
centos+git+gitolite 安装和部署

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-24 05:27:56
一.部署环境   系统:CentOS 6.4x64 最小化安装   IP:   git默认使用SSH协议,在服务器上基本上不用怎么配置就能直接使用。但是如果面向团队服务,需要控制权限的话,还是用gitolite方便些。   首先用x-shell 工具链接centos 系统 二.安装基础依赖包 [root@nginx ~]#yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel perl-devel -y 三.在线安装git [root@bogon ~]# yum -y install git 下载安装包安装方式: [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#tar xf git-2.2.0.tar.gz [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#cd git-2.2.0/ [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#make prefix=/usr/local/git all [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#make prefix=/usr/local/git install 增加软连接 [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#ln -s /usr/local/git/bin/* /usr/bin/ 验证结果,显示出版本号,表示安装成功


萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-24 03:41:36
前言 一开始,打算在Windows上安装git服务,折腾了一天,在Copssh(win2008、win7、win2003)上总是配置不成功,最终无功而返,最后只好先放弃Windows了,以后有时间再研究研究。 当然Windows版的还有其它软件可用,比如Gitstack、Gitblit等,不想搞Windows版的了,不是这个限制就是那个问题,麻烦多,所以直接上Linux版的。 下面一段是Linux工具,引用自 在Git服务管理工具这个领域,主要有三种流行的方案,它们分别是: Gitosis - 轻量级,开源项目,使用SSH公钥认证,只能做到库级的权限控制。目前项目已经停止开发,不再维护。 Gitolite - 轻量级,开源项目,使用SSH公钥认证,能做到分支级的权限控制。 Git + Repo + Gerrit - 超级重量级,集版本控制,库管理和代码审核为一身。可管理大型及超大型项目。 注:其实还有很多,如:gitlab、gitblit、gitbucket、gogs,请参考“几个Git仓库开源软件的比较” 安装 Step 1 安装git

centos+git+gitolite 安装和部署

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-24 02:38:25
本文原文链接: 一.部署环境   系统:CentOS 6.4x64 最小化安装   IP:   git默认使用SSH协议,在服务器上基本上不用怎么配置就能直接使用。但是如果面向团队服务,需要控制权限的话,还是用gitolite方便些。   首先用x-shell 工具链接centos 系统 二.安装基础依赖包 [root@nginx ~]#yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel perl-devel -y 三.在线安装git [root@bogon ~]# yum -y install git 下载安装包安装方式: [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#tar xf git-2.2.0.tar.gz [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#cd git-2.2.0/ [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#make prefix=/usr/local/git all [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#make prefix=/usr/local/git install 增加软连接 [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#ln

git 服务器搭建+gitolite 镜像

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-24 02:35:09
gitserver 搭建 1、更新Ubuntu server   操作如下:   $ apt-get update   $ apt-get upgrade   如上命令更新并升级系统,防止在安装git过程中,出现部分依赖包没有安装。    2、安装openssh的server和client   其实通常情况下,Ubuntu server都默认安装了openssh。安装SSH的目的,SSH 协议用于为 Git 提供远程读写操作,是远程写操作的标准服务,ssh可用于远程登录,服务端需要安装openssh-server,客户端需要安装openssh-client。介绍ssh协议是因为   gitolite以及gitosis都是基于ssh公钥认证的。   安装openssh之前,可以先查看是否安装过   $ ps -ef | grep ssh   如果没有,就继续如下安装步骤,   $ sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client      3、安装git   $ sudo apt-get install git-core     安装完毕即可! 4、配置git用户   在Ubuntu Server上新增一个git用户   $ sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --group git  /


非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-24 02:34:37
简单流程 <!--添加用户--> useradd git useradd gitadmin su git <!--下载gitolite--> mkdir -p $HOME/bin git clone gitolite/install -to $HOME/bin <!--生成管理员的证书--> su gitadmin cd ssh-keygen cp .ssh/ /tmp/ <!--设置管理员--> su git cd gitolite setup -pk /tmp/ <!--管理您的gitolite安装--> su gitadmin cd git clone git@localhost:gitolite-admin 详细流程 安装git yum install git 添加git用户(linux添加用户) 具体参考linux用户详解 ``` useradd git 用来管理仓库 useradd gitadmin 用来管理授权 userdel -rf git userdel -rf gitadmin ### 准备ssh密钥 > SSH是SecureShell的缩写,是一种专为远程登录会话和其他网络服务提供安全性的协议。利用

Can GitoLite and Git Using LDAP and NOT SSH keys

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-22 12:52:25
问题 my firm is looking at using git and gitolite but does not want to use SSH keys and work like to use LDAP.. Can this be done?? I never seen this done.. everyplace I have this setup with always used SSH keys 回答1: Yes, you can do it without any issue. You simply need your Apache to do the authentication part (since gitolite is only an authorization layer), and call gitolite-shell instead of git-http-backend , with REMOTE_USER set by Apache (and used by gitolite-shell). See a detailed example in

Can GitoLite and Git Using LDAP and NOT SSH keys

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-01-22 12:51:49
问题 my firm is looking at using git and gitolite but does not want to use SSH keys and work like to use LDAP.. Can this be done?? I never seen this done.. everyplace I have this setup with always used SSH keys 回答1: Yes, you can do it without any issue. You simply need your Apache to do the authentication part (since gitolite is only an authorization layer), and call gitolite-shell instead of git-http-backend , with REMOTE_USER set by Apache (and used by gitolite-shell). See a detailed example in

Setting umask in Git / Gitolite

谁都会走 提交于 2020-01-20 02:19:46
问题 I have set up Git and Gitolite, and at some point I recall having seen an "umask" setting, in one of the configuration files. Does this set the permissions for all files I sync using Git? That is exactly what I need. Where can I find it? 回答1: The umask settings in Gitolite are there for changing the umask for newly created repos (and not about the files managed in versions by those repos). See gitolite.rc doc: $REPO_UMASK , octal, default 0077 The default UMASK that gitolite uses makes all

Setting umask in Git / Gitolite

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-20 02:19:28
问题 I have set up Git and Gitolite, and at some point I recall having seen an "umask" setting, in one of the configuration files. Does this set the permissions for all files I sync using Git? That is exactly what I need. Where can I find it? 回答1: The umask settings in Gitolite are there for changing the umask for newly created repos (and not about the files managed in versions by those repos). See gitolite.rc doc: $REPO_UMASK , octal, default 0077 The default UMASK that gitolite uses makes all

git push initial to gitolite repository fails with index-pack not a git command

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-17 04:52:05
问题 I added a repo to gitolite-admin conf and pushing it successful Now I wanted to import an exiting repository when I invoke a git push --all git@gitserver:mybeerrepo I get git: 'index-pack' is not a git-command. error: pack-objects died with strange error error: failed to push some refs to ... I checked the .bashrc file for that user and the path looks okay git gc in that repository seems to work well too no idea what to do next now :-7 回答1: The problem was caused by an old version of git