
How to get data from ganglia's database

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-22 04:37:10
问题 I want use ganglia's data to analyze our cluster, But I don't know where is the ganglia's database. Anyone had do this before? 回答1: It is rrd files that stores metrics data on gmetad. usually the default path is /var/lib/ganglia/rrds/<cluster-name>/<node-name>/ where each metric is stored in a single rrd file like bytes_in.rrd Please refer to command rrdfetch or this question to see how to fetch data from rrd file (this is pure rrdtool question which is out of ganglia technology) 回答2: To get

Spark Monitoring with Ganglia

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-21 20:40:48
问题 I'm testing the framework Apache Spark. I need monitoring some aspects about my cluster like network and resources. Ganglia looks like a good option for what I need. Then, I found out that Spark has support to Ganglia. On the Spark monitoring webpage there is this information: "To install the GangliaSink you’ll need to perform a custom build of Spark." I found in my Spark the directory: "/extras/spark-ganglia-lgpl". But I don't know how to install it. How can I install the Ganglia to


≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-16 18:19:57
对于日志来说,我觉得监控意义不大,因为写的速度一般不会特别快,但是如果是spooldir source,里面一小时放入十几G的数据让flume解析,特别是在结合kafka或者其他框架的话,监控就显得重要了,可以分析整个架构的瓶颈 flume的监控是基于json的,通过jmx产生metrix数据,可以通过web直接访问得到json数据,但是不够直观,也可以交由其他监控框架接收展示,官网上就简单描述了ganglia的方式 安装并启动ganglia(之后,不需要再配置ganglia。让flume向ganglia发送metrix一种配置方式是在flume-env.conf中配置,这样启动所有任务都向ganglia发送,也可以直接在启动一个application的时候指定 $ bin/flume-ng agent --conf-file example.conf --name myname -Dflume.monitoring.type=ganglia -Dflume.monitoring.hosts=myhost:8649 个人感觉展现的不是特别好,但是相对于直接看json还是将就了。 网上还有种说法是交由zabbix展示,不过看了看美团的图(http://tech

Sending Data from ganglia to graphite

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-12 08:51:26
问题 I am currently collecting monitoring metrics with Ganglia and I would like to show graphs with that data with Graphite. I know such an integration is possible, and I found an article describing how it should be done. I am not quite sure exactly how this integration works, especially when I want to send it straight into graphite without parsing the data of the gmetad. Any help on how to integrate Ganglia with Graphite will be great. thanks 回答1: There are two approaches to integrate ganglia

What does 'sintr' mean (in Ganglia)?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-11 15:30:08
问题 I have created the following view in Ganglia, showing cpu_user stats: Can someone tell me what Sintr means? I was not able to find any information on Google or stackexchange websites. Interestingly, I have two servers with identical hardware that I'm monitoring, but only one of them has the Sintr entry (which caught my eye). 回答1: Okay, I found an answer hidden in some Ganglia dev mailing list... From this post: I also added two specific metrics to Linux. cpu_intr and cpu_sintr count the


心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-10 22:49:34
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> JMX 早期是作为J2EE的一部分 , 因此总给人一种开发起来会很"重"的感觉, 这让不少Java程序员宁愿选择自行实现"轻量级"方案. 时至今日, 借助一些优秀的开源项目, JMX 也可以用起来很"轻". 使用 pojo-mbean 声明MBean pojo-mbean 使用Annotation对MBean进行声明, 省去不少 JMX 规范中要求的罗嗦代码, 不知道有多罗嗦的请见 这里 . 例如, ManagableServer 希望被声明为一个MBean, 只有两个步骤: 注解 @MBean(objectName="jsmx:type=Demo") class ManagableServer { @ManagedAttribute public long getCount() {...} @ManagedAttribute public int getGauge() {...} @ManagedOperation public void shutdown() {...} } 注册 ManagableServer mBean = new ManagableServer(); new MBeanRegistration(mBean).register(); 运行之后, 你可以通过 jconsole

Convert .rrd file to json in python

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-10 16:57:58
问题 Is there any python module available for converting the .rrd file to json format ? 回答1: Following is the code I tried for generating json from rrd file. #!/usr/bin/python import rrdtool import sys def printMetric(): args = ["/var/lib/ganglia/rrds/__SummaryInfo__/cpu_system.rrd", "AVERAGE"] rrdMetric = rrdtool.fetch(args) time = rrdMetric[0][0] step = rrdMetric[0][2] sys.stdout.write(" {\n \"Key1\":\"" + rrdMetric[1][0] +\ "\",\n \"Key2\":\"" + "abcd" +\ "\",\n \"metric_name\":\"" + "cpu


半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-10 14:53:54
############ zabbix基本架构 ############ 1.Server zabbix系统核心进程,轮询并捕获数据、发送通知等。是zabbix agent和zabbix proxy汇报数据的对象。server自身可远程检测网络服务。所有的前后端配置、统计信息、可操作数据存储于此。包含server、前段界面和后端DB几部分。 2.Agent 部署在被监控主机上用于监控本地资源和应用并向zabbix server汇报结果。使用本地系统调用故非常高效。有主动和被动两种检测模式。被动模式下agent根据server或proxy的具体请求来返回数 据。主动模式下先主动由server获取监控项列表在检测并返回新的数据。采用主动或被动检测取决于相应监控项的配置。 3.Proxy 可以自由选择部署或者不部署,主要用于分担server的负载。在集中化监控远程位置、分支、网络的场景中是很好的解决方案。可从被监控设备收集数据缓存在proxy本地后传递给其所属的zabbix server。proxy需要单独的数据库。 4.Java gateway java实现的守护进程用于监控JMX类型的应用程序。 5.Sender 命令行工具zabbix_sender,用于向zabbix server发送性能数据和可用性数据。多用于用户脚本定期向server发送数据。 如: shell> cd bin


泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-07 14:54:04
参考资料: 1 、安装前准备工作 事先安装 ganglia 依赖的软件。 yum install – y gcc gcc-c++ libpng freetype zlib libdbi apr.* apr-util ibxml2-devel pkg-config glib pixman pango pango-devel freetye-devel fontconfig cairo cairo-devel libart_lgpl libart_lgpl-devel 2 、 httpd 安装 1 )、开机自启动 httpd 服务 [root @master ~]# chkconfig | grep httpd httpd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off [root @master ~]# chkconfig httpd on [root @master ~]# chkconfig | grep httpd httpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6

云监控 Ganglia 安装步骤 (含python module)

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-07 14:53:24
前言 最近在研究云监控的相关工具,感觉ganglia颇有亮点,能从一个集群整体的角度来展现数据. 但 是安装过程稍过复杂,相关依赖稍多,故写此文章与大家分享下. 本文不讲解相关原理,若想了解请参考其他资料. 本文目的: 即使之前未触过ganglia,也能按照文中步骤搭建自己的ganglia监控集群. @Author duangr @Website 1.相关环境 Host Name IP OS Arch duangr-1 CentOS 6.4 x86_64 duangr-2 CentOS 6.4 x86_64 duangr-3 CentOS 6.4 x86_64 全部主机确认: iptables关闭 SELinux disabled 2.部署规划 项 值 监控服务主节点 duangr-1 被监控从节点 duangr- 2 duangr-3 Ganglia监控服务的主节点需要安装: ganglia ganglia-web php apache Ganglia被监控从节点需要安装: gangli a 安装路径规划 项 值 ganglia安装路径 /usr/local/ganglia php安装路径 /usr/local