
jQuery click function with localStorage not working

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2021-02-11 16:55:00
问题 I want to set a theme preference cookie for a link function. Here's how the HTML of the element looks like: <li class="menu-item theme-item"> <a href="javascript:void()" class="btn" aria-pressed="false">Theme Toggle</a> </li> And here's how the jQuery function for this element is set: $('.theme-item .btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).attr('aria-pressed', $(this).attr('aria-pressed') === 'false' ? 'true' : 'false'); $('html').attr('data-theme', $('html').attr('data

How I prevent having too much parameters in a function. C++ [closed]

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-11 15:39:35
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 10 months ago . Improve this question I am making a game engine with C++ and Opengl. I making a small game to test my incomplete engine. But after adding classes like Camera, Renderder, Level, Player, Zombie and Human, My Player class's function parameters getting long about 8 arguments because

Leaflet how to take individual values ​in GeoJSON?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-02-11 15:31:22
问题 I would like to do this in the Leaflet! I have a GeoJSON file with these data: "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "MultiPoint", "coordinates": [ [ -123.77252789, 44.37857221 ], [ -123.77317087, 44.37864694 ], [ -123.77383407, 44.37875853 ] ] }, "properties": { "title" : "tillicum", "path_options" : { "color" : "red" }, "time": [ 1580403952000, 1580403990000, 1580404202000 ], "speed": [ 85, 88, 90 ], "altitude": [ 29, 50, 69 ], "heading": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "horizontal_accuracy": [ 87, 79, 59

How can I get key-value pair(s) without displaying function return message in JS

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-11 14:23:05
问题 I hava a nested object like: let menu = { vegetarian: { vegStarter: { plainPizza: 100, redChilliPizza: 150, cheesePizza: 200, capsicumPizza: 160, onionPizza: 200, }, vegMainCourse: { pepperoniPizza: 150, mushroomsPizza: 160, extraCheesePizza: 250, blackOlivesPizza: 220, greenPeppersPizza: 180, } }, nonVegetarian: { nonVegStarter: { supremeMeatPizza: 100, meatPizza: 130, meatLoversPizza: 160, chickenPizza: 200, chilliMeatPizza: 200 }, nonVegMainCourse: { butterMeatPizza: 220, spicyChickenPizza

How do I create a function that defines a moving threshold along local maxima in R?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-11 14:01:01
问题 The goal is to quantify a certain growth. The definition is as follows: Every value in the sequence shall be compared to the preceding value and if the following value is greater than the preceding one, it shall be taken into regard (returned). If not, it shall be dropped. Consequently, the greater value is used as a new reference for the following ones. A threshold that moves with the ascending values. I've tried this: growthdata<-c(21679, 21722, 21788, 21863, 21833, 21818, 21809, 21834,

Run php function in mPDF

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-02-11 13:59:16
问题 Helllo. I have a problem when try run php function in mPDF html code. For examle: funtion.php: function write(){echo "123"} mPDF file: $html ='<html>'.write().'</html>'; but in pdf file not display "123" 回答1: function write(){ $message = "123"; return $message; } Use return instead of echo . You want to print the output of your function not something that is printed in the function. small note : in this example echo will also work, the error is in your syntax. You should be getting a syntax

calling vbScript function from button input type

大憨熊 提交于 2021-02-11 13:58:39
问题 I have the following function declared in the tag of a classic asp page that i did not write but need to edit; <SCRIPT language="VBScript"> sub confirmuser(sSubtype, sAction) ' this prompts user to confirm their action and sets hidden form fields. ' current subtypes are 1) Free Trial 2) Equity 3) Mutual Funds. ' current actions are 1) subscribe 2) unsubscribe sConfirmMessage = "Clicking on the OK button below will " & sAction & " login <%=rtrim(session("WebID"))%> " & _ "to the " & sSubtype

calling vbScript function from button input type

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-11 13:58:21
问题 I have the following function declared in the tag of a classic asp page that i did not write but need to edit; <SCRIPT language="VBScript"> sub confirmuser(sSubtype, sAction) ' this prompts user to confirm their action and sets hidden form fields. ' current subtypes are 1) Free Trial 2) Equity 3) Mutual Funds. ' current actions are 1) subscribe 2) unsubscribe sConfirmMessage = "Clicking on the OK button below will " & sAction & " login <%=rtrim(session("WebID"))%> " & _ "to the " & sSubtype

JavaScript: Does an async function create a new thread?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-02-11 13:52:48
问题 Mozilla’s documentation on XMLHttpRequest includes the following on the async parameter: Note: Synchronous requests on the main thread can be easily disruptive to the user experience and should be avoided; in fact, many browsers have deprecated synchronous XHR support on the main thread entirely. That makes sense, as you don’t what to hold up the main thread waiting for an indeterminate period of time. If I create an async function which includes usng XMLHttpRequest , would that qualify as a

how to clear or overwrite document.write() on browser when my next filter(basically a condition) match in JS

十年热恋 提交于 2021-02-11 12:50:53
问题 I have an array of objects. let mainMenu = [ { brand: "Zara", type: "Shirt", gender: ["Men", "Women", "Boys", "Girls"], size: "Small", image: "", description: "", price: "300", colour: "Red", stock: "10", discount: 5, rating: "4" }, { brand: "Nike", type: "Shirt", gender: ["Men", "Women", "Boys"], size: "Medium", image: "", description: "", price: "600", colour: "Red", stock: "20", discount: 5, rating: "5" }, { brand: "Adidas", type: "Shirt", gender: ["Men", "Women"], size: "Large", image: ""