
Turning a mobile phone into a beacon

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-23 04:15:07
问题 I'm trying to build an access control system using BLE beacons and a web server. A mobile phone will transmit a beacon signal near the gate and the beacon will be forwarded to the server to decide whether this person should pass. The problem is transmitting a beacon without encryption is not safe, i need to encrypt the beacons. The question is: is there an API for web applications to resolve the Eddystone EID encrypted beacon without using google web service? Another question: is the

Not able to get beacon attachment data using Nearby Google API on android

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-11 17:14:28
问题 I am new to beacons and I'm having some troubles with Google Nearby Message API. I did as it was said on their page ( but it doesn't get any attachments from the beacons. It connects to the Google API client, it successfully subscribes but it never gets to "onFound" or "onLost". I am able to successfully register the beacon and sea it in "Beacon Tools" app. 来源:

Turning a mobile phone into a beacon

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-08 03:40:30
I'm trying to build an access control system using BLE beacons and a web server. A mobile phone will transmit a beacon signal near the gate and the beacon will be forwarded to the server to decide whether this person should pass. The problem is transmitting a beacon without encryption is not safe, i need to encrypt the beacons. The question is: is there an API for web applications to resolve the Eddystone EID encrypted beacon without using google web service? Another question: is the Eddystone EID a good idea for encrypting the beacon for access control (regarding security, time, etc..)?