Is it possible to use conditional comments from within a Chrome Frame?
When using... <!--[if lte IE 8]> <html class="ie8-7-6"> <![endif]--> .ie8-7-6 .loginForm {display:none;} /* The login form is hidden. */ and .ie8-7-6 .yourbrowserisold {display:block;} /* and some nice graphics appear to indicate it doesn't support IE6, 7, or 8. */ So that works very nicely and I'm providing a link to download Chrome Frame. But now, if Chrome Frame is installed, I would like it to do the oposite. <!--[if CF]><html class="chrome-frame><![endif]--> .chrome-frame .yourbrowserisold {display:none;} .chrome-frame .loginForm {display:block;} But <!--[if CF]><html class="chrome-frame>