
proper user creation flow with and firebase?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-13 03:36:26
问题 I am new to and I am trying to understand a user creation flow with and firebase. If I create a new user in firebase and then pass in their firebase UID to functions such as: client = stream.connect('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET'); //generate new user client.user('<FIREBASE UID>').create({name: "Jane Doe", occupation: "Software Engineer", gender: 'female'}); //generate token for the user const userToken = client.createUserToken('<FIREBASE UID>'); //Allow user to connection timeout on PHP addActivity

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-13 00:47:24
问题 I keep getting an error of cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 35xx milliseconds when certain updates are made to my feeds in (xx = different millisecond values). It seems like this must be coming from an error on GetStream's side that may not be reporting back correctly. Does anyone know if GetStream addActivity calls go over 3.5 seconds? Since this is intermittent, the only thing I can think is that there may be a GetStream error regarding the foreign_id , as it may

Stream - Suspiciously large amount of feed updates

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-11 17:31:39
问题 We are in the process of integrating Stream to power our notifications module. When looking at the usage metrics in the dashboard, we see suspiciously large amount of feed updates: As you can see we have around 9K feed updates per day . Those daily 9K feed updates don't make sense since right now our backend code does not create any activities . The only Stream API calls that happen, is when a new user registers we create a new stream for it, of type 'notification', and make this new stream

How to serialize the array of specific field of class object (getStream)

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-11 08:07:21
问题 I'm trying to push EnrichedActivity data to FeedSerializer . I'm getting feed data using getStream class FeedAPIView(APIView): def get(self, request, format=None): feeds = feed_manager.get_news_feeds( # get the newsfeed for user. activities = feeds.get('timeline').get()['results'] activities = enricher.enrich_activities(activities) # I want to serialize only Outfit instances(object) from the activities. filtered_set = FeedSerializer(activities.getObject.convertToQueryset) json

A feed in which different users can add activities

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-11 05:26:30
问题 In my app I want to have some feed where different users can add activities How can I do this? Are there any settings of user rights? 回答1: It would help if you could elaborate on what you are trying to build (e.g. what kind of user ACL you are trying to offload to Stream) and whether you are using an SDK or the REST API directly. Multiple users can add activities to the same feed. Regarding user rights, permissions they would be embedded in the JWT token when you're doing server-side - Delete a feed nodejs

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-11 00:49:10
问题 I am using nodejs module. I am creating feeds at run time and want to know if there is a way to delete a feed through code?. I see in the code base that there is a delete interface but when I looked in to RESTFul API documentation, I did not find any end point to delete a feed. But when I look at Ruby documentation, I see that there is way to delete a feed. Please let me know how can I achieve deleting a feed in from nodejs 回答1: I was able to delete a feed using

Is it possible to filter on a feed

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-10 18:23:28
问题 Is it possible to implement filtering on feeds in stream? I would like to allow users to follow other user posts but have those tagged with various categories. The desire is to select a category of Football and see just the posts made by people I follow which have that tag or potentially a collection of tags if the category was All Sports for example. Looking in the api and docs it seems that a feed is pivoted on a single attribute so I can do a request for all posts of people I follow but

`target` value is always None. How can we set `target` value to certain instance in Django Mode? (GetStream)

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-08 07:51:29
问题 Here is notification that I got, and activities target is always None. How can we assign target instance in Model? {'id': '6a4e1d107c07b2c7', ..., 'activities': [ EnrichedActivity(activity_data={'id': '6a4e1d18-e3b8-11e7-8080-80007c07b2c7', 'to': ['notification:1'], 'time': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 18, 5, 58, 5, 508124), 'foreign_id': 'comment.Comment:22', 'object': <Follow: johnmatt3 : jbaek7023>, 'actor': <User: johnmatt3>, 'target': None, <-- ALWAYS None. Why? 'verb': 'follow', 'origin'

How to remove activity from multiple feeds?

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-05 15:06:44
I'm using notification feeds where users get a notification when other users add replies into a forum thread they are part of. I'd like to know how I can remove activities from all feeds when the reply is deleted? I can't seem to find any information about that. The examples show how I can remove an activity from one users feed. But I don't necessarily know all the users that might have the activity on their notifications feed. Or is there a way to get a list of notification feeds that contain activities with a foreign id? When you delete an activity from a feed, a delete is propagated to