
JAX-RS services in Google App Engine

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-01 05:51:26
问题 I'm developing a Google App Enigne application that uses some REST services and offers in turn web services. I'm using the GAE Eclipse plugin. I have 2 questions: What is the best JAX-RS library to use with GAE nowadays? I'd like to use Jersey because I understand is the most "standard" library (isn't it?), but I could use any in principle... I've been looking for documentation, but I've only found some samples in blogs that only work with old versions of Jersey, etc... For the web services I

AppEngine Google Cloud Endpoint - discovery not found

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-01 05:48:06
问题 I am quite new to Python and Google AppEngine, but have had around 7 years of programming experience. I am also new to StackOverflow. I've been trying to set up a simple Google Cloud Endpoint API for my personal project, and have finished and uploaded the finished app to Google App Engine. Here are my Endpoint API settings: @endpoints.api(name='puzzle', version='v1', description='Puzzle Engine API') And methods: @endpoints.method( PuzzleMessage, PuzzleMessage, name='puzzle.generate', http

Proguard configuration when using Android Studio's Google Cloud Endpoints template

余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-01 05:18:07
问题 We need to store and retrieve the content that users generate with our app online. To do so, we decided to use Android Studio's integrated Google Cloud Endpoints template to quickly create an API (official usage example here). It works fine in debug, but in release mode, with Proguard enabled, it fails. Worse still, I've failed to find any documentation or samples about using Proguard with the Android Studio's Endpoints templates. After an hour or so of poking around and trying to make it

Setting up metrics for Google Cloud endpoints

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-31 03:58:29
问题 I want to set up Google Cloud endpoints on a production server. What would be a good way to profile requests? Appstats support only WSGI requests. Thanks in advance. 回答1: I could actually solve this. Digging into endpoints, I could see that it is actually a WSGI server. And tested it with Appstats and works perfectly, it needs to be added to documentation. In, I did this: def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app =

Cloud endpoints authentication failure in android app

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-30 22:54:43
问题 I'm having trouble with my first attempt to use authentication in debug mode in a Google Cloud Endpoints android app. I set up credentials like this: credential = GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience(this, "server:client_id:long-string-i-got-from-api-console"); credential.setSelectedAccountName(accountName); then try to use it like this: final String LOCAL_APP_ENGINE_SERVER_URL = ""; Testdbendpoint.Builder endpointBuilder = new Testdbendpoint.Builder( AndroidHttp

Send Firebase Token from Android to Google Cloud Endpoints

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-30 13:38:30
问题 I am integrating Firebase Authentication into my Android App. After successful login, the Android App will call some Google Cloud Endpoints running on Google App Engine. So I need to pass the Firebase Token I received from the Authentication to the Google Cloud Endpoints. I am using the following code to call the endpoints (source) MyApi.Builder builder = new MyApi.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), new AndroidJsonFactory(), null) myApiService =; myApiService.sayHi

Dynamically created method and decorator, got error 'functools.partial' object has no attribute '__module__'

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-30 02:44:12
问题 I am currently using EndpointsModel to create a RESTful API for all my models on AppEngine. Since it is RESTful, these api have a lot of repeat code which I want to avoid. For example: class Reducer(EndpointsModel): name = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False) @endpoints.api( name="bigdata", version="v1", description="""The BigData API""", allowed_client_ids=ALLOWED_CLIENT_IDS, ) class BigDataApi(remote.Service): @Reducer.method( path="reducer", http_method="POST", name="reducer.insert", user

Generating the API metadata for Cloud Endpoints classes failed

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-29 08:27:21
问题 I am working on a backend for my android app on google appengine from months up to now. Everything was working quite good until yesterday. I have not generated endpoint in last 2 months but when I tried to do so yesterday the error showed up. That's the scenario. From Android IDE (Eclipse 4.2) I click on 'Generate cloud endpoint client library'. I have to wait a BIG amount of time... The error appear (I will paste the stacktrace below). Expected output -> all ok and my new endpoint library in

How to move Cloud Endpoints generated sources.jar library into Android project

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-29 06:28:06
问题 Google Plugin for Eclipse includes a facility to automatically generate the cloud endpoints client library. But there doesn't seem to be an easy way to move the generated source.jar file into your Android source. The documentation says The Endpoints generation results in a sources jar file. Add the contents of this jar file to your Android project. It doesn't seem possible to put the source.jar file into an Android

Appengine with Google Cloud Endpoints and Guice

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-28 12:04:19
问题 So i want to use Guice in Appengine with Cloud Endpoints to inject my services, or daos - pretty common I guess, but I found no tutorial for this. Official Guice for Appengine documentation seems to be here: When configuring Guice you set up the to intercept every request "/*". And at some point you must initialize the modules. Like the documentation says a good place to do that is a