
visualfreebasic 5正式版(可视化编程环境)

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-04 17:27:41
visualfreebasic 5 是基于FreeBasic编程语言开发的一款IDE工具,集成了IDE、编译器、帮助、函数库等,且承担了非常繁琐的核心操作,让用户只注重应用层面开发,轻轻松松进行编程,其他的都不需要操心,不管你是新手还是高手,在这里都能发挥你极致的编程水平。该软件拥有和VB6高度相似的语法规则,C语言的强大底层,你可任意调用C语言标准函数,并支持可视化工程编程和纯代码工程编程,这对于资深高手来说,是个不错的选择,而且visualfreebasic还提供一整套的代码提示、自动补全及代码说明提示,绝对能够满足新手和资深编程爱好者快速、高效、高质量编写各种类型应用软件的需求。最重要的是,它永久免费,无任何限制、植入、广告,也无需安装,部署环境以及任何运行库,解压后即可直接使用,下文奉上了详细的编程入门教程。欢迎有需要的小伙伴们前来下载体验。 主要功能 -可视化编辑窗口和控件,提供各种控件使用。 -组织窗口和控件生成代码,包括事件处理。 -让FreeBasic支持中文函数名称、中文变量名和中文的控件名称。 -提供一整套的代码提示、自动补全及代码说明提示 -自动组织资源文件,图标、图像、任意文件可以加入资源中。 -内嵌帮助、库 等 visualfreebasic编程入门教程 1、在本站下载解压,得到visualfreebasic 5正式版软件包; 2、双击运行

free basic compiler error 23: File not found, libsupc++.a

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-01-17 13:05:23
问题 I am trying to compile a simple a hello world QBASIC program in ubutu 12.04. Compiler is downloaded and installed as instructed here. Also I posted it on but reported to post here. Here is my simple QBASIC program and compilation details. print "hello word" I compiled it with fbc hello.bas But I got the following error. hello.bas() error

free basic compiler error 23: File not found, libsupc++.a

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-01-17 13:03:05
问题 I am trying to compile a simple a hello world QBASIC program in ubutu 12.04. Compiler is downloaded and installed as instructed here. Also I posted it on but reported to post here. Here is my simple QBASIC program and compilation details. print "hello word" I compiled it with fbc hello.bas But I got the following error. hello.bas() error

free basic compiler error 23: File not found, libsupc++.a

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-01-17 13:02:35
问题 I am trying to compile a simple a hello world QBASIC program in ubutu 12.04. Compiler is downloaded and installed as instructed here. Also I posted it on but reported to post here. Here is my simple QBASIC program and compilation details. print "hello word" I compiled it with fbc hello.bas But I got the following error. hello.bas() error


丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-03 15:59:04
1.我的环境 操作系统:32位 Win7 旗舰版 Service Pack 1 2.安装FreeBasic编译器 OSC上FreeBasic的页面是: FreeBasic官方网站的首页是: FreeBasic的下载页面是: 我要在32位Win7电脑上安装FreeBasic,所以下载时选择了“Windows Binaries”下的 FreeBASIC-1.00.0-win32.exe: FB installer for Windows 32bit (x86) 下载后安装包的图标是这样的: 文件名称为 FreeBASIC-1.00.0-win32.exe,双击该文件开始安装 先设置要安装到的地址 再设置添加到开始菜单的目录名 设置完毕后单击“Install”按钮开始安装,进入读条界面,读条完毕后单击“Close”按钮结束安装 至此FreeBASIC编译器就安装完毕了 3.安装FBIde编译环境 OSC上FBIde的页面为: FBIde官网地址为: 这个地址同时也是FBIde的下载地址 单击按钮

How can I convert QBASIC PLAY Commands to Something More Contemporary?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-01 04:28:34
I have play commands in my QB application like this: PLAY "MSe8f#4f#8f#8g8a8b4.a4.g4.f#4.o0b8o1e8e8e4d8e2." I'd like to convert these somehow into something modern applications could use. Any thoughts? I'm currently messing around with the application in FreeBasic. You can convert your Play strings into WAV files with a tool like this (C code): // file: play2wav.c #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358 #endif double Note2Freq(int Note) // Note=1 = C1 (32.7032 Hz), Note=84 = B7 (3951.07 Hz) { double

How can I convert QBASIC PLAY Commands to Something More Contemporary?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-01 01:59:00
问题 I have play commands in my QB application like this: PLAY "MSe8f#4f#8f#8g8a8b4.a4.g4.f#4.o0b8o1e8e8e4d8e2." I'd like to convert these somehow into something modern applications could use. Any thoughts? I'm currently messing around with the application in FreeBasic. 回答1: You can convert your Play strings into WAV files with a tool like this (C code): // file: play2wav.c #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3