
Using php to write to a log file

五迷三道 提交于 2020-11-29 02:55:18
问题 First of I am very very very very bad with php so sorry for this question I have an application in which i would like to log some debug data and through my project i make a webrequest to my site storing the information in $msg i then want to write the data to my logfile.log on the site. i first used fopen fwrite fclose, but heard that file_put_contents would be better especially as i very likely will have several users trying to write to the file at once. Here's the code: $msg = $_GET['w'];

Using php to write to a log file

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-11-29 02:52:16
问题 First of I am very very very very bad with php so sorry for this question I have an application in which i would like to log some debug data and through my project i make a webrequest to my site storing the information in $msg i then want to write the data to my logfile.log on the site. i first used fopen fwrite fclose, but heard that file_put_contents would be better especially as i very likely will have several users trying to write to the file at once. Here's the code: $msg = $_GET['w'];

what is the reason for fopen's failure to open a file

北战南征 提交于 2020-08-18 17:53:04
问题 I have the following code where I am trying to open a text file. char frd[32]="word-list.txt"; FILE *rd=fopen(frd,"rb"); if(!rd) std::cout<<"Coudn't open file\t"<<frd; I am using vc 2010 and the file is in the debug directory of this project. Can anyone tell me why it is not able to open the file? 回答1: #include<stdio.h> #include <errno.h> int main() { errno = 0; FILE *fb = fopen("/home/jeegar/filename","r"); if(fb==NULL) printf("its null"); else printf("working"); printf("Error %d \n", errno)

Crazy PHP fopen / fwrite / file_put_contents / move_uploaded_file bug with binary mode writing on CentOS Linux Adding 0x0D to every 0x0A

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-06-13 05:03:32
问题 Seems the file keeps adding 0x0D to my saved binary files no matter what setting I put in the fopen mode flag. It's not only affecting fopen / fwrite .. but also file_put_contents . file_get_contents I thought was the problem to begin with.. but it turns out this one is actually working okay.. because when I dumped the file using bin2hex() it came out good. I was blaming at first the std::string in C++ for this bug.. but it turns out it doesn't even have anything to do with C++ but it's in

Crazy PHP fopen / fwrite / file_put_contents / move_uploaded_file bug with binary mode writing on CentOS Linux Adding 0x0D to every 0x0A

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-06-13 05:01:27
问题 Seems the file keeps adding 0x0D to my saved binary files no matter what setting I put in the fopen mode flag. It's not only affecting fopen / fwrite .. but also file_put_contents . file_get_contents I thought was the problem to begin with.. but it turns out this one is actually working okay.. because when I dumped the file using bin2hex() it came out good. I was blaming at first the std::string in C++ for this bug.. but it turns out it doesn't even have anything to do with C++ but it's in

Fopen accept self signed certificate

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-05-29 04:00:48
问题 i would like to get the result of my page in https in a php variable but the fopen fonction return false; i think this error can be product by the ssl certifacte which is self signed fopen("", "rb")) Warning: fopen(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed Is it a php ssl configuration to accept all certificate ? 回答1: see Error when loading external xml file with php

php://input 和 fopen

北慕城南 提交于 2020-04-06 19:51:37
个人理解:php://input 相当于POST 作用,譬如我提交数据的时候,我截取头文件 判断是否是正确的文件类型。 php://input 是个可以访问请求的原始数据的只读流。 $raw_post_data = file_get_contents ( 'php://input' ); 参考资料: 判断文件 php://input 用法 来源: oschina 链接:


…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-04-04 01:25:06
c语言读写文件操作函数位于stdio.h头文件 读文件:fgetc(按字符)、fgets(按字符串)、fread(按数据块)、fscanf(按指定格式化); 写文件:fputc(按字符)、fputs(按字符串)、fwrite(按数据块)、fprintf(按指定格式化); 主要涉及操作函数:fopen、fclose; fopen: 解释: 函数原型:FILE * __cdecl fopen(_In_z_ const char * _Filename, _In_z_ const char * _Mode); 说明: 参数:_Filename--文件路径、_Mode--文件操作模式(读,写,追加) 返回值:文件顺利打开后,指向该流的 文件指针 就会被返回。如果文件打开失败则返回 NULL ,并把 错误代码 存在errno 中; (更详细的资料请移步: ) fgetc: 解释:意为从 文件指针 stream指向的文件中读取一个字符,读取一个字节后,光标位置后移一个字节; 函数原型:int __cdecl fgetc(_Inout_ FILE * _File); 说明: 参数:_File--指向FILE类型的指针 返回值:返回所读取的一个字节,如果读到文件末尾或者读取出错时返回EOF; 例程: void readc