaut command $ mn create-app my-app --features aws-api-gateway-graal . And then without any change in code or config files, try to build a Docker image with GraalVM native image. In the step of docker build when graalvm native image is building I get these warnings: Warning: Aborting stand

GraalVM with native-image compilation in Travis CI

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-06-28 04:23:35
问题 I have Java project which I compile with GraalVM native-image to executable binary. I'd like to configure continuous integration process for the project with Travis CI and it's ineresting to me - does Travis CI allow that? How can I configure .travis.yml file for building with GraalVM native-image? 回答1: I was able to configure native-image GraalVM compilation in Travis CI builds using from - Java Shell Builder. Here is .travis-ci.yml : sudo: false language: java cache

GraalVM with native-image compilation in Travis CI

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-06-28 04:23:08
问题 I have Java project which I compile with GraalVM native-image to executable binary. I'd like to configure continuous integration process for the project with Travis CI and it's ineresting to me - does Travis CI allow that? How can I configure .travis.yml file for building with GraalVM native-image? 回答1: I was able to configure native-image GraalVM compilation in Travis CI builds using from - Java Shell Builder. Here is .travis-ci.yml : sudo: false language: java cache

Does GraalVM JVM support java 11?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-06-09 12:55:54
问题 How build GraalVM JVM for Java 11 ? (I don't see any official distributives only java 8) 回答1: Not currently. From this GitHub issue, it seems that it will be ready around the end of February, 2019. However, Java 11 does include support for the Graal compiler, which can be enabled with the following flags: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler Edit: According to that GitHub issue, it looks like Graal 19.3 will be released on November 19, 2019, which should include Java 11

Does GraalVM JVM support java 11?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-06-09 12:54:11
问题 How build GraalVM JVM for Java 11 ? (I don't see any official distributives only java 8) 回答1: Not currently. From this GitHub issue, it seems that it will be ready around the end of February, 2019. However, Java 11 does include support for the Graal compiler, which can be enabled with the following flags: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler Edit: According to that GitHub issue, it looks like Graal 19.3 will be released on November 19, 2019, which should include Java 11

GraalVM as JIT compiler for ARM JRE

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-05-29 04:05:22
问题 Is someone know if GraalVM can be used as a JIT Compiler in an OpenJDK distribution for ARM architecture ? The releases available on graalVM github precise AMD architecture and github ARM related issues are related to native image creation (so AOT compiler for ARM). Maybe an additional question : If they succeed in native Image creation for arm, does it mean that GraalVM will also be available as JIT compiler for arm ? Or the 2 things are independants ? I begin in compiler ecosystem :) Thx a

GraalVM as JIT compiler for ARM JRE

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-05-29 04:05:08
问题 Is someone know if GraalVM can be used as a JIT Compiler in an OpenJDK distribution for ARM architecture ? The releases available on graalVM github precise AMD architecture and github ARM related issues are related to native image creation (so AOT compiler for ARM). Maybe an additional question : If they succeed in native Image creation for arm, does it mean that GraalVM will also be available as JIT compiler for arm ? Or the 2 things are independants ? I begin in compiler ecosystem :) Thx a