
Join across two different event

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2021-01-29 07:31:41
问题 I'am writing KQL on Server Query,I want join two event datas.My KQL like this: let table1=source |where LogName == "FraudServiceRequest" | project d_name=LogName,PreciseTimeStamp,ConnectionID,End=substring(TimeStamp,13,20); let table2=source | where LogName == "ProxyReceivedRequest" | project ConnectionID,Start=substring(TimeStamp,13,20); table1 | join (table2) on $left.ConnectionID == $right.ConnectionID |project ConnectionID,m_Ans=(toreal(End)-toreal(Start))/1000.0 But there no one record

Custom Claims with Geneva framework and how to “synch” users whitin your app

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-01-23 03:49:05
问题 Maybe this question highlights how little I know about claims identity management, but here it goes. If using WIF within an application that uses a third party STS for Identity and that uses custom claims for authorization ( something pertinent and specificto the application like CanCreateFooBar ) 1) How do I manage the users? Ie, the users from say AD or other membership provider can be identified, but internally in my system i need to know about them and have more user information that has

Implementing claims-based security (WCF/ASP.NET)

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-20 14:19:30
问题 After researching on the topic of claims-Based security (or a federated security model). I've been coming across many examples that use CardSpace as an example. The main article that I read that gave a really great explanation of the subject was a PDF by Microsoft on a framework called Zermatt. The claims-based security architecture I'm looking into is the equivalent of implementing an STS Authentication Broker in combination with an STS Authorization Broker. This way, when I create a new

Azure/web-farm ready SecurityTokenCache

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-18 10:53:35
问题 Our site uses ADFS for auth. To reduce the cookie payload on every request we're turning IsSessionMode on (see Your fedauth cookies on a diet). The last thing we need to do to get this working in our load balanced environment is to implement a farm ready SecurityTokenCache. The implementation seems pretty straightforward, I'm mainly interested in finding out if there are any gotchas we should consider when dealing with SecurityTokenCacheKey and the TryGetAllEntries and TryRemoveAllEntries

Custom Claims with Geneva framework and how to “synch” users whitin your app

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-04 19:31:51
Maybe this question highlights how little I know about claims identity management, but here it goes. If using WIF within an application that uses a third party STS for Identity and that uses custom claims for authorization ( something pertinent and specificto the application like CanCreateFooBar ) 1) How do I manage the users? Ie, the users from say AD or other membership provider can be identified, but internally in my system i need to know about them and have more user information that has nothing to do with Identity ( so it woulndt really make sense to have this info available outside the

ADFS v2.0 Error : MSIS7042: The same client browser session has made '6' requests in the last '1' seconds

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-01 04:38:01
Folks, I've got an ASP.NET MVC application that I am attempting to secure using the Release Candidate version of ADFS v2.0 (Geneva). I have configured the application as a relying party trust, and I've used Fedutil.exe to modify the application's Web.config so that it has the information about the Geneva server and uses the Geneva server as its claims source. However, when I try and hit the MVC app, it redirects to Geneva, which then (after warning me about self-signed certs) re-directs me to the MVC app again. After accepting both self-signed cert warnings, the two servers play ping-pong with

ADFS v2.0 Error : MSIS7042: The same client browser session has made '6' requests in the last '1' seconds

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-01 02:33:16
问题 Folks, I've got an ASP.NET MVC application that I am attempting to secure using the Release Candidate version of ADFS v2.0 (Geneva). I have configured the application as a relying party trust, and I've used Fedutil.exe to modify the application's Web.config so that it has the information about the Geneva server and uses the Geneva server as its claims source. However, when I try and hit the MVC app, it redirects to Geneva, which then (after warning me about self-signed certs) re-directs me to