
How to increase the performance of a file upload using native sftp functions and fwrite in PHP

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-11-29 03:48:29
问题 Hi I am using the following code to upload a huge file (500MB) to a sftp server. <?php $connection = ssh2_connect($this->host, $this->port, null); $sftp = ssh2_sftp($connection); $connection_string = ((int) $sftp) . $remotePath . $remoteFilename; $stream = fopen('ssh2.sftp://' . $connection_string, 'w'); $source = fopen($localFilepath, 'r'); if (!$stream) { throw new Exception('Could not create file: ' . $connection_string); } while (!feof($source)) { // Chunk size 32 MB if (fwrite($stream,

Using php to write to a log file

五迷三道 提交于 2020-11-29 02:55:18
问题 First of I am very very very very bad with php so sorry for this question I have an application in which i would like to log some debug data and through my project i make a webrequest to my site storing the information in $msg i then want to write the data to my logfile.log on the site. i first used fopen fwrite fclose, but heard that file_put_contents would be better especially as i very likely will have several users trying to write to the file at once. Here's the code: $msg = $_GET['w'];

Using php to write to a log file

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-11-29 02:52:16
问题 First of I am very very very very bad with php so sorry for this question I have an application in which i would like to log some debug data and through my project i make a webrequest to my site storing the information in $msg i then want to write the data to my logfile.log on the site. i first used fopen fwrite fclose, but heard that file_put_contents would be better especially as i very likely will have several users trying to write to the file at once. Here's the code: $msg = $_GET['w'];


与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-11-23 05:41:36
fopen, fwrite, fread 详解 1、头文件 #include < stdio.h > 2、fopen (1) 函数原型 FILE *fopen(char *filename, *type) 函数用来打开一个文件 (2) 参数解析 filename ,文件名 type ,打开方式   字符及其含义:   打开方式由 r,w,a,t,b,+ 这六个字符拼成,含义如下   r(read) :读   w(write) :写   a(append) :追加   t(txt) :文本文件,可省略   b(banary) :二进制文件   "r" 打开文字文件只读   "w" 创建文字文件只写   "a" 增补 , 如果文件不存在则创建一个   "r+" 打开一个文字文件读 / 写   "w+" 创建一个文字文件读 / 写   "a+" 打开或创建一个文件增补   "b" 二进制文件 ( 可以和上面每一项合用 )   "t" 文这文件 ( 默认项 )   使用方式及含义   “rt”       只读打开一个文本文件,只允许读数据   “wt”       只写打开或建立一个文本文件,只允许写数据   “at”       追加打开一个文本文件,并在文件末尾写数据   “rb”       只读打开一个二进制文件,只允许读数据   “wb”       


喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-11-21 06:12:34
题解: 因为n,m很大 所以复杂度应该是和m相关的 考虑到每个点的影响区间是连续的 就很简单了 区间查询最小值线段树维护(st表也可以) 然后注意一下不要重复算一个就可以了 max函数用template<class T> 不能与原来min重名 代码: #pragma GCC optimize(2) #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define IL inline #define rint register int #define rep(i,h,t) for (rint i=h;i<=t;i++) #define dep(i,t,h) for (rint i=t;i>=h;i--) const int N= 3e5; const ll INF= 1e18; const int N2= 1e7; ll dis[N],sum1[N],sum2[N]; int n,m,cnt; struct re{ int a; ll b; }; vector < int > ve; ll data1[N2],data2[N2]; int ls[N2],rs[N2]; char ss[ 1 << 27 ],*A=ss,*B= ss; IL char gc() { return (A==B&&(B=(A


烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-11-16 08:37:12
一、指针间传值详解 1.1、值传递 行参是实参的拷贝,改变形参的值并不会影响外部实参的值。从被调用函数的角度来说,值传递是单向的(实参 -> 形参),参数的值只能传入,不能传出。当函数内部需要修改参数,并且不希望这个改变影响调用者时,采用值传递。 1.2、指针传递 形参为指向实参地址的指针,当对形参的指向操作时,就相当于对实参本身进行操作。 1.3、引用传递 形参相当于是实参的“别名”,对形参的操作其实就是对实参的操作,在引用传递过程中,被调函数的形式参数虽然也作为局部变量在栈中开辟了内存空间,但是这时存放的是由主调函数放进来的实参变量的地址。被调函数对形参的任何操作都被处理成间接寻址,即通过栈中存放的地址访问主调函数中的实参变量。正因为如此,被调函数对形参做的任何操作都影响了主调 函数中的实参变量。 // pass by value void swap ( int a , int b ) { int temp = a ; a = b ; b = temp ; } // pass by address void swap1 ( int * a , int * b ) { int temp = * a ; * a = * b ; * b = temp ; } // pass by reference void swap2 ( int & a , int & b ) { int