
st_buffer throws error when setting SRID

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-01-07 06:43:33
问题 mysql version: 5.7.10 I can set srid on a lineString as: SET @line = ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(45.076287 37.5341466, 45.0763506 37.5339578, 45.0763677 37.5338354, 45.0764356 37.5328037, 45.0764417 37.5325764, 45.0764387 37.5325154, 45.0764378 37.5320371, 45.0764671 37.5313518, 45.0764922 37.530762, 45.0764985 37.5306131, 45.0765163 37.5304027, 45.0765576 37.5299127, 45.076546 37.5296679, 45.0765001 37.5293058, 45.0764386 37.529033, 45.076358 37.5288548, 45.0761693 37.5285545, 45.0758591 37

can't implement L.mapbox.simplestyle with geoJson

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-01-06 12:57:44
问题 I'm trying to implement simplestyle's options for marker size and color , but can't get them to render. In this simple test case, I'm trying to follow Mapbox's own example quite closely: var myData = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [4.509373,51.932994] }, "properties": { "marker-size": "large", "marker-color": "#ffcc00" } } ]; var map ='map', '') .setView([51.932994,4.509373], 8); L.geoJson(myData, { style: L.mapbox

can't implement L.mapbox.simplestyle with geoJson

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-01-06 12:56:39
问题 I'm trying to implement simplestyle's options for marker size and color , but can't get them to render. In this simple test case, I'm trying to follow Mapbox's own example quite closely: var myData = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [4.509373,51.932994] }, "properties": { "marker-size": "large", "marker-color": "#ffcc00" } } ]; var map ='map', '') .setView([51.932994,4.509373], 8); L.geoJson(myData, { style: L.mapbox

navigator geolocation getCurrentPosition not working

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-01-05 09:35:33
问题 I have this html page: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Geolocation test</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) { alert(position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude); }, function (error) { alert(error.code); }, {enableHighAccuracy: true, maximumAge: 0}); </script> </body> Works on: Samsung Galaxy 3 Google Chrome Samsung Galaxy 3 native web browser Chrome Desktop. Doesnt works on: Samsung Galaxy S2

Android WebView : disable geo: for addresses

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-04 06:15:52
问题 In my Android application, I am using a WebView to render a list of locations. For some reason, when I click on a list item, it interprets it as a "geo:" address and opens the default browser to show the location. How can I configure the WebView to not interprete the location's addresses. I don't want the "geo:" handling to swallow the "normal" list item touch event. If I tap carefully just on the location name then the "normal" list item touch event is fired. The WevView must interprete

Transforming Data from GeoJSON to SQL Geography

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-01-03 03:01:06
问题 The basics first, server is MS SQL Server 2016 developer edition, and I'm transforming county shape data that is stored in a NvarChar(max) column as GeoJson to a sql geography field for better storage and spatial indexing. Right now the data is stored as blobs, and I'm trying to optimize storage and create spatial indexes to speed up location comparison (EG: Does X highway intersect with Y county). There is a lot of documentation on going from sql geography data to Geo-JSON, but not so much

Transforming Data from GeoJSON to SQL Geography

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-03 03:01:06
问题 The basics first, server is MS SQL Server 2016 developer edition, and I'm transforming county shape data that is stored in a NvarChar(max) column as GeoJson to a sql geography field for better storage and spatial indexing. Right now the data is stored as blobs, and I'm trying to optimize storage and create spatial indexes to speed up location comparison (EG: Does X highway intersect with Y county). There is a lot of documentation on going from sql geography data to Geo-JSON, but not so much

Soundcloud api: Geo Tag search not working

故事扮演 提交于 2020-01-01 11:15:30
问题 Geo search tags appear not to be working. I have an app that has been running for months with no changes. It broke recently and upon troubleshooting I found that geo tag search, both specific and with wild card, returns no results. $(document).ready(function() { SC.initialize({ client_id: 'my id here'}); SC.get("/tracks", {limit: 200, tags: 'geo:lon=-118.*'}, SearchTracks); }); var SearchTracks=function Search (tracks){ for (var key in tracks) {console.log(tracks[key].title+" "+tracks[key]

Soundcloud api: Geo Tag search not working

房东的猫 提交于 2020-01-01 11:15:10
问题 Geo search tags appear not to be working. I have an app that has been running for months with no changes. It broke recently and upon troubleshooting I found that geo tag search, both specific and with wild card, returns no results. $(document).ready(function() { SC.initialize({ client_id: 'my id here'}); SC.get("/tracks", {limit: 200, tags: 'geo:lon=-118.*'}, SearchTracks); }); var SearchTracks=function Search (tracks){ for (var key in tracks) {console.log(tracks[key].title+" "+tracks[key]

polygons from coordinates

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-01 10:16:57
问题 I've got a data.frame with lat s and lng s that define the boundaries of rectangular boxes, like so geohash north_lat south_lat east_lng west_lng 1 gbsuv 48.69141 48.64746 -4.306641 -4.350586 2 gbsuy 48.69141 48.64746 -4.262695 -4.306641 What's the easiest way to convert this into an sf object that holds a column of POLYGON s? 回答1: The key to creating polygons is that the coordinates have to be in sequence to form a closed area (i.e., the last point is the same as the first point). So your