
Using the 'GRAPH' keyword in SPARQL to fetch remote graphs

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-21 10:17:00
问题 I'm looking to use SPARQL for a relatively basic task: Given a FOAF graph, I'd like to parse the elements I find in there, get their tags (if they exist) and then, use those as new graphs from which to find information about those people. So for instance, you could imagine a simple use case where I want to run a SPARQL query to list all of my favorite foods (as per my FOAF file), and also the favorite foods of all my friends. Here is what this looks like at the moment. Note that for testing

Developing a Semantic Web Application

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-13 11:18:27
问题 Although i have a little bit of experience in developing dynamic websites using ASP technologies, but I am new to semantic web programming, and i intend to implement a website based on semantic web technology.I would like to develop a search engine, where a web user can query for keywords from the backend RDF triple store.I want to implement the website using Java and JSP.I have following questions: I am currently studying Jena framework and SPARQL to start with,but i am not sure what other

What is the difference between DatatypeProperty, ObjectProperty, & FunctionalProperty, and when should I use them?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-04 07:48:34
问题 When writing an ontology, there are several very commonly used types, including: DatatypeProperty ObjectProperty FunctionalProperty InverseFunctionalProperty The first three kinda look like they'd be used in a particular set of ways, but I find my idea of them being challenged by how I've seen them used in FOAF. When should each of them be used or not be used? 回答1: The first two of these, DatatypeProperty and ObjectProperty, describe what kind of values a triple with the property should have.

Using the 'GRAPH' keyword in SPARQL to fetch remote graphs

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-04 04:18:10
I'm looking to use SPARQL for a relatively basic task: Given a FOAF graph, I'd like to parse the elements I find in there, get their tags (if they exist) and then, use those as new graphs from which to find information about those people. So for instance, you could imagine a simple use case where I want to run a SPARQL query to list all of my favorite foods (as per my FOAF file), and also the favorite foods of all my friends. Here is what this looks like at the moment. Note that for testing purposes, at the moment all I'm trying to do with the query below is fetch the name of the friend,

What is the difference between DatatypeProperty, ObjectProperty, & FunctionalProperty, and when should I use them?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-02 16:46:11
When writing an ontology, there are several very commonly used types, including: DatatypeProperty ObjectProperty FunctionalProperty InverseFunctionalProperty The first three kinda look like they'd be used in a particular set of ways, but I find my idea of them being challenged by how I've seen them used in FOAF. When should each of them be used or not be used? Joshua Taylor The first two of these, DatatypeProperty and ObjectProperty, describe what kind of values a triple with the property should have. Datatype properties relate individuals to literal data (e.g., strings, numbers, datetypes,

dbpedia fetch entitites in language other than english

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-01 09:11:43
I'm trying to extract entity dictionary contains person name etc. from dbpedia using sparql. PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX dbpprop: <> SELECT ?name WHERE { ?person a owl:Person . ?person dbpprop:name ?name . FILTER(lang(?name) = "en") } The query above did succeed, but when I change the language name to fr , there is nothing to fetch. How can I fetch names in other languages? Moreover, why can't I filter language using query below? SELECT ?name WHERE { ?person a owl:Person . ?person dbpprop:language "English" ?person dbpprop:name ?name . } //

dbpedia fetch entitites in language other than english

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-01 07:30:19
问题 I'm trying to extract entity dictionary contains person name etc. from dbpedia using sparql. PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX dbpprop: <> SELECT ?name WHERE { ?person a owl:Person . ?person dbpprop:name ?name . FILTER(lang(?name) = "en") } The query above did succeed, but when I change the language name to fr , there is nothing to fetch. How can I fetch names in other languages? Moreover, why can't I filter language using query below? SELECT ?name

Retrieving a DBpedia resource by its string name with SPARQL

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-11-27 19:29:29
问题 I am trying to get the resource describing country Romania by the country name with this query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX : <> SELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE { ?x foaf:name 'Romania' } SPARQL results However, it does not retrieve anything. How can I get the resource ( :Romania ) by the string 'Romania' . If I want to retrieve the name of the country by the country resource I use the following query which works