
Saving multiple dataframes to multiple excel sheets multiple times?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2021-01-28 12:30:24
问题 I have a function to save multiple dataframes as multiple tables to single excel workbook sheet: def multiple_dfs(df_list, sheets, file_name, spaces): writer = pd.ExcelWriter(file_name,engine='xlsxwriter') row = 0 for dataframe in df_list: dataframe.to_excel(writer,sheet_name=sheets,startrow=row , startcol=0) row = row + len(dataframe.index) + spaces + 1 If I call this function multiple times to write multiple tables to multiple sheets, I end up with just one workbook and one

Utilizing functions within across() in dplyr to work with paired-columns

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-01-28 12:25:33
问题 set.seed(3) library(dplyr) x <- tibble(Measure = c("Height","Weight","Width","Length"), AD1_1= rpois(4,10), AD1_2= rpois(4,9), AD2_1= rpois(4,10), AD2_2= rpois(4,9), AD3_1= rpois(4,10), AD3_2= rpois(4,9)) Suppose I have data that looks like this. I wish to run a function for each AD, paired with underscored number, i.e., AD1fun, AD2fun,AD3fun. Instead of writing, fun <- function(x,y){x-y} dat %>% mutate(AD1fun = fun(AD1_1,AD1_2), AD2fun = fun(AD2_1,AD2_2), ...) Finding the differences of

Golang - pass struct as argument to function

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-01-28 12:24:50
问题 I have to parse some nested JSON, which translates into a Go type, like this: type Config struct { Mail struct { From string To string Password string } Summary struct { Send bool Interval int } } Now I want to call a function for each key (Mail, Summary), I tried it like this: utils.StartNewMailer(config.Mail) The problem is, how do I construct the called function, I tried to mirror the Mail struct (and called it mailConfig ), since I can't pass an arbitrary struct as an argument. func

Utilizing functions within across() in dplyr to work with paired-columns

不问归期 提交于 2021-01-28 12:17:51
问题 set.seed(3) library(dplyr) x <- tibble(Measure = c("Height","Weight","Width","Length"), AD1_1= rpois(4,10), AD1_2= rpois(4,9), AD2_1= rpois(4,10), AD2_2= rpois(4,9), AD3_1= rpois(4,10), AD3_2= rpois(4,9)) Suppose I have data that looks like this. I wish to run a function for each AD, paired with underscored number, i.e., AD1fun, AD2fun,AD3fun. Instead of writing, fun <- function(x,y){x-y} dat %>% mutate(AD1fun = fun(AD1_1,AD1_2), AD2fun = fun(AD2_1,AD2_2), ...) Finding the differences of

How to call every function in an imported python module

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-01-28 11:44:20
问题 I have a program that I wrote that is creating and maintaining an array and I have another module that I wrote that has functions to manipulate the array. Is it possible to call every function in the imported module without having to hard code every function call? Meaning something like this: #Some way I don't know of to get a list of function objects listOfFunctions = module.getAllFunctions() for function in listOfFunctions: array.function() I want to do this so I don't have to update my

How to call every function in an imported python module

故事扮演 提交于 2021-01-28 11:41:03
问题 I have a program that I wrote that is creating and maintaining an array and I have another module that I wrote that has functions to manipulate the array. Is it possible to call every function in the imported module without having to hard code every function call? Meaning something like this: #Some way I don't know of to get a list of function objects listOfFunctions = module.getAllFunctions() for function in listOfFunctions: array.function() I want to do this so I don't have to update my

Multivariate lambda function in Python that scales with number of input variables received

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-01-28 11:26:35
问题 The following toy function ordinarily takes two input variables: f = lambda u1, u2 : (u1*u2)*(u1**2+u2**2) but can scale beyond the bivariate case to higher dimensions: if dim == 2: f = lambda u1, u2 : (u1*u2)*(u1**2+u2**2) if dim == 3: f = lambda u1, u2, u3 : (u1*u2*u3)*(u1**2+u2**2+u3**2) if dim == 4: f = lambda u1, u2, u3, u4 : (u1*u2*u3*u4)*(u1**2+u2**2+u3**2+u4**2) How can the lambda function be written so that it can expand itself in the call lambda u1, u2, u3, u4, ... as well as the

Python: Apply a function to multiple subsets of a dataframe (stored in a dictionary)

梦想与她 提交于 2021-01-28 11:16:07
问题 Regards, Apologies if this question appears be to a duplicate of other questions. But I could find an answer that addresses my problem in its exactitude. I split a dataframe, called "data", into multiple subsets that are stored in a dictionary of dataframes named "dfs" as follows: # Partition DF dfs = {} chunk = 5 for n in range((data.shape[0] // chunk + 1)): df_temp = data.iloc[n*chunk:(n+1)*chunk] df_temp = df_temp.reset_index(drop=True) dfs[n] = df_temp Now, I would like to apply a pre

How to access nested function in Javascript from another function?

匆匆过客 提交于 2021-01-28 11:11:43
问题 In case I have import axios from "axios"; function model() { function getAll() { return axios .get("http://localhost:3000/teams") .then(response =>; } } export default model; How can I access getAll() method from another component ? I tried importing model and then referring it to getAll - model.getAll() , but it complains that the method is undefined. I tried referring to Calling a Function defined inside another function in Javascript , but could not find the solution. Is

Python: Redefine function so that it references its own self

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-01-28 09:47:38
问题 Say I have got some function fun , the actual code body of which is out of my control. I can create a new function which does some preprocessing before calling fun , i.e. def process(x): x += 1 return fun(x) If I now want process to take the place of fun for all future calls to fun , I need to do something like # Does not work fun = process This does not work however, as this creates a cyclic reference problem as now fun is called from within the body of fun . One solution I have found is to